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The Birds ate all my Grapes

My grapes have been doing GREAT. 4 plants filled the entire grape arbor and there were enough clusters of grapes to full a bushel basket. They started getting ripe and I was checking them every day. Sunday about 50% of the grapes on each cluster were ripe but the other 50% were still green. I ate a few grapes but hot 110 degree F grapes are not so good. Monday afternoon I went out with a large container with a plan to harvest all I could then put them on ice. To my surprise all the grapes were gone. Only thing left are the stems with some skins hanging on. BIG disappointment. The Birds ate all the grapes.

If that is what I have to look forward to 1 day every year I will replace the grapes with more pecan trees. Grapes are 89 cents a lbs in the store. Lets see the birds eat the pecans.

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I feel your frustration. Birds got almost all my berries and cherries, and, they got my first several tomatoes of the season. I can get over the tomatoes and I have been beating them to them ever since... but next year, I am considering netting the fruit.

Sorry for your loss. I feel for you, I really do. :cry:

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What a bummer!

Yeah tomatoes are easy because you can pick them underripe and they'll still ripen in the kitchen without loss of flavor. Berries and other fruits that need to ripen on the trees and vines are harder because they have to be protected somehow,

I suppose with grapes, you could bag individual bunches. If rain is not an issue, you can just use brown lunch bags. Otherwise, you may need to get waxed paper bags like bakery bags.

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Netting may be helpful.

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yeah, I was thinking you need bird netting. It is cheap and easy. You just need some kind of frame to put it over, because if it rests directly on the grapes, birds can still get them.

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