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Super Green Thumb
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17 Degrees Brocolli & Kale R doing good. Tomatoes R gone.

It was 17 degrees F last night Kale and Broccoli are still doing good. I harvested some Kale for dinner salad it was stiff as sheet metal and had ice on it but after running cold water over the leaves it are flexible and was very good in dinner salad. I ate the last 2 garden tomatoes today. I kept all the green garden tomatoes in a large bowl with a glass lid I ate them as they were ripe. I noticed today broccoli is starting to make small heads they are about 1" diameter each. Alaska Snow Peas seem to be doing ok but not doing much growing in this cold weather. Parsley is doing good too I eat some in salad every day. It was 17 degrees with 20 mph wind this morning it reminds me of Chicago weather without the snow. It warmed up to 29 today, and it is going to be 70 degrees Saturday. LOL. None of the onion seeds are growing.
Last edited by Gary350 on Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Super Green Thumb
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Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:04 pm
Location: TN/GA 7b

Yeah we've had some weather down in mid 20's. Swiss chard is still going strong and fall planted broccoli is making heads.

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