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Re: 2020 What's the weather like where you are?

AppleStar, I had an August frost in the garden one year. It wasn't severe but killed the cucumbers! That year, our gardening season wound down very early.

This afternoon (4pm), it is 72°f. That will be the coolest high temperature over the last 9 weeks, plus. We had a couple of mornings in the 40's this month but it has been plenty hot in the afternoons, most every day.

Why so cool today? There was a morning sprinkle of rain. It wasn't enough to wet the asphalt road in front of the house. THIS was the first "rain" since the earliest days of July when we picked up about 1/4". The morning rain might be a challenge to the meteorologists - how will they measure it? Maybe, just calling it a trace. Sometimes, I'm really surprised that they will claim that we had 3/100ths of an inch of rain. I mean, when the drops are not sufficient to run more than an inch or 2 down a vertical glass window - how can they even collect them in a big funnel and calibrate some measurement?

The weather is supposed to warm up again with over 90° by the end of the week. Good that we aren't quite going into a cool-down just yet. The melons have only begun to ripen enough for eating!


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FULL MOON tonight and we can't see it. Rains & overcast every days since the hurricane.

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Gary350 wrote:
Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:34 pm
FULL MOON tonight and we can't see it. Rains & overcast every days since the hurricane.
I guess you'll just have to howl in the dark, Gary. :eek:

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According to the news the smoke from California wildfires have reached Hawaii. The trades are very gusty and there isn't a haze like we get with vog. I do see a dirty yellow mid level strip out to sea looking toward Diamond Head (east). It is noon and it is 83 degrees where I am at 587 ft. It is 88 degrees, 4 miles down the hill at 380 ft, 84 degrees in Wahiawa which is 800 ft. 89 degrees in Makakilo at 600 ft. I understand why it is warmer down hill but surprised that it is warmer in Wahiawa. It is probably due to where the station is located. Makakilo, it is high, but also on the leeward side of the island but I did not expect it to be warmer than at sea level. Strong trades make it more comfortable even if the winds are warm.

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I’ve seen those satellite photos of the vast areas affected by the wildfires and the resulting plumes of smoke, but had not even considered that they could reach Hawaii without being dispersed along the way....

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It looks like the smoke is drifting along with the currents that normally flow through the pacific cycle.

It actually is not as bad as vog, but vog comes with Kona weather where the flow comes up from the south and there are no trades to blow it away. When we see orange sunsets we know the air is polluted with usually vog particles. It burns my eyes but this far from Volcano, we don't smell it. When you are at Volcanoes National Park near the vents and caldera, the odor of sulphur is very strong.

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Gary's forecast goes for me to (well, not that cuss word). Everything just keeps going wrong around here.

Had another short, but unexpected storm early this morning mostly hard rain with a little thunder and lightening. Rain washed off my bug stuff.

Power went off for the millionth time and I hate and despise my power company and I wish I could afford solar panels. According to brainless electric company power is off uptown and in a neighboring town as well. I'm in a sour mood, and it won't be a good day today.

On top of everything else, something is wrong with my toilet, it's not wanting to flush and it sounds funny. I think it's in the tank; probably just needs a new part. WHAT ELSE CAN GO WRONG TODAY?????

I guess if I have a bathroom emergency I could run up in the woods, or, if I can make it that far, I could run up the road to my neighbors. Or maybe use one of my five gallon buckets, or hide among my okra...

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TV News said several times this week that the National Weather bureau said, earths weather has been getting progressively worse every year for many years but they are just now releasing this information because they wanted to wait see if weather would get better before they spoke up.

I don't recall the scientists name that study forest and biology but they said, stop putting out forest fires that is natures way of getting rid of old to make room for new. If you keep putting out the fires that makes more dead stuff to build up and burn larger fires next year and each year after that.

Volcano activity on earth has doubled sense 1950. This makes me wonder if smoke & CO2 is more of an earth problem than man made problem.

It rained last night, rain again this morning, I went outside 10 minute then 5 minutes later it is raining hard again and it is still raining. Humidity makes 82 degrees feel like 100, air is sticky and it is hard to breath. Streams of water run down all the house windows & doors

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applestar wrote:
Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:39 am
Good thing you’re not in Australia — :hehe:

Australian woman finds four snakes inside her blocked toilet tank - CNN


A Texas man found a snake coming up out of his toilet to; according to news it's not a too uncommon occurrence to find a snake in your toilet. I posted that picture under my garden thread. It's a good thing to keep the lid on your commode closed.... :lol:

Power finally came back on by the afternoon, but this evening it went back off. Thankfully it came back on after a couple of minutes but I think monkeys could do a better job of managing the power than the oddballs in East Texas Co-Op. Current temperature is 85 and is cloudy.

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My electric company does offer compensation, but you have to prove the thing was damaged by the power outages. I have a lost a few phones and computers to frequent power surges.

The trades are going at a good clip (10 mph) today but not as windy as yesterday. The trades are going to be diminishing over the next few days, but for now, it is 82 F. The predicted high is 90, but it probably won't get that high at my house it is 86F in Honolulu now. and it is 11 a.m. so it probably won't get close to 90 as long as the trades keep up. The skies have a few cumulus clouds but clear blue skies. I don't see any haze. This is a good temperature for me, I am comfortable and not sweating doing nothing. Humidity is 57% which is very dry and that is probably why I am not sweating.

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We just had a storm pass by with tornado watch for this area — but it looks like the course shifted north — I think my BIL was probably hammered. He’s going to be unhappy since I advised him to spray his cucumbers with baking soda solution just this morning ... probably got all washed off.

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Scary outside. Thunder, lightening, wind and rain out there; it's a perfect thunderstorm. Temperature is 82, slightly dropping.

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What is UP with all these unexpected storms that have been mysteriously popping up??? There's a big one coming this way, and power is already off, it went off like thirty minutes ago. Generator is on, and I want to mangle the idiots at Deep East Texas Co-Op. My cousins little toddler could do a better job of keeping the power on than DET.

Sky looks black and scary out there. Clouds look strange, maybe I better go hide in the closet.

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Here's some pictures from Saturday's storm, nothing came of it, just cloudiness, breezy a little thunder and a touch of soft lightening. Didn't even rain. Wish I had a good camera, I wanted to get a good shot of the pink sunset admist the dark gloomy clouds.

Today is Labor Day, I guess I should labor. But I see the moon up in the clear blue sky maybe I should go back to bed?

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Shout out to folks in California and Oregon — hope you are all Safe and OK :bouncey:

... a little side note ... Found among articles this morning about San Francisco’s skies

Our Phones Are Color Correcting California's Wildfire Apocalypse ... 1844998903

— “Had to take that picture with my Canon camera because my phone keeps auto color correcting it and doesn’t show just how gross outside it actually is.”

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applestar wrote:
Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:48 pm
Shout out to folks in California and Oregon — hope you are all Safe and OK :bouncey:

... a little side note ... Found among articles this morning about San Francisco’s skies

Our Phones Are Color Correcting California's Wildfire Apocalypse ... 1844998903

— “Had to take that picture with my Canon camera because my phone keeps auto color correcting it and doesn’t show just how gross outside it actually is.”
I worry about my BFF over there in CA, she sent me a picture of the the dark, smoky skies and said that one evening they saw the glow of the fires on the other side of the mountain. I also have an ex-friend that's near either San Diego....or was that San Francisco? 🤔

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Adding thoughts and prayers for folks in Washington State and Utah as well.

Between the pandemic and unimaginable disasters, so many of our friends could be in jeopardy. Hoping for the best, relief, safety and other positive thoughts.

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We will remember it as the Labor Day Firestorm of 2020, that is, unless it happens repeatedly.

We have had 31/100 of an inch of rain since 1 July - officially. Wind gusts above 45 mph drove fires on Monday. The windstorm carried snow to Wyoming and Colorado. Here, it just brought cooler temperatures. Local gardeners only 20 miles from here had frost, Tuesday morning.

There are now forest fires up the valley from me and the air smells continuously of smoke. West of here, Monday was terrible. An entire little farm town of 2-300 people (Malden) lost 80% of the buildings, fire authorities tell us. I believe that I heard on the news that fires burned more Washington State acres in one day than through all of 2019.

Where I grew up in southern Oregon, a fire started Tuesday in one city and blew north through two neighboring towns. Medford, a city of 80,000 was threatened. Evacuation began to take place. A fire started in a city to the north of Medford. Evacuation orders took effect for the entire city of Central Point, about 17,000 people. Emergency services in communities nearby were put under real strain. The evacuees faced highway closures and were told that they could gather at one location but were asked to remain in their cars, even overnight. Afternoon temperatures were above 100°f. All this while keeping people separated was important because of the pandemic. I understand that at least some of them have now been allowed back to their homes. By the way, school started there one day before these evacuations.

Some of the wildfires have containment measured at 0% yet and many homes in the rural areas, especially, are no longer there to be returned to.


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It is finally cooling off some. It is 68 F now and my fingers are actually cold. It will be going up to the mid 80's today and there is 91% humidity and winds 5-10 mph. It has been unusually dry with humidity blow 60% which is really weird. There have been a few fires in the last week because of the dry conditions. I have had a few days with night showers and some sprinkles but it is really not enough to make a dent. Even my rain barrel hasn't changed much. Drier weather is in the forecast for the next few days. There are hardly any clouds in the sky at all. What is left of the grass and weeds in the front yard is extra crispy.

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Digit’S — No way! It was WAY more than 3/10! — we had 31/100 !!! :>

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LOL ! what a difference 0.01 makes.

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Feel so sorry for New Orleans with this new Tropical Storm Sally headed their way. It is predicted to become a hurricane as they say she slow down to strengthen once she reaches the gulf. I'm glad I don't live in Louisiana or near the coast.

According to weather I'm supposed to get some rain or storms like by tonight. Can't say I couldn't use any, its been dry and yucky lately.

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It is raining so hard interstate highway I-24 is under water. I drive to grocery store I can't see to drive faster than 35 mph. Weather report claims 6.5" of rain. We are in flash flood warning. 71 degrees and no mosquitoes.

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Mosquitoes are not good fliers. They don't come out when it is raining. However, once the rain stops, you need to go out and find all the tires, pots, saucers, tarps, and puddles and empty them out or put Bt in them. In stagnant water it takes about 3 days for the mosquitoes laid in the pools to swarm. As long as the water is not stagnant it can rain for a week without mosquitoes showing up because the water is being constantly changed by the rain. It is basically, how I keep the mosquitoes from breeding in bromeliads. They are not a problem as long as the water in the cups are not stagnant. Water the cups frequently or put a drop of dish soap in the cups and there is no problem with mosquitoes. I have a filter for the water barrels that keeps the mosquitoes out. I can also put bleach in the barrels to take care of mosquitoes and algae at the same time.

I saw on the weather forecast that a cold front is moving across the U.S. By contrast, it is very dry here. Not as bad as California. We have small brush fires, but we don't have a lot of open space and no forests in dry areas so the fires have been small enough to contain. Besides, there are still people around who worked for the plantation who are very good at managing fires.

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Continuing smoke-filled air.

The local monitoring has the air quality above 400, "Hazardous." The monitor near DD's home is 286, "Very Unhealthy." DS lives in Oregon and tells me that some communities near his home have air rated above 500. The index only goes to 500!

I did some checking and the EPA has the following information: "What does "Beyond AQI" mean?
Values above 500 are considered Beyond the AQI, since the scale is set to 0-500. Follow recommendations for the hazardous category." Oh.

There was a 40% chance of some rain predicted for tomorrow night but the Weather Service has deleted that. No chance. They now have a 50% chance for Friday night - fingers crossed!


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I am so worried for you and everyone else affected. I can smell somebody smoking in their yard while I’m in my own house if the windows are open. If I’m outside, sometimes it’s enough to give me an asthma attack, although I concede that might be partly psychosomatic — but it does no good to tell myself so.

I read that room air filters sold out in the region. I hope they have/there are reasonable mitigation methods, if only to wear soaked masks lifted away from the mouth and nose with some kind of support.
(A while ago, I saw a photo from the Philippines, of a man wearing a styrofoam bowl with holes in it, secured with strings —it was inconceivable ... will we in the USA reduced to that level of dire need?)

There needs to be more N95 masks than ever ... though I guess microfiltration masks that can;t be washed/cleaned/unclogged is not very useful in this case.

...I was going to say sitting in the bathroom with the shower running helps to breath cleaner air (as long as your water is dechlorinated) ...but I know they are asking people to conserve water for firefighting.....

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Woke up to 50°F (FEELS LIKE 48°F) this morning. I have not been paying enough attention to he weather :shock:

Look at this ridiculous forecast — :shock: :shock: by Thursday night - Friday, I would have to bring inside the wimplest (no slur intended @imafan! :wink: ) of my semi-tropical container plants, and probably have to fashion a temporary protective enclosure for many of the rest.

Intuitively, these are not the kind of temperatures I should see until the END of September. Things will likely go back to being warmer/hot, too, as is typically the case when the TS remnant bring all the hot air up north.

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It only got down to 54° here, last night, but now, at noon, it is only up to 63°. I did see some lows below 50°, so I'll have to think about trimming my curry tree, to bring it onto the back porch. That's my only plant that could be considered "wimply", as it doesn't like it below 50° - the others can take it into the 30s, but I still have to start making room for them!

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There are extremes all over the country. Fires burning out of control in the dry west. Cold front going through the middle and to the East coast. Hurricane Sally's slow motion dumping flooding rains in the Gulf. Unfortunately the Atlantic is having an accelerated hurricane season with storms closely following each other along similar tracks.

Right now it is 68 F. Winds are down to 5 mph with 94% humidity. Translation: it is going to be one hot muggy day. Forecast is for the low 90's. With the exception of the missing windward and mauka showers, it is a typical day at this time of the year.

I hope all the people experiencing the weather extemes whether it be fire, cold, or deluge can keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

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Super annoying that it went down to 46°F this morning — so much for weather forecasts.

...but enough about me — stay SAFE everyone in Sally’s path! :bouncey:

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NWS Birmingham this morning says:

"Radar update at 8:35 am: rain continues to move north with rain rates around 0.25” - 0.50” an hour. Some of the heavier showers are producing locally higher amounts up to 0.75”. Be safe traveling."

This is quite a ways inland from the Gulf. I can't imagine driving with what those higher numbers would do to road conditions!


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According to weather, I will be getting a ton of rain from Beta. Every day next week shows high chances of rain and nice temperatures. News says Beta will strengthen to hurricane power before hitting land, hope people down at the gulf have boats, floaters, rafts and inner tubes ready.

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It actually rained last night. Enough rain to actually drip into my rain barrel and leave a puddle on the neighbor's roof. I did have to turn my rain barrel. The rain missed the hole. The barrel must have gotten turned when I emptied it last time.

It got the road wet and me, but not enough rain for the pots. I still had to water the garden.

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Currently 42°F ...with predicted 4°F drop in temp overnight, we may see 38°F by morning......

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51°F at home, 46°F at the camp ground, about 65°F later today, good camping weather. Breakfast is the best. 14 quilts & blankets on the bed, sleeping with the windows open listing to the stream & waterfall all night is great. Camp grounds all have wifi these days, I usually leave laptop computer at home. After dark several small animals came, possums, skunks, raccoons. Today we have deer, squirrels, rabbits and lots of birds. Crows are calling high up in the trees.

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Overnight, it rained - at least, I believe that is the word used when water falls to Earth from the clouds.

Yes. A total of .15 of an inch of precipitation fell. This is the most rain since 1 July. Just east of the Cascade Mountains, and a couple of hundred miles west of here, about twice that amount of rain came down. That may have made a difference for the immediate threat of fires.

Here. The air is fresh and rates Good, the very best in about 2 weeks. This is what the people monitoring local air quality have to say, "Sunday, September 13, was the worst day with an AQI of 479. Pollutant concentrations that day were more than 13 times the health-based standard."


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@DigitS, I wanted to paste a video or sound clip from the Dr. Who’s “wife” episode when Idris said “PETRICHOR” in that sultry voice, but I couldn’t find it. So if you’ve watched the episode, please imagine it. (I can hear it in MY head.)

So glad your air quality has improved. Let’s hope the increase in moisture is helping to calm down the fires.

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It has been hot around 90 degrees. It was very windy today, but the winds will be dropping off and it will be more humid and muggy. There was another brush fire again today. There were a few windward and mauka showers, but it never made it over to my side of the island.

My front yard plants are also looking more haggard than usual. They normally live on rain and I don't water them, but it looks like I need to supplement them a little. The grass looks bad too, but it is grass. No pity there. At least I don't have to mow much now.

The city fixed my sidewalk and did tear up part of the front grass. It is probably why it looks deader than usual. When the rains come, I will see if it comes back or not. My front yard has so many weeds in it, that is really has more weeds than grass.

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A little more rain and cool temperatures - I will emphasize the little.

The "official" 2 day rainfall will total .26 of an inch, I believe. There is a chance for more tonight and tomorrow but the WS says "less than a tenth of an inch." So, it will be 3 days with some sprinkles and about 1/3rd of an inch, maybe.

I'm okay with this. The air couldn't be fresher and, so far, the predicted afternoon gusty winds haven't shown up.

The predicted low for Monday and Tuesday is 38°f. There's been a light frost in the distant big veggie garden when that temperature is recorded nearby. I won't be concerned about anything frost-hardy or the winter squash but will harvest the remaining peppers on Sunday. There isn't much of the warm-season crops still out there, we have already carried off a ton of tomatoes, and I'm not concerned about any plants here at home. We are right up against our average frost date but the weather is supposed to warm later next week. There should be plenty of time for hauling off a few buckets of green tomatoes out of the "sprawl."

I'm not sending a celebratory note to my southern Oregon cousin just yet. They have had no rain at all, essentially. There may be a little tonight but the fire danger in southern Oregon and points south must still be extreme.


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