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Imafan's 2017 garden

I have gotten a very late start. I spent most of my time trying to cut down a lot of the weeds. I took some pictures and I have been trying to upload them but no luck. Apparently I have an old camera. A coolpix with windows 7 software. I am unable to upload it since Windows 10 cannot read the card. I have tried to upload with a USB cable, that did not work and since I accidentally deleted some files from photo gallery eons ago, I can't seem to get those files restored. So, all I have left is my diary
February 23,2017 started Round Up on the weeds. Fifteen foot tall California grass, and the neighbors honeysuckle, African tulip, Fukien tea, and Allspice which is spreading all over the yard. Not to mention the nut sedge.
Found out around this time that my sprinkler head was broken so the grass in the front yard was dying and the nutsedge was taking over there too. The agapanthus and amaryllis was actually shrinking.
I am continuing to Round Up the new weeds that are sprouting from the recent rain.

March 3, 2017 the aloe started blooming. I cleaned up my nursery bench and some of the orchids started blooming. Popcorn, and Golden Aya. I bought some bulbs from Walmart, Lily of the Valley, Oriental lilly, strawberry plants, and more gladiolus bulbs.

3/16/2017 The main garden is still full of weeds and last years' corn stalks so I decided to plant some pole beans and peas in the tomato pots.

3/26/2017 Kunia Orchid Show

4/2/2017 I fell and chipped my elbow so it made it hard to do much of anything with only one arm.

4/24/2017 The oriental lilly bloomed, Only one strawberry survived. The glads are growing. The lily of the valley is MIA
finally got around to planting my first tomato, Super beefsteak.

5/2/2017 It has been raining off and on, the weeds are coming back again. I picked my first beans and peas
The tomato is flowering but something is wrong. It looks stunted, chloritic. I think it may have tomato yellow curl virus. There are a lot of white flies on the beans and on the hibiscus. I cut the hibiscus and I sprayed the beans with alcohol. I probably will have to pull the tomato. I have planted another tomato but it isn't showing any signs of problems yet.
The ginger is sprouting. It took a while but I got the pot filled and replanted the ginger in 3 tubs and pickled the rest in sherry.

I saw the doctor again and my arm is healing and I don't have to be in a sling anymore. I still don't have all the strength back and it hurts in certain directions, but I can use two hands again.

5/4/20147 The last two days have been relatively sunny so I filled my 2 greenwaste cans. I finally weed whacked the front yard and pulled some of the weeds. I also got another harrassing letter from the HOA.

I wish you could see the pictures in my camera

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So sorry to hear about your elbow injury -- it's amazing how much physical activity and strength is involved in gardening and joint issues can be very problematic because a little twist in wrong direction can cause severe pain. I'm having a bit of issues -- I think maybe something like a tennis elbow or slight wrench. I think I need to get a new elbow brace/ace bandage -- I can't find the one I had last time this happened.

I know sometimes the urge to do something can be irresistible, but try to keep from overdoing it and I hope you feel and get better soon.

As for your camera -- it sounds to me like you need a new driver. Maybe one of these pages will explain and contain links for where to get what you need?

Article ID 000004722 Published 11/6/2016
Windows 10 Compatibility Announcement ... lang=en_US

Starting Nikon Transfer 2 (Windows 10 / Windows 8.1) | ViewNX-I Help | Nikon ... 17500.html

If not, sometimes you can get a free utility software that will do the trick. I'm mostly a Macintosh user, and when I had a Nokia phone that was mostly Windows only with minimal Macintosh support, I ended up getting a 3rd party utility to do most of what I needed to do.

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Thanks Apple. I start physical therapy next week. I feel pretty good. I just can't extend my arm all the way or twist it. Right now I am limited to a one pound weight limit but it is better than zero.

I looked at some utilities but so far nothing has really worked. I downloaded the one from nikkon, but haven't tried it yet.

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

It has been awhile. My camera and windows 10 are not talking to each other and there is no driver available. All I can do with the pictures in the camera is take it to costco and have it transferred to other media. Now, I am trying to learn to use the camera in my phone. I still haven't quite figured out how to upload it. I managed to transfer an image from the computer to the phone but not the other way around. I have to work on it some more.
It has been a couple of months with therapy and I can lift more things now. I even lifted a case of fruit juice and a case of spam (12 cans) today and I could not have lifted half that weight a month ago. The bone is healed but there are still some angles that I can't tolerate a lot of stress on so I try to lift things avoiding that motion. It is getting better. But, now my knee is locking up almost every day and that makes it hard to do things in the garden.

I am working on the pots mostly. I have some cucumber and zucchini. I have had 5-6 zucchini, but they have all been stung by fruit flies, I may not get any. I have had better luck with the cucumber. I picked 4 so far, but a few are getting stung as well, but at least more of them are surviving. I have one that should be ready in another week or maybe less. I just planted 3 more Japanese cucumber in the pot formerly occupied by the snow peas and beets and perpetual spinach in the pot I grew the beans in. I planted and ajaka basil. It has better downy mildew resistance so I will see if it will do better. It is a type of holy basil.
I have harvested some of the calamondin and chili peppers.
My gardenia is dropping leaves, but I think it needs more water. I have to either water it more by hand or fix that broken sprinkler head, so I can turn on the sprinkler again.

The citrus trees are flushing so I need to make cuttings soon. I fed the trees today.

I bought more lavender starts (Provence and Multifida), penta,and some false heather for the front yard at the same time I picked up the japanese cucumber, and perpetual spinach.
I have to find a wider pot for the ginger which is definitely pushing the side of the existing pot and it still has 3 months to go.

The pacific storms Fernanada, Gregg, Irwin, and Hillary have been blocked by the Pacific High (Yeah), but the remnants bring us muggy hot days and summer rain. We have already had 8 named storms and the worst of the season is yet to come. We will probably have more than the usual 11 this year. That means the weeds are loving it and it causes high humidity which makes it uncomfortable for people to be outside, and also increases problems with fungal and bacterial diseases. It is also bringing out the snail again. I haven't seen any slugs, but I caught 7 snails today. When the weather is dry the snails decrease, but as soon as things get wet and green shoots start coming out, they come back with a passion.

I don't have any orchids in bloom right now. I have also lost a lot of them too. I need to add that to my to do list.

Posts: 14062
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

I went out to water the garden today and discovered a fat zucchini. I was about to lose hope of getting any to survive. The first five were stung and only one other is still growing after I covered it with a net bag. I hope it is not too old. It was actually growing into the ginger pot and I only noticed it because I knew it wasn't ginger. I covered the cucumbers too but, they still got stung. I have one that is old enough to survive even if it is stung and a couple of other young ones. I have to reset my fruit fly traps. I am still eating the other half of the cucumber I picked earlier.

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