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Re: Music I like... what are you listening to?

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Long ago when male rock star’s equipment was on full display.

Oh hell, that song makes be feel very ancient.

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Dissily Mordentroge wrote:
Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:09 am

Long ago when male rock star’s equipment was on full display.

Oh hell, that song makes be feel very ancient.
We are ancient fossils almost at the end of the road, we had good music in those days. Rap Noise is not music & it is about hate & crime. Music kids listen to now is noise. I use to have 2 rental houses near the University I asked the students renters why they listen to 1960s & 1970s music they said, it is much better than what we have now. WE had good music when I was in college and every Friday & Saturday night was party night at our house. Every school night at midnight 5 of us did a 30 mile bicycle ride to the lake at back. Last night I listened to City Country City wow that 20 minute song brings back a lot of good memories.
Last edited by Gary350 on Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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I love a wide range of music, but it doesn't include rap, jazz or blues. Mild rock is OK, but I DON'T like melodies that include bells or chimes or tinkling or such; reminds me of baby music. Violin is nice, but prefer it in a deeper tone for country music instead of a higher pitched, whiny strain. Guitar is quite pleasant, wether if played slowly or quickly.
One of my most intense and favorite instrumental songs is Micheal W. Smith's 'Glory Battle'. The ending is a major and loud conglomeration of piano, horns and violin.

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My top 100 2020 Spotify playlist 😁
It is every bit as eclectic and bipolar as I am 🤣😂🤣 ... wJriNrCbYA

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Gary350 wrote:
Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:05 am

We are ancient fossils almost at the end of the road, we had good music in those days. Rap Noise is not music & it is about hate & crime. Music kids listen to now is noise. I use to have 2 rental houses near the University I asked the students renters why they listen to 1960s & 1970s music they said, it is much better than what we have now. WE had good music when I was in college and every Friday & Saturday night was party night at our house. Every school night at midnight 5 of us did a 30 mile bicycle ride to the lake at back. Last night I listened to City Country City wow that 20 minute song brings back a lot of good memories.
Ah , long bike rides I miss. I competed in too many marathons and triathlons and buggered my knees properly. So, I’m and ancient old fossil with two artificial knees.

Not sure I’d like to have 2 student rental houses. I’d be hassling them for some of their ‘illicit substances’.

The quality of recent popular music has complex causes. One of them is growing up listening to earphones as your main, or only source. Often by the time listeners reach their early teenage years they’ve damaged their hearing playing music as insanely high volume, especially in the upper treble regions. Then there’s the power of digital recording technology which gives rank amateurs the ability to mix and mangle in very complex ways the music they produce. Often these individuals have little or no experience producing or listening to un-amplified, unsynthesised acoustic instruments. But hey, this process started long before the invention of digital music. Pop music producers learnt in the 1950s to compress dynamic range so that songs could be heard over the noise of driving a car/truck etc. Then along came Phil Spendor with his Wall of Sound, which to my ears on a high-end audio system is already starting to turn into a mess even before the digital ‘revolution’. Don’t get me wrong though, high definition digital recording of live music can be magic played back on a half decent system. It’s when stoned idiots get into the studio and run amok with equipment they should never be allowed to play with the rot sets in.
If that makes me comes across as a grumpy old EDITED - PLEASE REPORT THIS POST, well on this subject I am.

There’s a related topic here, the actually quality of most domestic audio/car/earphone systems today. Don’t get me started on that one. I turn into a ranting, hypercritical old audiophile (look it up kiddies)

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TomatoNut95 wrote:
Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:28 am
I love a wide range of music, but it doesn't include rap, jazz or blues. Mild rock is OK, but I DON'T like melodies that include bells or chimes or tinkling or such; reminds me of baby music. Violin is nice, but prefer it in a deeper tone for country music instead of a higher pitched, whiny strain. Guitar is quite pleasant, wether if played slowly or quickly.
One of my most intense and favorite instrumental songs is Micheal W. Smith's 'Glory Battle'. The ending is a major and loud conglomeration of piano, horns and violin.
The ‘high pitched, whiny strain’ of violin music is often the result of inferior recordings and/or inferior reproduction equipment. If you ever get the chance of hearing a live classical string quartet perform in a decent acuostic then later try and reproduce that sound at home you’ll soon realise, very painfully, very few audio systems can get near the live sound. Most in fact manage to have a string quartet or solo violin stand your teeth on end. Another way to test this theory is to acquant your ears with the sound of a large pipe organ played live then attempt to reproduce the same sound at home. Good luck with that one.
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Last edited by Dissily Mordentroge on Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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OOPS! Don’t know how I managed to dump that image three times - sorry. I was about to say there’s a lot more about today’s world that justifies the young being seriously pissed off. Recently an intelligent four year old asked me “Why are all the grown ups trying to kill us”?
When I asked what he meant I was given a long list “Atom bombs, climate change, wars, starving people to death," the list went on and on. I took the coward’s way out and told him to ask one of his dads.

[youtube] ... ibwGOKWYH4[/youtube]

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I apologize in advance for the diatribe.

one of the reasons that I tend to avoid this kind of thread is that along with people posting what they like, some feel the need to post about what they don’t like, frequently as if their opinion is some kind of objective fact. now, I tend to think that the majority of most genres of music is uninteresting, derivative dreck, but there are always a few exceptions. gary’s assertion that all rap is about hate and crime, for instance, is the typical kind of over-generalization by a non-listener of a genre that is more varied than it gets credit for. I’m not surprised that someone who doesn’t like what they hear from the mainstream of a genre isn’t digging deeper to find to find the gold, but I’m still always disappointed in anyone who makes sweeping statements that come from ignorance. everyone is entitled to their opinion, absolutely, people can like and not like anything, based on whatever they want, but I have to admit that my opinion of anyone who likes to declare that a particular kind of music is ‘not music,’ drops precipitously. not that anyone should care about my opinion, either!

I also agree, there’s a lot to be angry about in this world, and music that expresses that anger can be beneficial for the creators of it as well as the listeners. I’ve played in bands where after shows some audience members would say the music was ‘scary’...but it felt so good to play, and to harness those negative emotions and turn them into art that others can experience and relate to. and, indeed, to introduce people to things they hadn’t thought they would like, and to sometimes to surprise them that, they do!

and now I’ve spent too much time typing to hunt down youtube links. I’ll try to find time later to find some things for some of you to not share my enjoyment of.

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!potatoes! wrote:
Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:21 am
Snip - - - - -
everyone is entitled to their opinion, absolutely, people can like and not like anything, based on whatever they want, but I have to admit that my opinion of anyone who likes to declare that a particular kind of music is ‘not music,’ drops precipitously. not that anyone should care about my opinion, either!
An important point but we need to remember how we hear music is a very subjective experience. I do experience rap as ’not music’. To my ears it’s an impenetrable, repetitive and boring noise. But hey, as a teenager I experienced all of Mozart opera as piss-elegant, pretentious nonsense. What I’m trying to say hear is there’s a difference between how each of us experiences music. Maybe all claims any kind of music isn’t ‘musical’ should be preceded with the phrase ’to my ears’.
And believe me, I’ve spent a lot of effort trying to see what people get out of punk for instance. The closest I got is enjoying Sex Pistols “The Queen, she ain’t no human being” as a good joke bit the kind I experience as being told over and over again to annoying effect.
On the other side I’ve learnt not to expect most people to fall in love with classical organ music. I soon learnt when I was studying the pipe organ the majority of listeners found anything played on that instrument frieghtening and often just ‘noise'.
Then there’s my view of a lot of classical music is no more than treacle coated, sentimental rubbish. And believe me that get’s me in a lot of trouble with classical music snobs.

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All inside our Amsterdam she hides
That howling wind, she's waving hi
Her other hand's in mine
Oh silhouette
She's growing tall and fine
She's got my back
She'll follow me down every street
No matter what my crime
All inside our Amsterdam she flies
Hoarding the kites
That howling wind, she'll take everything
But she's easy on the eyes
Churches and trains
They all look the same to me now
They shoot you some place
While we ache to come home somehow

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Dissily Mordentroge wrote:
Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:54 pm

Then there’s my view of a lot of classical music is no more than treacle coated, sentimental rubbish. And believe me that get’s me in a lot of trouble with classical music snobs.
Nice humor there, @Dissily. But the 'unconscious' irony could have been a wee bit more subtle. As a language snob I'm omitting a required apostrophe here just to keep things in balance. :()

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I don't believe music has the ability to BE sentimental. The composer, performer or listener can be sentimental about it but the sentiment exists in their own heads, not in the music. Music is just a succession of sounds which anyone may experience (or judge) pleasant, inspiring, sentimental, etc etc - or not. It also seems to me that before a person can pronounce a piece too sentimental, they must have felt themselves responding with sentiment (how else could they so judge it?) and disliked (or been afraid of?) the feeling.

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I can't say that I like any certain type music. If it has a good sound & good beat then I like it. Old country music was too whinny crying for me but some of the modern country music has a good sound. Some of the old rock was not good and some is very good. When I was in high school the only classical music I liked was Ravel Bolero and other music I liked then I don't like anymore. Rap noise is not music. I don't listen to music very often these day compared to what I did when I was in college. My college room mates loved to watch TV with the sound OFF and the stereo ON, I thought that was weird at first but then I started to like it.

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Dissily Mordentroge wrote:
Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:54 pm
Maybe all claims any kind of music isn’t ‘musical’ should be preceded with the phrase ’to my ears’.
I think that’s all I was getting at. I was considering finding some links to illustrate some exceptions to the generalities mentioned, but I’m going to bow back out of this thread before I’m too rude to gary.

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This is turning into an interesting sort of open admission free-throw, so I’ll toss one in, shall I?

I’m a terrible sort of musical greenie because I can’t — physically CAN’T get too deep into listening to them to develop the finer nuances of musical appreciation. Let me explain why:

When I start to like any piece of music enough, I start to mentally play it in my mind. I did learn to play the piano when I was young, so I can recreate/reproduce the notes, but then my mind falls into the trap of analyzing rather than passively “listening“, and struggles to separate out the notes, musical instruments, beat, stops, intervals, and whatnot. (I also try to translate the lyrics into words that are not necessarily literal but fitting the original intent PLUS singable to the original music without changing the intervals and stops too much... which is a WHOLE another process.) I get caught up in these processes too much and it turns into an “earworm” Once that starts, there’s no stopping it —it repeats over and over echoing in the chambers of my mind until It overrides all other thinking.... This is extremely disruptive to my everyday mode since I have a tendency to overthink and analyze. It then takes forEVER to silence and get my mind back.

The end result is I don’t actually listen to too much music..... :oops: ... yeah I KNOW I started this thread. :roll: But the ensuing discussion and introduced music has been really interesting, because I think just about everybody tends to only sample the specific area of music they are familiar with and like. It’s also been interesting to hear what folks do like to listen to, because in some cases, I thought “yep, that was expected” and other times “wow, really?” :wink:

Keep them coming please. I’m enjoying the intro to various music (I hope other folks are, too! :-() ) Image

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I always have a song stuck in my head daily. I'll never forget that time I was working at the office and my coworker was playing the 'Wheels on the Bus' song for her toddler. The rest of the day I had that stinking song stuck in my head. 😆

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TomatoNut95 wrote:
Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:57 am
I always have a song stuck in my head daily. I'll never forget that time I was working at the office and my coworker was playing the 'Wheels on the Bus' song for her toddler. The rest of the day I had that stinking song stuck in my head. 😆
Mark Twain strikes again!

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Lots of Lee Tyler Post stuff, if you can find it on the net anymore.
Miracle Somethings, Hurricane, Thunderclap, Vacant, etc.
Country/Soul with a powerful voice, and recorded most all of his albums in one take for each song.

Starcastle - Great prog rock that came out just a little too late to be popular. Great musicians (Gary Strater - great bass playing!) Their first singer was Terry Luttrell who was the singer for REO Speedwagon before they hit it big. Lady of the Lake, Forces, Fountains, etc.

Styx - Their latest album has such good harmony and well written songs. Radio silence, Red Storm, The Outpost, Khedive (cool piano on that one) etc.

Nightwish - Symphonic Metal without the growling. Much better with Flor Jansen as the lead singer than the older stuff before she joined. Greatest show on Earth, Shudder Before the Beautiful, The Islander, etc. Very good live... Tuomas Holopainen can write some songs and play some keyboards...

Transatlantic - Anything with Neal Morse is good. Prog/religious with lots of epic 15-30 minute songs, and if you like prog drummers, Mike Portnoy is in there.. Dancing with Eternal Glory, Duel with the Devil, Shine, Bridge Across Forever, etc.

Shel - Four sisters that play their own style, with occasional covers (Led Zep's Battle of Evermore) but I really like is "Is the Doctor in Today" about losing ones mind to dementia, which really hits home, as my Mother recently died and watching her dementia progress was sobering...

And before we get to serious and somber, I loves me some "Ruby" the Cussing African Gray Parrot!
Truly quality entertainment in those recordings!

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How does one attach a youtube video inline, in a post? Not just the URL, a click-on-it video.

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The subject of the thread is 'what music are you listening to?' but I'd be equally interested in hearing what you like about it, and why? Can we even identify our reasons for the way we react to a musical piece - are our responses learned or does the music itself have physical properties that can affect our emotions? Is it melody, harmony, rhythm, beat, talent/ skill of the performer(s), or the content of lyrics that you relate to? Why do some people love the music we don't, or hate the music we love?

"Brahms is just some chaotic and utterly empty wasteland" - Tchaikovski.

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Vanisle_BC wrote:
Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:50 pm
How does one attach a youtube video inline, in a post? Not just the URL, a click-on-it video.

There are codes for that — youtube in square brackets and slash for the end code. Also use the youDOTbe for the abbreviated link — the shorthand link/buttons are all the way to the right above the edit/text area

Use the youtube share button (usually under the video on a YouTube page) to get the link for it.

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Thanks Applestar, I think I've got that.

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It will be a year next Wednesday since John Prine died of Covid 19. So sad.

R.I.P john.

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This is my #1 favorite video.

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This is a good one.

Full version

Extended version.

1 Hour Version

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Anybody a John Williams fan? Shown here is my current Star Wars collection. I also own the Jurassic Park album but I feel like that one wasn't his greatest work.

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Both Sides Now from Joni Jam at the 2022 Newport Folk Festival - YouTube

Joni Mitchell “Summertime “Live at Newport Folk Festival, Sunday, July 24, 2022 - YouTube

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He was invited to an antique musical instrument museum to see/hear a mechanical “Player Piano” reproduce a renowned pianist performance that was faithfully recorded 115 years ago.

…”This is AMAZING! …but, doesn’t this look a bit like an “oto-ga(me)” {music game}?

…”What is ‘oto-ga(me)’?”

…”Sorry, sorry.” (He shows on his smartphone.)

- He said if he can decode the punched paper scroll as it unrolls (just like music game) then he could play like this pianist did 115 years ago. (“Well yes, but …you can do that?)

…He was told that he couldn’t play the piano while the mechanical piano is playing (unlike modern electronic ones), but he was allowed to play another antique, and he decided he would video record the paper scroll as it played (and no doubt as he analyzed the music and piano keys), and then view the recording over at the other piano ——

…He decided he also wanted to try harmonizing… Museum docents and visitors were treated to an impromptu performance.

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I like Dimash. His pronunciation of English is not perfect but he is from Kazakstan. He sings in many languages and has an incredible 6 octave and 2 semitone range. He even has a whistle register.

SOS (sung in French) shows his range.
Ti amo cosi shows his operatic skills. His singing partners Lara Fabian and Aida Garufullina were incredible as well.

The Welsh Lullaby Suo Gan

To Where You Are by Josh Groban. Richard Marx wrote this song and I like his version as well

Henry Lu Depacito. Theme from Mission Impossible.

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