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Help with Christmas cactus roots rotting

Hello all !
I have had this Christmas cactus for almost 10 years now. I repotted it about a month ago (trying to give it more soil for the christmas bloom) and noticed the past week that the leaves were turning pink. A quick search yielded that the roots might be rotting. I look around the pot and sure enough, the roots were rotting. I took the plant out of the pot and trimmed the roots (cutting and throwing the rotted roots away). I am attaching pictures of where I trimmed it.
My question is - do I directly put this in the soil now - or do I put this in water, for some roots to form ? Please help !!!!
Many thanks in advance for your help !
Plant Pic 1.jpg

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Once you have cut it down to healthy tissue, let it air dry until the wound is calloused. Make sure your potting mix drains well. I use pure cinders for my cactus and succulent mix because it rains nearly everyday in the rainy season = now. I dip the end of the cutting in rooting hormone which is also a fungicide before replanting. Wait about a week before you water. I use about a tsp of osmocote for fertilizer every six months. It does not need a lot, but cinders do not have any nutrients. PH of black cinders is alkaline so I don't lime.

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Thank you, imafan26 ! I appreciate your help !

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