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Location: Brisbane, Australia

Rose buds, short stems?

Some of my rose buds are forming with very short stems ie. 2 cm (length). Previously, they have bloomed with much longer stems 25-30 cm in length. What would cause this to occur?

Posts: 14064
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

You need to prune roses after each bloom and feed them. If you do not prune back the weak growth, the roses on thin stems will be shorter and smaller. You should feed your roses after each bloom cycle, they are heavy feeders. I prune back roses in season to stems that are at least 1/4 inch in diameter. Annually, I need to cut back to the strongest canes and leave the roses only about 8 inches tall. I don't have winter snow, so I just do it in the rainy season. I can have roses all year. You can get a lot of information about rose care from your local rose society. You need to make sure your tools are very clean and spray the blade with alcohol after every cut. Do not cut into diseased wood and then into good wood. Do the healthy pruning first and disease parts pruning later, then clean your tools preferably with a torch between plants. Keep the blades very sharp.

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