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How much MaxiGro fertilizer for houseplants in water

For several years I've been growing aglonema, pothos, snake plants, and dieffenbachia in clear jars. I change the water monthly and feel they need some nutrients so I purchased MaxiGro from General hydroponics. Although their ad stated it could be used for this, I haven't been able to determine how to use it for my situation.

Any thoughts are much appreciated. :)

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None of those plants require a lot of nutrients. Maxigro comes in growth food and bloom food. The links below show their analysis which should also be written on the bag. Direction are also on the label. Most of the plants you have are grown for their foliage and have inconsequential blooms except for the aglonema.
https://www.lamolina.edu.pe/hidroponia/B ... _1.5lb.pdf
https://hydrobuilder.com/media/pdf/instr ... olabel.pdf

I have not used this product. I have used miracle grow and I usually dilute it to 1/4 strength but I feed plants every other change. The plants you have may not even need it that often. I only used it on lucky bamboo, a type of dracena which also does not need much.

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Thank you so much for your response and please forgive my tardiness.

The MaxiGro bag does give an amount - 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon of fresh water, but my concern/question is can the plants remain in that solution? I looked for a phone number or way to contact the company, with no success. Perhaps I'll do the "every other change" as you do.

Again, thank you very much!

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They don't require much fertilizer and every other change helps to clean the pot and prevent salt build up. Hydroponic solution and dilute miracle grow are fine for the plants to sit in. Just make sure it is dilute. The maxigro rate is for a flow system. To be safe I would go with a more dilute concentration of 1/4 tsp per gallon. The plants were doing fine in plain water, dilute fertilizer is less likely to cause problems than giving them more than they are used to. You can gradually increase the amount if you are not getting the results you desire. Pothos and mother in law tongues can get wild, so it is better to err on the underfertilized side.

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imafan26 wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:09 pm
None of those plants require a lot of nutrients. Maxigro comes in growth food and bloom food. The links below show their analysis which should also be written on the bag. Direction are also on the label. Most of the plants you have are grown for their foliage and have inconsequential blooms except for the aglonema.
https://www.lamolina.edu.pe/hidroponia/ ... _1.5lb.pdf
https://420expertadviser.com/nutrients/ ... s-reviews/
https://hydrobuilder.com/media/pdf/inst ... olabel.pdf

I have not used this product. I have used miracle grow and I usually dilute it to 1/4 strength but I feed plants every other change. The plants you have may not even need it that often. I only used it on lucky bamboo, a type of dracena which also does not need much.
Thanks, that helped!

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I had really good success with a ton of different indoor plants mixing it exactly as instructed on the package once a month, the rest of the month I just used regular water. Alternatively, watching the leaves, rich green feed with Maxi, leaves blue green, just water.