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strawberries crowns not growing

I bought some quinault strawberry roots from walmart along with some jersey knight asparagus. The asparagus is growing but non of the strawberries have sprouted ant it has been over a month. This is the second time I have bought roots and nothing happened. The roots don't feel soft yet so I am still hoping they will make an appearance. Any thoughts as to why this is happening.

I have no choice except to buy strawberry plants or get roots from the box stores. Most places will not send live plants to Hawaii. The stores are selling mostly seascape which I don't really care for. I like Albion best.

I am hoping what I have really is Jersey knight because they are blooming already.

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I never have good results with roots. They might produce a leaf or two then they just die or like yours they never come up. I have bought plants and those are still alive and producing runners after a few years.

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Thanks. This is the second time I have tried this. I guess I will have to settle for whatever strawberry plants are available.

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I think it's REALLY hard to find good quality in places like Walmart. They just don't take care of them, and only time I've seen any that I might consider buying were first arrivals of the season. But by the time they get shipped to Hawaii, I don't know.....

Have you tried growing from seeds? Even if you are starting from seeds saved from hybrid fruits, with your year round growing conditions, it seems like a good way to try to develop adapted strawberry strain, and it shouldn't take too long for you either. They do sell seeds of strawberries that will fruit first year, too.

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I tried alpine strawberry, which was the only kind of seeds I could find. It grew for awhile, but I think it is too hot here for them. Most seed companies will not send live plants to Hawaii. I can get bare root roses, and Logee's will ship fruit trees, but most companies exclude, Hawaii,Alaska, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

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I suspect what you need is opposite of us in the frozen north needing to set up overwintering locations that are warm enough as in 40's or above. I think you need to figure out a way to set up overwintering location that can be 40's or below but above freezing.

My seed grown alpines grew fine outside in the summer with average night time temp of around 70°F and day time high ranging from 80's to 90's. But I am finding that the over wintered plants in the garage in "V8 nursery" where I've tried to maintain 40's with occasional dip in the 30's and occasional hump into low 50's have flourished the best.

The ones in "Siberia" area of the garage where it got down to mid-20's or below are dormant and the ones that I kept indoor in upper 50's to 60's are not doing as well. We will see if the ones that were left in the ground outside survived this winter's dip down to the typical negative single digits for this area.

They seem to need good lighting too -- equivalent of at least "1/2 day sun" or good enough for tomatoes -- to be vigorous enough to fruit well.

...what do you think... A wine fridge set up with lights... A humidor.....? 8)

Subject: Growing Alpine Strawberries from Seeds
applestar wrote:As I mentioned earlier, I overwintered some of the White Soul Alpines that were started from seeds last year.

Here's an update -- Different conditions. One still producing a few every week. Ones in the collage top left photo were picked a couple of days ago.

Top-right and Middle-left are in Garage V8 Nursery area.
Middle-right is in the house (Green Room by the window but far from supplemental lights)

Bottom-left was probably overwatered, and Bottom right got dried out plus it's in “Siberia” – uninsulated side of the garage near the garage door with overwintering Sweet Pepper SIPs (temp occasionally drops to near mid-20's).

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