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Cucumbers, Zucchini and Squash

Can I plant Cucumbers, Zucchini and Squash all in the same 4'x4' bed? My idea is to plant 3 Zucchini on one side and 3 Squash on the other. In the middle will be 3 Cucumbers allowed to run around the bed. My fear is cross pollination.

Can I do it or will it cross pollinate and give my zombie fruits?


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Cucumbers are Cucumis Sativus and Zucchini is Curcurbuta Pepo. Cukes will not cross with squashes. Most squashes called summer squash including acorn, most gourds and pumpkins are also Pepos and will cross pollinate, but the only thing to worry about is if you plan to save the seeds to plant again next year. This year's fruit will NOT give you zombies. The biggest problem with planting nearby is they both are susceptible to the same diseases and pests.

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4x4 ft bed is not enough space for the number of plants you proposed.

If you build a sturdy 5ft tall x 4 ft wide vertical wire fence trellis along the 4 feet back of the bed, and have access behind the trellis, I could see 4 cucumber plants under the trellis about 3-4 inches from the edge, and 2 zucchini plants in the remaining space — filling it up.

I agree with PaulF about pollination not being an issue. Since zucchini and cucumber are harvested as immature fruits, you wouldn’t be saving seeds. Squash especially if a c. pepo is likely to cross with the zucchini if blooming at the same time, so do not bother saving seeds to plant, but toast and eat them or use to feed wildlife. Most squash will need more space than 4 feet sq. for the vines but you could plant inside the space if willing to let them sprawl beyond.

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In the square foot garden book, 1 zucchini takes up 9 squares. You would only be able to plant the outer squares in a 4x4 garden. You could get more squares if you planted the zucchini in one of the outer squares and let it hang out. Some people said they have gotten zucchini to grow in 1 square, but they either had to do a lot of pruning or they were planting a pseudo vining zucchini Tromboncino. It is more closely related to butternut, but is similar to zucchini in taste and use when it is harvested young.
https://www.superseeds.com/products/zuc ... o-sold-out

If you want to plant squash, you would also have to let them trail out of the garden or be trained on a trellis. I don't know if you can get that many squash on a trellis. I usually have more than enough trouble keeping one 50 ft vine where I want it. Cucumbers can be put on a 4x4 sf garden trellis.

I plant large plants separately. I have put zucchini, crookneck squash, broccoli in my garden, but I have a small garden and they take up half the space. I do train cucumbers on a trellis, but I would rather save the garden space for smaller plants like lettuce, spinach, and Asian greens. When I do plant corn, it takes up half of my 8x16 ft garden. It is why I grow tomatoes, some cucumbers, beans, peas, peppers, eggplant, and large herbs like rosemary in 18 gallon pots. I grow some herbs in pots as well like green onions, lemon grass, bay leaf, and chives since they don't mind being in pots and they are not annuals.

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