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Seeking desperate help

Hello fellow gardeners

I'm seeking help with my cayenne chilli peppers, I sowed them about 2 months ago (I think). They have been doing fine until now but recently, in the most mature plants, I started noticing a whiteness of the leaves. I have ruled out pests & fungus, I initially thought it's a nutrient deficiency and have applied some fertiliser and an extra dose of iron (sprayed on the leaves). They don't seem to be getting any better, I'm starting to believe now that it's actually sunscald? It's very confusing as I have not seen anywhere symptoms like these.

They sit on my windows sill, they get 6 to 8 hours of sun a day.

I'm in dire need of help, hope I came to the right place :(

I'm actually considering dunking right now and/or repotting.

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2nd from bottom photo the leaf with tiny pinpoint white looks like sucking pest — look underneath, also try holding white paper underneath and flick on the leaf to see if you get any tiny sprinkles that may or may not move. try smearing the sprinkles if you get them and see if they streak. >> mites

If this looks like thrips, I don’t know how to recognize.

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Thanks for your reply. I have checked and the paper came back empty, Even used a magnifying glass and I can't see any creatures there.

Whatever this is, seems to be affecting only my biggest plants, the younger seedlings are completely fine!

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You need minimum 60x to see mites ... 100x would be better.

For now keep it separate from other plants in a quarantine, and try to take care of this plant last. If mites, they can be transferred when they hitchhike on you. It’s possible to bring them home or inside. They are very difficult to control on seedlings.

If you see russeting — faint color change in the stems and especially stunted, dried up growing tips and side buds, that’s a bad sign.

Any sign of Very fine webbing?

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Re webbing, not seeing any at the moment but I think I saw one couple of days ago.

I've got 3 of them turning white, all about the same size. The little plants don't seem to be affected.

I'm seeing lots of side shoots on the affected plants, but I think it's natural given their size?

Should I try and apply something on the plants, just in case?

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