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The Poc-Fam garden, circa late July '13


front bed - pulled all the broccoli around the end of June and planted my dragon's tongue beans. They are currently about a foot tall or so and looking good.

mater patch - going along as intended. A couple plants showing blight, but I get that every year. Harvesting maters daily at this point.

upper bed - peas have run their course and been pulled. Yellow squash wiped out for the second year in a row, presumably by vine borers. Zuchs still going along, but one has headed south just today...borers again. Still, we've gotten a good haul of both and a few more zuchs on the assembly line. Picklebush cukes have run their course, but burpless hybrids still chugging along. Green peppers doing nicely. I have the bare ground where the peas and squash were, but I'm not sure what if anything to plant there. I've started some more picklebush cukes and may stick them in there.

upper-upper bed - cabbage and brussels sprouts have come and gone. I actually got a few useable sprouts but not many. The cabbages were yummy. This 4 x 8 bed needs planting, but again...not sure what to put there. I plan to use this space for fall lettuce, and I'm not sure I can get something to maturity in that space before I need to plant the lettuce. I'll think on it...

lower beds - two dwarf maters are going along very well. Lettuce is done and I planted a few more dragon's tongue beans in their place.

containers - cayenne peppers, jalapeno peppers, bell peppers, other tomatoes, basil, mint, lettuce, oregano, onions....all going well.

corn patch - +/- 40 jackpot corn plants going along well about head high with good ears. Looks like jackpot pretty much only gives 1 ear per plant. Not sure any have two. I was away when most of the tassles and silks first appeared, so I didn't really get to hand pollinate like I like. Basically I just shake the plants around a bit every day or so....I hope it will be enough...

Anyway, I guess thats about it for now. Starting to think about the fall. Pretty much lots of lettuce and cole crops. I may (or may not) try some turnips, but I don't really like turnips...lol...

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JayPoc wrote:
Anyway, I guess thats about it for now. Starting to think about the fall. Pretty much lots of lettuce and cole crops. I may (or may not) try some turnips, but I don't really like turnips...lol...
I've never had turnips, but this remark made me LOL so hard. :lol:

I'd love to see pics of your setup. =)

Greener Thumb
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Location: Virginia, The mountains Zone 6a/6b

jemsister wrote:
JayPoc wrote:
Anyway, I guess thats about it for now. Starting to think about the fall. Pretty much lots of lettuce and cole crops. I may (or may not) try some turnips, but I don't really like turnips...lol...
I've never had turnips, but this remark made me LOL so hard. :lol:

I'd love to see pics of your setup. =)
Yeah....I grew some last year. Cooked some up (diced the roots into small cubes, sauteed with the greens, splash of vinegar). They were OK, just not "awesome" to my palate. I think I'd rather use the space for kale, which I love...

And here's a link to a post I posted back at the start of the season. I meant to follow up with pics of everything in full swing, but I never got around to it...

https://helpfulgardener.com/forum/viewto ... =4&t=52235

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I love your setup! It's like edible landscaping, which really appeals to me. My garden is pretty much the same thing, since I rent. So it's flower beds, one raised bed on the patio, and then containers. I just squeeze in what I can where I can! I really like how tidy all your beds look, it's really quite pretty.

Greener Thumb
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thanks...I personally wouldn't describe anything I do as "tidy" but I have fun with it...lol...

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Well, it looks tidy compared to mine then. Haha!

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Sounds like you are on a roll. I just weeded my vegetable garden yesterday. I am getting to ready plant corn and maybe some more cucumbers, Asian greens, and zucchini. And I am getting ready to start the broccoli and brussels sprouts in containers. I still need to pull my determinate tomatoes.

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