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Need assistance identifying trees/shrubs/bushes

Hey everyone, we need help identifying a number of plants on the property we just purchased. There are a number we don't recognize so I will upload photos as we take them. It is currently winter where we are so we understand this may be a difficult task at this stage but we are hoping a few of these plants will be familiar to some of you. Any advice or guesses are appreciated. For those plants unable to be identified, we will upload more pictures as spring makes them easier to identify. Thanks so much in advance.
2018-03-20 17.40.18.jpg
2018-03-20 17.40.03.jpg
2018-03-20 17.39.29.jpg
2018-03-20 17.39.17.jpg
2018-03-20 17.37.43.jpg
2018-03-20 17.37.28.jpg
2018-03-20 17.18.28.jpg

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A few more....
2018-03-20 21.28.00.jpg
2018-03-20 21.27.49.jpg
2018-03-20 21.27.36.jpg

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Haha nothing but sticks in the snow will be practically impossible to ID. It would be better if you provided some kind of size reference or mention how tall and wide. Right now, a yardstick stuck in the snow next to them would be one method. Common object could act as reference, too. Big trees — a good look at the bark is sometimes helpful.

Ones with some leaves and/or dead flowerhead clinging would benefit from a 2nd close up shot. Some of those are likely perennials or annuals and need to be cut to the ground and removed.


....the thorny little shrub in the very last photo looks like a barberry to me.

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Agree with applestar. We need better pics and a general location. I'm guessing northeast North America. Love all the snow and snow fencing and wind breaks, by the way.

The third pic looks to me to be a red twig dogwood, Cornus sericea. Possibly the second pic too, but there isn't enough detail.

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Hey I'm in zone 4b in the Cariboo Valley of British Columbia Canada. Here are some additional plants I am trying to identify :) I will take with something close for size reference in the future. thanks in advance

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That last green plant looks so much like sage, but I thought sage was only hardy to zone 5....

The other one — From the seeds, definitely something in the aster family but need to narrow down further....

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I thought the same re: sage! It smells like it. Thanks :)

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