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Super Green Thumb
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My Onions & Garlic tops both doing this.

My Onions & Garlic tops R both doing this, it must be from the 80 and 90 degree weather. We had 85 degree weather in Feb, 85 to 90 in March, 88 to 92 in April. I think I should cut the tops off or bend the tops over to get large garlic but I can also use more bulbs to plant. These were planted in Sept. If this is an indication what summer will be like, it will be a hot one. Weather man said no rain last night but it rained anyway. LOL.

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Super Green Thumb
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Location: Northern Utah Zone 5

Its just the plant wanting to make seed and reproduce. That's what plants do. Just clip the flower blossoms off and put them in your salad. Have fun.

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Super Green Thumb
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Location: Northern Utah Zone 5

Onions are day length sensitive. They send out flower buds when the days are of a certain length. That is why we have short day onions for the South and long day onions for the North. They are also cool weather plants so plant them early in the season. Here that means as soon as the snow is off the plot. Hmmmm, don't know if snow is a problem for you?

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