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Why is my Ghost Pepper plant making tiny peppers ?

Does anyone know what has happened to my Ghost pepper plant?
It's about 4 years full of peppers...but has been making tiny peppers lately.
Last year four huge green caterpillars ate all of the leaves off the plant...but it came back this year stronger than ever...bumper crop.
I'll probably bring the plant inside soon - it is cooler....but shouldn't be the reason - live in Louisiana
Tiny Peppers.jpg
Good Peppers.jpg

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Maybe these didn’t get pollinated properly? They self pollinate, but excessive humidity, etc may have means less thorough Coverage or clumped unviable pollen. Remember, each pollen contributes to one seed.

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Thanks - learned something today.

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I assume that the plant is in a pot, since you said that you will be bringing it inside. How large is the pot, and have you re-potted it recently? I never keep them year to year, but I have had habanero peppers that got rootbound put out a lot more flowers than normal; this happened at the end of the season, in late Sept. or Oct. here, and I didn't even get any peppers from it, as there wouldn't have been enough time for them to mature - I just pulled the plants from the pots, and they were solid roots. But the peppers probably would have been like yours, if I had left them. It's a stress thing, and they go into survival mode, which was probably also triggered by the shorter days and colder weather.

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That is my thinking too. It probably needs to be repotted and fertilized.

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It's in a pretty big pot - but hasn't been moved in at least two years...this year it made tons of fruit.
Probably worth a refresh, thanks for the tip.

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