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Is something growing on my strawberries?

I'm wondering is this something I need to be worried about? or is this perfectly normal for a strawberry to have this... I feel like its moldy yet I'm not very sure as I'm an amature gardener. :shock:

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Strawberry seeds are on the outside of the berry, they belong there.

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imafan26 wrote:Strawberry seeds are on the outside of the berry, they belong there.
But it looks like its moldy on the outside, I'm not referring to the seeds.

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I can't really tell from your picture. Unripe strawberries do have little hairs

but strawberries can also get grey mold

or powdery mildew

the mold or mildew can be on any part of the plant, leaves, stems, fruit, etc.

Both are fungal diseases that are fostered in situations of a lot of moisture/humidity, especially if combined with low air circulation. It helps to only water the soil, not the plant. Organic fungicides include diluted milk, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda solution, but they work much better preventatively than as treatment, especially if the disease is advanced. You might need to start by pulling all the diseased ones and then treating the soil and remaining plants.

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The photos are a little out of focus, but I'm thinking powdery mildew.

Take care to only water them in the morning or no later than several hours before sundown and not wet the foliage or the berries if you can possibly, and be sure to use water shedding, relatively quick drying mulch under the berries and don't let them touch the soil or rim of plastic containers. Periodically check to make sure the berries haven't burrowed into the mulch and are laying on top.

I use milk solution and chamomile tea as preventative on the berries and like to treat with baking soda solution with a touch of clear drinking alcohol like vodka and a drop or two of mild oil like sunflower or safflower on infected berries, but I carefully clip off so as not to spread the spores and throw out badly molded ones when they get grey mold, spraying hands/tools with rubbing alcohol as necessary and washing hands really well before handling healthy berries.

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Hey thanks! I tried baking soda water and rapeseed oil. It worked like a charm! but I have another problem now I'm needing to know if I'm watering my plants too little or too much. help is appriciated I'll be posting pics in one minute after this reply

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Srry I trippleposted
Last edited by Leochristo on Sat May 07, 2016 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Heh Leo,
Just a point....your plants need re-potting into bigger containers and given a good high potash feed ( tomato feed is ideal ) and spreading further apart.
They need to have plenty of air movement between them.

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strawberries always seem to die a fungal death. You have to repot them often, the roots usually get fungus and rot.

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