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A few questions - How to start these plants


I'm wanting to grow Piper Auritum, it is "an aromatic culinary herb in the pepper family Piperaceae"
I have no experience growing a plant of the Piperaceae varieties.

A little bit of background,
I will be using a 175 watt metal halide horticulture grow light from HTGSUPPLY, the light will be on 24 hours.

I was thinking of doing a bubble bucket, but I wasn't sure how to cradle the seedling, which brings me to my next challenge.

If I take cuttings of the leafs of the piper auritum, do I need a humidity dome to house these clones? Or would it be best to place cuttings into 3"-4" rockwool cubes and then transplant them to my bubble bucket?

What about going from seeds? Can anyone comment on this? And if this was the case, would I need to use a 11x22 tray with humidity dome for the seedlings?
I'd imagine it'd be best and most cost effective to place the seeds or cuttings into rockwool and then go into hydroton of the bubble bucket once sprouted. But still not sure if these cuttings or seedlings need a humidity dome.

Super Green Thumb
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Welcome to the forum!

I actually did grow this from seed one time, since I had no other way of getting hoja santa, for Mexican cooking! I grew it outside, but had to start it inside in February, as it was extremely slow germinating, as well as growing, but it eventually, in mid-August, was huge, about 4 ft across, with very large leaves, about 1' in diameter. I don't know anything about growing indoors, except for starting it indoors, and putting them out in May. I don't know how you can get cuttings from them, since they grew like a large leaf brassica or leaf lettuce - just growing from the core, in the time I had. I just cut the large perimeter leaves, and it would grow back. Even the smaller one was over 2' across. Also, not all plants benefit from 24 hr light - I couldn't tell you about this one, but I had 16 hr lights when it was indoors.

Good luck however you figure out to grow it!

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