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How to Save Yellow Pygmy Sunflower?

Hi! I planted 5 yellow pygmy sunflower seeds in an outdoor pot ~1 month ago. The middle seed sprouted first (1-3 days prior to other seeds), but while it's grown much taller than the other plants, it appears to be struggling. The leaves have been yellowing for the last week or so. What should/can I be doing differently to reinvigorate this plant's health / generally ensure happy healthy yellow pygmy sunflowers?

So far, I've situated the flower pot in a sunny outdoor spot, water the plants, every 1-2 days, and staked the middle plant to help it grow straight. The plants are ~4-5 inches apart.
Will you help me save my sunflower baby(ies)?
Will you help me save my sunflower baby(ies)?

Posts: 14056
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

I would give each plant its own pot. Sunflowers do like a rich loam but should get a little all purpose fertilizer as well. They need about 6-8 hours of sun. Yellowing can be from pests or fungal disease, since the others don't look yellow either. I would take off the yellow leaves and take a good look under them and see what might be there. If you find anything you will have to take a look at the younger seedlings to see if the same thing is happening to them. Another good reason to make sure they have enough space and separate pots.

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