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Lets play "name that variety"

My wife was given an extra plant last spring from a lady at work, with no info as to what to expect. No variety name, no description...just "here, take this random tomato plant". It was a vigorous little plant and we found a spot and stuck it in the ground. It has turned out to be one of my healthiest and best producing plants. It's cranked out a large volume of golf ball sized fruit. They grow in clusters of 5 to 7 fuit, and are quite firm even when very ripe. They are tangy...not sweet like a cherry type, and bigger than that anyway. My wife loves them, and wants to grow them again...we'll save seed, but who knows what I'll get from that....Any ideas as to what variety I have here?


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Um... I received free seeds from a seed company that were Early Salad Hybrid Tomato. They are about that size and sound like what you are talking about. Love them for salads.

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sweetiepie wrote:Um... I received free seeds from a seed company that were Early Salad Hybrid Tomato. They are about that size and sound like what you are talking about. Love them for salads.
Eh, maybe. Thanks for that. I found something on-line that had a couple pics and info about Early Salad hybrid. The fruit look right in the bowl, but do not look quite right on the vine. Also, the description described them as sweet. Mine are NOT sweet....

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Mine are not like a cherry tomato but definitely not like a sauce tomato. Though I am not nearly as well versed on tomato tastes as some here. Haha, so many varieties.

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Hmm...pingpong / golfball sized round red is pretty common you know. How tall (small) was/is the plant? Less than 4 ft? Presumably regular leaf. All at once productive suggests determinate?

Ones I've grown with those characteristics includes -- lets see -- just from memory (probably more)

Belyi Naliv
Kootenai (dwarf)
Polish Dwarf
Extreme bush

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regular leaf, pretty good sized plant, though not the space hog some of mine are (read, not a dwarf), seems indeterminate. Judging by who it came from, I doubt it is the least bit exotic...

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