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Re: Applestar’s 2024 Garden

Warm weather seedlings are officially starting — first up were Jersey Devil tomatoes and the. Chocolate Cake X with brown fruits. These are being pre-germinated until green sprouts emerge then uppotted into cut up cell trays.

Mini pack choi and kohlrabi, etc. are in the front of group photo,

…and outside, my Mailbox bed stepovers are needing to be pruned! The callery pear is blooming already (probably due to warmth reflected from the pavement). Not sure what to do about that Red Juniper volunteer — not really a good companion for the callery pear and crabapple especially if they start trading cedar-apple rust — but might be fun to prune into interesting mini-bonsai style topiary….
…Also, Bearded Irises are starting to creep out-of-bounds onto the sidewalk and will need to be cut back to stay corralled inside the stepovers.

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Joining the Eastern Magic and Green Magic broccoli seedlings that have been out in the Patio Hoophouse since the first week of March, I evicted
- baby cabbage Pixie,
- mini napa cabbage Emiko,
- Kolibri and Kongo kohlrabi,
- mini pak choi Green Jewel,
- odd Marveille de Quatre Saisons lettuce here and there, and
- Sweet Marjoram
The created space under the lights inside were immediately occupied by some newly sprouted peppers, eggplants, tomatillos, and tomatoes, as well as the golden sesame seedlings.

I think the pre-germinated and sown garden pea Emerald Archer, and the Blauschokker Bleu and Marrowfat soup peas, plus (maybe) the sweet corn might be able to go out to the Patio Hoophouse as soon as they sprout as well.

…Most of the other newer seeds have pre-germinated — I’m going to be scrambling to get them all sown within the next couple of days!
Screenshot of seedling map
Screenshot of seedling map

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On Monday, our invalid, “hospice care” kitty enjoyed some sun in front of the house with the DD’s :D
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Seedlings are rapidly germinating and sprouting. I’m having to community plant the pre-germinated sprouted seeds. I’ll inventory later on for ones that failed to germinate and finalize the likely full list.
Sometimes they’ll still surprise you, but I’m going to be super busy uppotting these so I might just cull them from the list….

With the variegated varieties, I need to plant them together in big enough container to grow to 3rd set of true leaves to ID those best performers to grow on.

With others I WANT to separate into non-stunting sized cells or pots/cups if I can manage to find the room to spread out (best scenario would be that the weather would cooperate and let me move them out to the hoophouses….)

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Here’s a screenshot collage from yesterday. (If anyone’s curious about any of the details and want to see a better pic, let me know.)

Top Row —
Left is that Winter Indoor Tomato. The fruits are finally color breaking. This was an accidental growout of some seeds last fall that germinated during fermentation for saving seeds. It wouldn’t even l have been my top pick if I was growing intentionally. But it goes to show that for actual winter HARVEST, seeds need to be started much earlier — I believe I had previously concluded that July 4th to end of July at latest would be about the right time.

Center and Bottom-Right show pics of the last group of tomato seeds to be started for pre-germinating/sprouting (my segregating cross breeding projects) … and most of these have one or mor (or most) seeds with root tips, sprout loops, or even unfurled seed leaves growing.

I’m trying something new this year, and started tomatoes late-ish (mid March) and started corn rather early at the same time. (Planting them early is also supposed to be a way to get the corn producing ahead of the corn earworm moth season….)

This will mean the corn will be ready to plant before last average front date, but I have to set up a protective low tunnel agains bunnies, so I can easily cover with floating cover and/or vented poly, insect mesh, etc. as needed.

To make more indoor room, I took the corn seedlings out to the Patio Hoophoise to join the peas and brassicas, herbs, etc.
Since I found a dead mouse in the mouse trap, I had to devise a protective milk crate, just in case there are more and end up thinking I was setting out a buffet on the table.

It was sunny and warm yesterday, and tadpoles were out and about in the pond.

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My cross-breeding project segregates have sprouted and are being uppotted into community cells. Nearly stabilized cherry lines diverged last year with some surprises, and last years revived F1 seeds from way back showed promising traits that had been anticipated in the original inspiration for the cross, and are now advancing to F2.
Last group that was started and sprouted are these — (mostly) my variegated microdwarf project segregates… and I was surprised to see the high antho in the sprouting seed loops of the S7xA.F4 crosses.

They had been ousted to downstairs ‘Winter Wonderland’ due to space constraints in the upstairs ‘Yellow Room’ — maybe it got significantly colder during the night?

They ARE derived from the Shimofuri segregate which exhibits antho pink in the stems during the cooler spring growth period. I have to review notes but I think I saw some of that last year in the F3’s … which may explain the dark purple hypocotyl, especially if antho traits begin to show up more in the F4.

In any case, these will provide another exciting growout. :()

…Have started assessing the non-viable/abandon seed list and am ruthlessly tossing them out rather than dragging on, hopefully, but ultimately ending up with moldy seeds most of the time. Even when rare straggler shows up, they tend to be weak seedlings that may or may not manage to survive….

NON-VIABLE/abandoned seeds/varieties (as of 3/31)

Tithonia Fiesta del Sol Pinetree’22
Listada di Gandia VG.SIP’16
Hari g2’15
Hon Naganasu Hosoda’15
Orient Express F2 2.1.15

Rosella Asian Sour Leaf 北澤’16
Nasturtium Alaska mix

Donkey Ears paddymc
Largo de Reus “original”
Giant Sweet Devil’s Horn 2018
Pepperoni di Senise Italigarden’14

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We are on round the clock care rotation for our little invalid, and I’m on watch right now. She will go in the litterbox, but needs to be reminded every 3 hours, and recently, needs to be carried to the bathroom and her onesie released and pulled up above hind legs.

Afterwards, when she is feeling well, she is able to (determinedly) walk back to the TV room or even climb the stairs to the bedroom, but she often needs to stop and rest along the way once or more times.

Over the winter, she has also preferred our lap to the catbed in front of the space heater in the family room, or the catbed on the heated stadium cushion on a bed.

When we’re downstairs, she toddles over to the computer chair, sits in front of it, and stare at it — to DEMAND someone sit there: “I WANT LAP.”
Here I am, obliging her — she really seems to sleep most comfortably this way in between her potty breaks.

…The reason the computer chair is the established LAP location is because this is the best ergonomic work chair setup with memoryfoam hiney cushion and flexible lumber support backrest and footrest… ;)

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The weather has been so wet! At least I have that as excuse for not having prepped beds to plant in outside.

I also need to prune fruit trees and clean up the winter debris, mend plant beds and supports, fences, etc. etc.

Indoors, I did plant the last group of pre-germinated and sprouted tomato seedlings, and also spread out some of the seedlings that had been planted last week.

Earliest ones are ready to be uppotted, too.

I took pics but haven’t had the chance to organize them yet.

…The problem is that, true to last average frost not being until end of April, we are in for some near freezing temps overnight near dawn for the next few days.

My tomato seedlings will need to be uppotted and spread out really soon though….

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Pictures of some of the tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers seedlings from the last couple of days:
…and randomly arranged seedling maps including the brassicas, peas and corn, etc. in the Patio Hoophouse:

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Everything is looking great, apple! So how much did you feel those vibrations yesterday? You're a little closer than me, and I definitely felt it, first thinking if might be the train, that runs a block and a half from my house. But after a few seconds, I knew that couldn't be it! Hmmmmm...I wonder if the vibrations benefit the seeds??? :lol:

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That was wild wasn’t it? I was seated at the time and felt the motions — truck? construction? were my first thoughts but immediately (I guess from childhood experience, though that was LONG time ago…?) recognized it for earthquake as I verified by looking at hanging things swaying, just long enough to be sure — they said it only lasted about 20~30 seconds.

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apple, There was a time in the early 90s, when we had an earthquake in this area - I remember the time period, because I was working inside at a postal building, because I had screwed my shoulder up, so I was working on the computers for about 4 years, when the PO was just starting to enter everyone's addresses in the system! The computers, and other things in that building started moving, and everyone evacuated, and we were outside for about 2½ hours! I don't remember the level of that one, or where the epicenter was, just where I was, because they had to OK it for us to go back inside. The next building over had a lot more workers, and heavy machinery, and it took them even longer to get back inside.

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Yep. It’s a big deal when it happens around here… and exposes all the ways we’re not structurally and mentally prepared….

I remember that quake— wasn’t it centered around Valley Forge or King of Prussia. It was felt a bit more severely if I recall.

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Quakes can be scary. There have been a few here. The last major one cracked the perimeter tile wall and put an "X" in my garage floor. It also put some cracks in the walls. We get more small quakes. The Big Island gets the most up to 300 a day because of the volcanic activity.

I'm glad everyone is safe. Earthquakes usually come in a series as the tectonic plates aournd the world reset. It also can trigger new volanic acitivity.

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I finally got the chance to start working on getting my garden beds started for the season.

I uncovered the overwinter low tunnels down to the insect mesh layer and assessed what survived, and what I’m letting get out of hand.

Komatsuna in the Spiral Garden arc have all bolted but I didn’t get the chance to take care of them or harvest the floral trusses today. I also forgot I’d planted garlic along the edge in there and was pleasantly surprised to see them. It looks like they benefited from the extra winter protection.
I also took photos of the other garlic in the Vegetable Garden beds. You can see the difference in the less protected mini-row of garlic (insect-mesh and loosely covered vented poly) compared to rows that had been tightly covered with insect mesh+vented poly+floating cover.

I did pull some weeds around the garlic.
I *harvested* some of the more vigorous purple dead nettles (I want to try some fresh herbal tea which is said to help with spring allergies, and, later after I’ve accumulated some, make a skin healing salve.

In the Sunflower Hoophouse, I got all of the secondary interior coverings off and harvested the side shoots and bolted floral bud trusses, then loosened some of the outer hoophouse coverings for additional airflow.

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I didn’t have too much time today, but was able to get started on scrubbing the green mildew from some of the vinyl fence panels. This year, I’m trying my rechargeable cordless bathtub scrubber and found that, using three different brush heads, I could get one side of two panels clean before the battery lost too much power to scrub effectively. Third panel was almost done but needed some hand scrubbing finish.

Only peppermint scented liquid soap, some dish soap, and a bit of borax (to discourage wasps and kill ants along with removing bird poop/greasy dirt and mildew) — plus the long handled electric rotating brushes. There were a bit of gray stains left from worst of the lichen patches (that probably could be removed with oxyclean or bleach, but I won’t) — all in all, a success!

I want to get the section behind the Vegetable Gardenbed area finished first and replace the floating cover barrier to reduce the amount of drift through the pickets from the neighbor’s lawn service. I took the old sheets down the other day because they had become tattered and shabby. The other parts of the fence can be worked on with less urgency.

I’ve been uppotting more tomato and eggplant seedlings in the house, and need to make room in the Patio Hoophouse by planting out the cooler crop seedlings.

I checked the Patio Hoophouse and watered those seedlings with fortified water. I also found a big fat mouse in a snap trap I left close to the milk crates protecting the corn and pea seedlings, so it’s a good thing I took that precaution.

I don’t like using this kind, but we were having a “stray mouse that wandered in from the garage” problem, and we only use the live trap in the house — fortunately the hoophouse trap made a clean kill (broken neck).

Wandering mouse in the house was never a problem before, but our little invalid biddy was only able to alert us to its presence under the washing machine. It did elevate her interest and engagement for a couple of days — she was more alert and less moping around. (Yes it’s gone already).

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I found some carrots that survived the winter freeze AND hadn’t bolted yet in the minimally protected VG.SIP (Vegetable Garden Sub-irrigated Planter) and the 3-layer low tunnel protected “daikon, etc.” bed, in which all the daikon and napa suffered an early demise in late fall from a massive aphid infestation.
I also managed to get the picket fence barrier in place — in spite of the sudden drenching rain (I was SOAKED :roll: )

I walked around in the drizzle taking pictures of spring blossoms, but forgot to go inside the Side Yard Garden enclosure for pics of the blooming two pears and apple espaliers.

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Here we have a surprise. That accidental Winter Indoor Tomato started dropping fruits. It turned out to be a GWR even though only GWR I had last year was my surprise cherry variant in one of the cross breeding project… except THAT one grew to be nearly 7 feet tall and was going strong until frost — an INDETERMINATE.

This one is only maybe 30 inches tall. I had fully expected it to be one of my micro-dwarf projects — there were white, yellow, red, pink, and bicolor last season.

The fully ripe fruits are incredibly tasty — solid umami and unexpectedly very SWEET despite the Winter Indoor growing conditions, with strong tangy acid finish.

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Yesterday, our kitty followed her sister back to their Hunting Fields in Heaven…. :cry:

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Some of these pics go back to Tuesday, but I got the pics of pear, apple, and beach plum blossoms.

I harvested more of the surprise winter tomato— you can see they achieve jewel-like translucency when fully ripe, with the typical GWR (Green When Ripe) olive to mustard colored blush at blossom end.
— Clear epi, and at least one of the fruits with a point — probably while developing in colder temp.
— Long eyelash-like calyces may indicate potential for larger fruits.
*I started seeds*. :wink:

Cleaned up the komatsuna and daikon/turnip low tunnels and, combined with the Sunflower Hoophouse, harvested nearly two loosely filled gallons of brassica side shoots, florets, and tender leaves (broccoli, napa cabbage, alcosa savoy cabbage)

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I was planting out my sweet corn seedlings when the pet crematory called to let us know our kitty’s ashes were ready to be picked up. I texted the fam to get ready, had to throw the insect net over a hastily put up low hoops, and rush over before they closed due to Sat hours.
The rest of the corn and peas will have to wait.

…When we returned home, we picked some pretty flowers :D
I’m falling behind with tomato seedlings, too. But I did take some pics of my micro dwarf cross breeding projects — it’s always fun to note the difference in stature compared to other seedlings
… and discovered an FFSX (Faelan’s First Snow cross) micro that has developed variegation on its FIRST set of true leaves!
— This isn’t the usual case, earliest I’ve seen variegation show up has been on 2nd set, and it’s normally just hints of variegation on 3rd and more pronounced on 4th and subsequent sets.

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The Vegetable Gardenbed area is starting to take shape
— VGA (Vegetable Gardenbed A) is fully planted with Alcosa mini savoy cabbage and kohlrabi sharing space with the corn seedlings that were planted on Saturday.

— The rest of the corn seedlings have been planted in VGB. (I used vented poly over wire fence low tunnel here, since I didn’t have an insect netting handy — but this is also why I couldn’t plant brassicas in VGB…. )

— 2 short rows in VGC have been cleaned up and Row2 is fully stocked with overwintered garlic, lettuce, and leaf celery, plus the newly added Pixie mini cabbage transplants (there are some purple hulled barley that overwintered in there too — not sure what I’ll do with those, although it would be a bonus if I can grow them to maturity for seeds).

… It turned out that there were a couple more carrot and beet that overwintered and hiding under the weeds in Row1. VGC is scheduled for tomato rotation this year, so I think I’ll just plant when ready.

— I need to clean up and plant VGD and VG.SIP. VGD is probably going to be some kind of cucurbit — squash? melon? I think VG.SIP can technically be anything this year.
I picked some flowers, washed my harvest of chickweeds and leaf celery, a couple of burdock that were in the way in VGB, then checked on the Sunflower Hoophouse and the peas I planted yesterday in the Spiral Garden since it got down to 32°F this morning. Those few potatoes that survived the winter and started to grow in the crate didn’t suffer even though the Hoophouse got down to 35°F, and the peas looked fine even though I only provided windbreak/bunny protection. (I’m trying NOT watering the peas after planting the starts this year, which is said to be better since the seedlings with attached whole peas are prone to rot when overwatered.)

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Taller S7xA-F4 seedlings (not microdwarf) are starting to show their variegation on 2nd set of true leaves.

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So busy lately!
Finally got the chance to play with my seedlings. Looks like a lot, but still at the “looking for the best traits from the various crossbreeding segregates” phase. With some of them, still can’t afford to cull because the actual/final selection won’t take place until mature/fruit characteristics develop.

Top-Left — sorting for micro dwarfs among one of the F4 segregates
Better view of one of a promising variegated micro dwarfs :mrgreen:

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Do you know about the dwarf tomato project? Because I need to use tree nets on my non TYLCV tomatoes, I can only grow tomatoes less than 5 ft tall. The ones that are TYCV resistant are mainly determinant and frankly bred for resistance and not flavor. They are also not heat tolerant. The red currant and Valentine have natural resistance to TYLCV that is not listed. Every once in a while I come across naturally resistant ones, but it is rare.

Even though my standards for tomatoes are pretty low. Heat tolerant, firm, and not tart, even I don't care for totally bland tomatoes. So, I discovered the dwarf tomato project. They are breeding many heirlooms to dwarfs to get smaller plants under 5 ft tall. They are bred for flavor and I can still get beefsteaks on a small statured plant. Most of the project tomatoes were bred in Australia which is good for me since at least in Queensland, the climate is similar to mine just 6 months off. None of them are patented to encourage people to grow them out and keep making improvements.

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I do know about them but only indirectly. I’ve grown many from shared/traded seeds in the past to identify favorites, and could/should revive some of those.

I haven’t been paying attention to more recent developments though.

My current focus is on my own cross breeding project growouts, but the FFSX was initially a suspected accidental cross by Dwarf Chocolate Lightning which I believe is one of the Dwarf Project varieties? (I think there has been a secondary accidental cross with my own, ShimofuriXmicrodwarf cross-breeding segregate.)

If I’m correct in my assumption, we should be seeing some more interesting fruit color variants start to show up this year (I hope! — last year there were orange segregate and a purple) but my main objective is to select for/intensify the variegation inherited from the Faelan’s First Snow mother side.

IF Dwarf Chocolate Lightning genome has been inherited, one trait I’m most hoping to see expressed is the striped fruit.

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After a couple of scorcher days, we had a sudden downturn and it was about 43~44°F at lowest last night.

I left the more acclimated tomato seedlings outside on the patio table with only a light floating cover, but took the less acclimated group as well as the peppers and eggplants back from the dappled shade on the picnic table to the Pario Hoophouse, where it only got down to upper 40’s (still on the too cold side for the eggies and peps, tomatillo may be affected too).

But the bigger problem is the daily chance of rain forecast for the whole week, even if the temps will be moderate!

I really want to acclimate all of the tomatoes outside for planting and/or start planting them out already….

I may have to devise rain shelter for the overflow.

Need to get the cucurbits started, too.

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I am not good at acclimating. That is why I pretty much start everything on my nuresery bench in full sun. I am glad I don't have to deal with extreme shifts in the weather. It never gets cold enough to damage plants, only cold enough to slow or germination and growth. I've burned more than a few plants by moving them a few feet.

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@imafan, That’s the advantage you have from long, and multiple growing seasons :D

I took a few pictures of my tomato cross breeding project seedlings and my garden’s progress on Saturday —
…Shimofuri (霜降り) at F10 produces pretty intense variegation at early stage — these have unfortunately ran into damping off issues, but will hopefully recover and give us a good show before the summer heat slows them down

…some promising leaf variegations are also starting to appear early on FFSX as well as the Shimofuri(霜降り)xAztek segregates that are being selected for microdwarf characteristics.
… I think the taller seedlings with MORE Shimofuri(霜降り)/less Aztek show tendency to express higher ratio of variegation? That would make sense at F4, won’t it?

…I think this Fioretto cauliflower (only seedling to survive :oops: ) is a bit confused, but I’ll let it grow
…REALLY need to raise the hoops for the garlic in the Spiral Garden, but I can’t find the time…
…Not to mention the big holes in the netting for the garlic in VGA. (If I end up with major garlic/onion maggot infestation in the garlic again this year, THEN it will remind me WHY these are necessary….

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I started the cucurbits and the most eager of the summer and winter squashes pre-germinated in 2 days.

I’m also sharing a pic of a HUGE wolf spider that had to be ushered out of the house yesterday (this is a 3 cup deli container) — very proud of DD for capturing it and bringing it outside.
I’m continuing to separate and uppot my tomato starts.

First of the Great Spring Migration of the container plants (smaller containers of citruses and coffee, aloe, etc.) has been initiated — thanks to DDs’ help — and combined groups acclimating on the picnic table is getting crowded.

This picnic table is under the shelter of an overhanging mulberry tree, and the township greenzone woods beyond it blocks and dapples the direct sunlight until afternoon. And then the sun is blocked again around 2-3pm by a big tree. It’s a good spot for 2nd phase acclimating. First phase is on the patio table where the dappled morning sun doesn’t get above the tree line until about 11am, then the house blocks and casts a solid shadow after about 1pm. It can also be sheltered with overhead shade cloth.

The tomatillos, eggplants and peppers are still staying in the Patio Hoophouse during the night, along with tomato plants that were divided from a com-pot and uppotted that day.

The biggest tomatillo has actually started to grow first blossoms, probably due to the heatwave in the 80’s we had recently, when the internal hoophouse temp skyrocketed into the 100’s.

Over in the VGC (Vegetable Gardenbed C), those purple hulless barley that overwintered have started to form seedheads under the insect tunnel. Will they set seeds like this? I’m hoping to collect fresh seeds for sowing in larger swathes this fall.

The perennial herbs have been loving the weather. Broadleaf sage is trying to bloom so I keep cutting the flower stalks off. I’m also harvesting from my mints — Chocolate mint and Orange mint, Applemint, and also the Greek Oregano and Lemon Balm are all starting to grow in unexpected places and will need to be limited or dig up and re-settled. (Actually I thought I’d lost the Orange mint, so I was happy to see some vigorous shoots poking up out of the Golden Alexander patch….)

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Squash and basil and dill that were started on 5/7 have sprouted … and cucumbers that were started on 5/10 have germinated. Melons and watermelons, however, are not responding as well. :(

VGA tunnel looks good, VGB looks stunted. Maybe less bio-active soil and fence-blocked sun exposure may be factors….
- Overwintered container figs have developed their summer fruits.
- Harvested Marveille de Quatre Saisons lettuce with some burdock leaves and stems.

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Cucurbits — 2 varieties of summer and 4 varieties of winter squashes, 3 cucumbers, and 1 variety of watermelon out of several that managed to sprout are all clamoring to be planted soon now …. :shock: :roll:
…I felt like the dill couldn’t wait so I planted them out today.

- Cash Flow zucchini
- Y-star yellow pattypan

- Nutterbutter personal butternut
- Greek Sweet Red XL butternut
- Kurin personal kabocha
- storebought kabocha seeds

- Adam greenhouse cucumber
- Suyo Long cucumber
- China Jade cucumber

- Kaho icebox watermelon

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Planted Nutterbutter butternut squashes in left 1/3 of VGD (Vegetable Gardenbed D) — planning to plant China Jade cucumbers in right 1/3.
VGC-Row1 : Planted my (expected) micro-dwarf) cross breeding segregates of FFSX (Faelan’s First Snow CROSS) and three of the extra short internode F4 variants from the S7A-F4 {Shimofuri (霜降り)F7 x Aztek} F4 cross-breeding project WITH GOOD TO EXCELLENT variegation.

…I didn’t realize I’d used the last of the roll of biodegradable film mulch for the VGD — there was only a 2ft length left when I unrolled for VGC.Row, so I had to resort to industrial barrel liner heavy plastic trash bag. This is as heavy and strong as the better cubic ft quantity potting mix bags (which I also save and use as mulch). Not as “green” as the film mulch made with crab chitin and corn, but the heavy plastic can be reused for at least 3 seasons, and doesn’t deteriorate immediately like ordinary household trash bags.

Advantage with the barrel liner is that it can be cut open one way for a shorter (4 ft) length, wide (3 ft) + tall raised row like this, or another way for a longer (6 ft) length, regular width (2 ft) raised rows like the ones being used for VGA.

I have more film mulch coming. :()

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On Saturday, I finally tackled the overgrown Sunflower Hoophouse and cut down almost all of the brassicas that had gone to flower. I harvested the blooming floral truss tips and chopped up the rest into mulch, leaving Aspabroc, Kale, and a couple of the Alcosa mini savoy standing.

All those premature seed pods should break down into excellent nutrient source. I may dig them into the beds depending on what will be planted.

— C. pepo’s (summer squash) and C. maxima’s (kabocha) to keep them protected from SVB’s, parthenocarpic green house cucumber, eggplants, ginger and turmeric
— those potatoes in the milk crates that survived/overwintered and started to grow

On Saturday, I used some of the blossoms for soup, and yesterday, I plucked all of the blossoms from the rest to add to cheesy honeyed cornmeal muffins.

I had two tonight after toasting in the toaster oven. Only the flattest ones were left :lol:. Super yummy :wink:

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I have to do the same with my main garden. The lettuce and bekana have both flowered. The coriander is starting to make seeds that I can harvest if they dry out after all this rain.

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I’m trying to elevate my ambition and enthusiasm right now to push past some aches and pains and feeling that dragging fatigue….

You see, I shared a bunch of tomato and some pepper and eggplant starts, dug/divided herbs and blackberry crowns with my BIL, to share in turn with his friends.

I asked for ONE big bag of potting mix, preferably organic …some time in the future— since I was running low.

A couple of days ago, he drove by and dropped off FOUR big bags without telling us, then texted to let us know they are stacked in front of the garage.

Now, it’ll be possible to refresh my container plants, pot up overflow tomatoes — especially the micro dwarfs that I really wanted to trial growing in some containers and SIP’s, maybe attempt some grafted tomatoes and watermelon-butternut (I want to try the “supercharged root system” method — you join two seedlings planted together in a pot, then remove upper growth from one after the graft is secure)….

Sooo exciting to think of all the possibilities! Let’s go! :-() :()

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… I’m having trouble finding my original inspiration video, but it looks like the technique is called “side grafting”, and this High Mowing Seeds article has good photos, and the 2nd article describes the different typical grafting methods

Tomato Grafting for Your Greenhouse | High Mowing Organic Non-GMO Seeds ... reenhouse/

Vegetable Grafting for Healthier Plants and Better Yields | Piedmont Master Gardeners ... er-yields/

I was originally drawn to the idea because it was described as having highest rate of success when you are not confident with the knife.

…a quick “short” of cucurbit grafting — ... V8JF_ZBmZO

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Robins nesting above a window on arch trellis and grapevines:
…babies are getting big! Image

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Those robin babies are fledglings now. While adorable, I think they might be sampling the unprotected wild strawberry patches.

Here are strawberry harvests from the last few days.

• I have scattered patches of wild strawberrries (F. virginiana), as well as patches originating from previously established but declined plants of Seascape, more recently planted Annapolis and Jewel, as well as Elan strawberries that escaped an earthbox planter that I tried to grow them in.

• I’m also separately harvesting Snake berries since apparently, alcohol extract tincture of the berries has various beneficial properties for external use.

• And cherries — which were neglected this year AND are in alternate year slump — have started to come in, but total harvest will be meager
• This year’s garden is less thoughtfully planned. Right now in the inner arcs of the Spiral Garden, peas grown from unlabeled saved seeds are blooming and first pods are starting to be ready (test harvested first pod and immediately shared and tasted with DD’s — the white flowered one had sweet tender green peas. Purple flowered ones should be Blauschokker Bleu).

• Emerald Archer peas are also blooming and growing — long pods are still flat. I’ve arranged insect screen mesh row cover to provide a little shade.

• Inter planted some of the cherry tomatoes

• Variegated tomatoes Faelan’s First Snow and Shimofuri were planted in a Spiral Garden outer arc bed that can be seen from upstairs window.

C. moschata row — Nutterbutter butternut squash in the foreground and Greek Sweet Red in the back. (I will be building a sturdy trellis later)

• Bottom-right — corn inside the insect mesh low tunnel

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looking good.

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