Greener Thumb
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Spring garden in the mountains of Virginia

I've got a thread up on the tomato progress board showing what all is going on in that department this year. I had a minute so I thought I could share some pictures of the rest. First are some pictures of my collards and kale. These were planted last August and harvested pretty heavily up until about Christmas time. At that point, the collards pretty much die back, and the kale goes more or less dormant. Then, things get kicked back up in the spring. We've been picking and preparing leaves 3 or 4 times a week and can't keep up.

Kale (a few of these are just now going to seed):



Collards (as you can see in the pick, these are definitely bolting):


And here is what we woke up to last Saturday morning!

Chilled peas:


Frosted onions:


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Beautiful kale. Do you like the frilly kind? I'm afraid it would be harder to spot pests? Which variety is it?

Your peas are looking good. Mine got hit hard by the super hard frost/freeze -- one of the downside to pre-germinating them -- shallower roots and less hardiness than those that sprouted on their own terms in the ground. Hopefully, they will make it and bounce back.

I got my Dixondale onion plants too -- hoping to plant them tomorrow....

Greener Thumb
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Location: Virginia, The mountains Zone 6a/6b

yeah....it's the dwarf scotch, or whatever...lol. I've just saved seeds from year to year. Interestingly, it's not quite so "frilly" in the fall, but get's curlier over the winter. We use it just about anywhere people use spinache. We'll put it in with pizza toppings, , omelettes, use it in soups and stews (ask me about my spicy smoked turkey, white bean and kale soup!), and it's amazing sauteed in good butter with onions and red pepper flake. Growing late in the fall and early spring, I don't have too many pest issues. Luckily, our coldest recent night was around 25-27ish, and everything seems to have come through just fine...I did drape the bed with the peas with a heavy blanket.

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Love the images of the kale :) I might plant a couple plants of kale this year as a challenge

Mr green
Green Thumb
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Nice looking kale! I'm trying this green kale for the first time this year hoping it will do me good as well.

Greener Thumb
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Mr green wrote:Nice looking kale! I'm trying this green kale for the first time this year hoping it will do me good as well.
I enjoy it very much...good luck.

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Did you originally get that one from Gixx? I have one that survived the winter in a window box 2 feet off the ground. I'm hoping it will go to seed this year since my stock of Dwarf Blue Scotch Kale seeds he originally sent me -- I think was the name -- is (FINALLY) getting low. :lol:

Greener Thumb
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No, store bought packet seeds, probably burpee. Then saved year after year. These a direct descendants of plants that survived negative double digits temps...

Greener Thumb
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hello again. Long time, no update. Suffice it to say I've been a little busy here with work and family. Anyway, here's a long awaited update. Collards, kale, lettuces have all run their course...except for a single kale plant that I've left for seed. We've been eating peas...both shelled and in the pods. Everything seems to be coming along as intended.

Carrots in buckets. Living on top of a chunk of shale forces you to think outside the box.:


Main tomato bed. Need to get in there tomorrow and build a proper support system.:


Some developing fruit shots.:



more tomatoes in the ground and in buckets.:





A block of corn.:


my main batch of onions, with a garlic chive "bush" in there too.


Peas producing like gangbusters, although they are winding down.":



trying my hand growing some hops this year.:


My wife always insists on growing some sort of colorful thing.:


And finally, the sentinel lording over his domain



I guess that's all for now. I've got several pictures of my pepper plants and some cucubrits and a few other odds and ends, but there's not an awful lot to see there. I've gone on long enough. Happy summer!

Greener Thumb
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Returned from a two week vacation to my first proper harvest of the warm weather stuff. I've been eating all along, but this is the first time I've accumulated a pile on the stove.


These are some onions that I picked and left to cure while away:


These are the onions I picked today:



And finally, a couple picture of my hops....these are quite fun to watch grow...



I have lots of peppers coming along, corn should be ready soon, and hopefully the squash, zuchs, and cukes should start to show in good numbers soon....

Greener Thumb
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Well...it's certainly not spring anymore, but I didn't want to start a new thread...things are going well here. This is a picture of today's haul, less 3 nice cucumbers that I turned into refrigerator pickles, and a yellow squash and zucchini that we ate with dinner...


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