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New Grower Help Please! Fungus? Lack of light?

Hi I'm new to growing pepper I was giving a live plant and I bought 75 watt grow light I have a 1000w coming. Anyway I'm not too sure what is going on with my plant could I get some advice I bought some fungicide cause I think its a fungus but any input would be appreciated

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There may be other issues but that one leaf with squiggly tracks Has a pest called leaf miner crawling between the top and bottom layers of the leaf. Trim off all of the squiggles with sharp pair of scissors — use embroidery scissors if you have them — and securely discard. If it’s impossible to cleanly trim the leaf, just cut off the entire leaf.

Don’t spray with anything until problem is identified.

For one plant, I typically use 100W to 120W equivalent Daylight CFL bulb. Don’t let the leaf touch the light bulb, but keep as close as possible. I can’t help with the 1000w.

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Thanks for the input

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