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Hi all! I am dealing with yet another round of fungus gnats. Sheesh! I sprayed this jade plant about a week and 1/2 ago with Garden Safe 32 oz. Houseplant and Garden Insect Killer. After more research I decided to do a mosquito dunk with the rest of my plants. I was debating whether to retreat the jade and try and save it when it tipped over and lost numerous, additional leaves. Can I propagate it if it still may have gnats in the soil? I believe the gnats do not infect the leaves and stem but want to be sure before I try. The upper stems and leaves look very healthy. Lastly, I need advise from the more experienced gardeners on the best way to propagate this plant. Thank you !

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Here's what I use for my potted plants, to kill the fungus gnats - Microbe-Lift Mosquito Control, which also works on the fungus gnat larvae in the soil. It is Bt israelensis, and It doesn't take much - just 8-10 drops in a gallon, and I use it once every month or so, once the plants are going to be brought inside. And water from the top, with this, as that's where the larvae are. You can also use those mosquito dunks - just grind them up, and use the granules in the upper 2" or so of soil - it doesn't take a lot, maybe a quarter of one in a 10 gal pot. They sell mosquito granules, but they are less concentrated, so it's better to grind up the dunks yourself! And they sell fungus gnat granules to use this way, but they are way higher priced.

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TY for the info! Do you think I can still propagate the plant?

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The fungus gnats and more importantly, their eggs are in the soil. You can propagate the branches of the Jade.

However, the plant should be repotted. Wash off most of the soil from the roots. You can dunk the roots in a bucket of 120 degree water for 10 minutes. You can add 1 tsp of pyrethrin per gallon of water. This is important. This is the temperature needed to kill the gnats, but higher temps can damage the plant. Clean the pot with soap and water well and bleach it. Repot with a light well drained mix. Fungus gnats are in the pots because it is staying wet too long.

If you can after repotting keep the plant outside in a shady spot elevated on a rack. You can put crushed mosquito dunks and mix it into the soil. This way it can dry well and if there are any more fungus gnats that hatch from eggs, they can be treated with Bt. Make sure the problem is controlled before bringing the plant back into the house.

Make sure you water the plant outside, let it drain completely preferable on a rack. If you use a cache pot, make sure it is dry and don't water the plant in the cache pot. The plant should get good light and good air circulation, you can improve that with a fan or an open window. Do not water until the soil is almost dry 2 inches deep. Use your finger to test for dampness. If the pot is staying wet for more than 5 days, you need to improve the air circulation or take it out of the cache pot. The plant would do better in an aerated space

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@imafan — that was a great primer for how to treat container plant with fungus gnats issues, regardless of what kind of plant.

I didn’t know some of those details. Thanks!

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Thank you imafan26, I will propagate just the stems of the plant. Wish me luck!

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