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Missed Watering Juniper

I am new to the forum. I have been in to Bonsai off and on for years. I just recently got a really nice Procumbrens nana that is about 10" tall. It is now planted in good Bonsai soil (pumus, turface, and akidama). I left Wednesday for an overnight out of town. Watered the trees Wednesday morning with humidity trays underneath. Came back Thursday night and forgot to check the trees. Friday morning they seemed to be starting to dry out, but decided to water them when I got back from an appointment. When I got home, I fell asleep and then later this evening went out to water them and the new Juniper was very dry. I quickly watered all of the trees.

Any chance, I may have killed it? I have never let a tree get that dry. It seemed like it still had some moisture in the morning.


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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Only time will tell. If it wasn't limp or it doesn't turn brown, it may make it. Once junipers start to go downhill, it is hard to stop. On the good side, if they are healthy they don't have to be constantly moist.

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Thank you. Unfortunately, I had trays underneath the trees when I watered them and the trays were drained, but then much more water drained out after I went to bed only to wake up in the morning to find that the trees were water logged overnight (8 hours). I quickly removed them from the trays and set them in the morning sun. A whole day has passed and they are still very wet. I am using very good Bonsai soil. I hope they take up some water and will survive. I have learned my lesson about missing a watering and about trays (which I typically never use, but put them there because we were away for a couple of days.

Posts: 14062
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

The trays will do more damage than the missed watering for sure. Only time will tell.

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