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Jiro Persimmon Pruning Help


It's been awhile since I last planted anything, recently bought a Jiro Persimmon and need help pruning it ;-) I marked some branches red which I believe should be prune, but any ideas?

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I wouldn't prune a young tree that much as you marked in the photo. Just maybe a couple inches (10 maybe?) on each long branch. Because the smaller and younger the tree, the less it has to be pruned and your tree looks quite young :)

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Nice tree! Already blooming too :-() Have you noted the difference between the male and female blossoms? There will be some green drop and aborted fruits, especially if it is stressed, but counting the females will give you an idea of how many you will be starting out with, and later you may have to thin.

I think I would just prune off the two lowest branches at this time. While doing so, identify where this tree was grafted, so you will know to watch out for rootstock sprouts which you won't want to allow to grow.

For the upper branches, take the ones that are growing too upright and pull them down so they are 45° or as much as almost horizontal. You can do this either with espalier technique of snugly but not too tightly tying thin bamboo stakes to the branches, then tying down by pulling on the bamboo (straight branches) or by hanging heavy objects from the branches using some kind of padding to protect the branch (arched branches). I sometimes use pieces of old soaker hose slit down the length to put around the branch or folded piece of floating cover. You can correct the direction the branch is growing to some extent while doing this as well. Remember not to force -- you can always go back later and get them a little further down or over as long as the branches remain flexible.

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Hi Applestar,

from what I read, female blooms are individuals and as big as the calyx, and males are in cluster, and from what I see from my tree, it's all single blooms inches away from each other or so but they all a bit smaller than the calyx/bud .. unless I mis-read an article, but attached are some photos .. hopefully it's female O:)

Yes I was also thinking of putting some sort of weight on those top branches, just haven't gotten to it yet, trying to finished my 45x15 garden before it gets warm ..

Thanks for the help!

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