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Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:51 am

More and more peppers coming my way

Just picked up six cowhorn peppers, six Green Bell peppers, six cayenne, six Fresno's and six karma pepper hybrids. I am about to be pepper poor! 😃😁🙌

Posts: 14062
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Good for you!

It is still a little cool here at 64 degrees at night to start the superhots reliably. I have started some of the sweet peppers and a few of the mild peppers like jalapenos, bell peppers, Joe E Parker, shishito, Hawaiian chili,and Thai chili. I like carmen and corno di toro peppers. They are easier to grow and more prolfic than bell peppers which I keep trying to grow but I haven't figured out how to grow them well. They just don't grow the same as hot peppers.

Some of my Thai peppers are producing and there are flowers on the Superchili. I just potted up some peppers from 4 inch pots into gallon containers. A few have flowers.

The peppers will germinate and grow better when the nite temperatures consistently stay above 68 degrees. My day temperatures are averaging 78 degrees. Today, it is overcast with a light drizzle. It is only 72 degrees at noon. I will have to spray the pepper seedlings or they will get black spot and mildew with the warm rain.

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Posts: 35
Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:51 am

You've got some fruiting already, so that's a lot better than I have. I'm still in the seedling stage so it's going to be a few more weeks before anything is harvested. I'd love to try the Corno de toro peppers!!

Posts: 14062
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

I don't have snow, but that does not mean I can grow peppers all year. I did have a heat mat, but I found that even if I could germinate the peppers, they will not grow or thrive if it is too cold outside. The minimum outside temperature for me is 68 degrees to reliably sprout the sweet peppers and some of the milder hot peppers.

Hot peppers, especially ones that were bred in hotter parts of the world like India and the Caribbean germinate better if it is hotter, 78-80 degrees. Once the peppers are grown, they will tolerate cooler temperatures (a bit), but they will slow their growth in cool weather. Bhut Jolokia likes to be around 80 degrees minimum to grow well, while the Carolina Reaper is actually easier to germinate because it was developed in the States and not in India.

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