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Re: Imafan's 2024 Garden

I called a friend from my orchid club who has rabbits and asked for some rabbit poop. I am going to add it to my worm bin. I may spread it out in other places as well. She gave me half a bucket of rabbit poop with rabbit pee.It is the only cold manure that does not need to be hot composted and can be used fresh. But I am probably going to give some of it away or use it on my ornamentals or fruit trees instead mixed in with either potting soil or compost which ever one I have on hand.

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It is 70 degrees. I did get out to water the garden this morning. It is overcast but windy at NNW at 10 mph. I transplanted some lettuce from some pockets in the tower that did not germinate. The lettuce I picked up from the ground looked sad yesterday, but has perked up. I see more of the Bibb lettuce starting to sprout. Most of the peppers have sprouted except cascabella. That is the one that I have a hard time getting seeds for. I am not going to leave the peppers in the tower, most of them will be transplanted to larger containers later. All of the bean pockets except one is growing. Something chewed off the top of the bean in one pocket. I transplanted a lettuce into it. I harvested more snow peas. some of the New Big Dwarf tomatoes are starting to blush. The eggplant and pepper I transplanted into the 20 inch pots are looking good. I still have a lot of veggies and in the frig and yesterday I brought home more eggplant and a mango. I am amassing pea pods and I still have bush beans and some very ripe bananas. I either need to make more smoothies or banana bread.

My worm bin is stuffed. I cut off the older leaves from Tokyo Bekana, Swiss Chard, and pulled out the bush beans. Most of it did go into the worm bin, but I took some of it to the garden along with some kitchen scraps (mostly the midribs of the mustards and chard) and put it in the bucket compost. I did not have room to put any rabbit manure in the worm bin and it will probably smell like ammonia as it is. So far, even though I have stuffed my worm bin, there hasn't been much odor, and the worms can get through a lot of greens fast, they just don't eat the stems of the sweet potatoes and they go through fruits like cucumbers slower.

There are a couple of plant swaps coming up so I need to make space so I can pot up some of the cuttings. And of course there are always he weeds. I have to see if the wind will abate before I round up again. I have another tomato volunteer coming up. I have to find a spot for that one too.

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it is 66 degrees now. There is a lot of cloud cover, but it is sunny. The garden is still staying wet for a few days so I only need to water most things every 2-3 days. A few things still need more water like the lavender. It can go two days, but not three. I may have to pot it up again. None of the ginger or tumeric are up yet. It is not unusual for ginger, but it is rare that turmeric is not up. I will have to check to see what is going on with the root. I only had small pieces so it may be the problem. It is taking me a couple of hours to warm up before I can go outside. My New Big Dwarf tomato was really tasty despite the fact that I waited too long and it was over ripe. I have two more to harvest, along with more Chinese peas. I need to harvest the cilantro soon, one of the older ones looks like it is trying to go to seed. The romaine lettuce seems to have hit a growth spurt.

I have Lion's head and potato mac salad in the frig. ( I gave in to my cravings and made potato mac salad yesterday). I still have half the won bok, snow peas, lemons, and eggplant (from the garden) in the refrigerator and one mango. The bananas will be going to the worms, they are totally black and soft now.

The crepe myrtle looks better but 2 of my roses have lost their main canes. Of course the weeds have been enjoying the weather too.

The coffee, citrus, osmanthus (Kwai Fah), and ohia are all starting to bud up and bloom. The pink quill tillandsia is also blooming. This is one of the newer ones I got. The older ones I have had for years and they don't bloom. I think they are probably old plants so they never will.

I will need to reseed the garden chives and garlic chives in the tower or seed more green onions instead. I have to get more soil to work on the other tower and pots. I don't know where I am going to put the old soil.

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The cilantro is ready to harvest 39 days from sowing ( Jan 14.2024). The original sowing of cilantro is going to seed now. My sister came and got some today to make pastele stew. She also found my new plant, a blue juniper, I bought yesterday at the Kunia Sale and I told her I just bought it so she couldn't have it.

I came home tired on Saturday, so I only unpacked what I had to. I unpacked the rest of the car today. Three flowers were broken, but I don't think I lost anything. I even managed not to lose my dust pan. I did have to cut off the broken sprays of the flowers. I got around to watering the front yard, but I did not get around to the back. It has been three days since I last watered. It has been cool and windy but there has been a few light showers so the soil is not dry. I have clay and in this weather it can remain wet for a long time. The clover and baby's tears are dying, but I will have to hit it again with glyphosate, there is still some green. These things will come back if even a node survives.

Tomorrow, I will have to water the back yard. I have a plant share coming up in two weeks. I can cut some ti. It needs thinning. If I have the time, I can harvest the worm castings and bring some of that to the share. Right now, I am so tired it all seems so ambitious.

I did get some laundry done, and the robots vacuumed the floor. I put some things away but not all of it. After working in the kitchen for the last 4 days. I went and got a plate lunch and dim sum, so I would not have to cook for at least a couple of days. It will take me a couple of more days to recover. Right now my back and knees are both on strike.

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The bib lettuce I planted Feb 23 is at the stage when I can start harvesting outer leaves. The Salad bowl isn't doing much. The peppers have gotten a little bigger. The beans also look pretty good, but have not flowered yet. The new eggplant is looking good and the chili pepper I cut back has lots of new growth. The pak choy may be starting to flower. I am still harvesting a few snow peas every couple of days.

The green onions I planted in the 6 inch pots look big enough to divide. I will be able to give my sister one of the divisions. The garlic chives have all recovered from the aphids. I have a few more lettuce volunteer seedlings to transplant.

I picked two small New Big Dwarf tomatoes yesterday.

I am planning to make cabbage soup tomorrow. I can put the tomatoes in the soup. I have to come up with a stir fry for the snow peas and Asian cabbage.

I will need to pick up more potting soil to redo the other tower.

I gave the potted peppers dolomite lime ( it will take almost a year for it to change pH), kmag, and nitrogen. Some of the peppers and even the cucumbers look better. As old as the cucumbers are, they are still trying to make cucumbers. The araimo and Bun Long taro have thrown keikis. The araimo mothers are starting to rot. I will have to dig them out. I have a lot of things to cull off the benches. There is a lot to do. I just have to get to it.

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Wow, you really are busy! I know sometimes everything happens all at once and the chores seem endless…. You can do it!

One little task at a time as you feel up to it,.. and one big project … then give yourself a reward by doing something you WANTED to do, not necessarily what you HAVE to do. :wink:

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Thanks Applestar. I did get out an water the front and back today, so now, they should be back on their regular watering schedule.

The beans in the tower look like they are starting to form buds.

I did make the soup this morning and I watered the yard while it was simmering. I ended up not adding the tomatoes to the soup, but I have a lot of soup now.
The cucumbers and peppers definitely needed the fertilizer boost. The cucumber leaves are greener and bigger and the aconcagua pepper has put out a new pepper and new leaves. Now, I just have to figure out the right amount of fertilizer and how often. I added dolomite to the fertilizer I gave. It is not going to work immediately, but the pH is so low in the pots I have to start somewhere. The potassium should also raise the pH, but it can make the magnesium and zinc deficiencies worse down the line.

I picked about 4 lbs of calamansi and gave it to my friend.

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I finally go around to watering the yard after 4 days of no real rain. I fertilized the cucumber, tomatoes, peppers while I was at it. I had bagged cucumbers a few days ago and sprayed Bt and the cucumbers are now more than ready to be picked. One was turning yellow, so it was culled. One had pickle worm damage but was salvageable. In all I harvested 5 cucumbers for a total wt of 2405 gms. I had the damaged one for dinner. The damage must have been recent, it wasn't bitter.

Yesterday, I picked all of the butter crunch lettuce and took most of them to share with the others at the garden and I got a bunch of mulberries, a mango, and a bag of eggplant in return

My newer peppers are looking pale yellow all over. I gave them dolomite lime, k mag, and nitrogen. I may have to bring them out of the netting and give them a complete fertilizer. I cannot do that in the garden because the garden cannot get any additional phosphorus. Some of the smaller pepper seedlings need to be potted up as well.

New Big Dwarf is putting out new shoots from the base. I cut the older ones off and fertilized with dolomite, kmag, and sulfate of ammonia. It is not showing any deficits now. I just have to feed it because it is in a pot. I fed the cucumber again. It is flowering and there are many finger long baby cukes. I will have to wait until they are a little bigger before I can bag them. I will need to Bt them again.

I repotted the bonsai back into the training pot. It was looking very bad, the leaves were getting smaller and the pot cannot retain soil. It was hard to repot it, a big chunk of the root came off and it is very heavy so it was hard to wire in. My wire is actually too short for this pot, but I don't want to mess with the plant any more and have more chunks of roots come off. It has rained day and night for 4 days, All of the soil and cinder I put on top has washed off, but the tree did not show signs of transplant shock and the leaves are getting bigger, so I am crossing my fingers that it will be o.k.
5 Soarer cucumbers picked today
5 Soarer cucumbers picked today

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Looking good! I can’t wait until it’s cucumber harvesting season for me here — I found the cucumber fruit molding kit that I’d bought for last summer, but had forgotten where I’d put it. (Heart shape and star shape, I think…)

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Those are fun. It works on watermelons and squash too. I grow cucumbers pretty much all year round. My friends and family only like Japanese cucumbers, but I will grow parthenocarpic varieties of more heat resistant cukes in summer like Beit Alpha, Suyo long, Tasty Jade, and Diva. I will grow some other heat tolerant cucumbers like Summer Dance, Southern Delight. These cucumbers are also resistant to fungal disease and some viruses. Temperatures here will be around 88-91 in summer. Most cucumbers will handle 88, but only the most heat tolerant will handle anything over 90. I actually wanted to wait a couple of more days, but they are already too long.

I am glad I did pick them yesterday, because it is pouring rain now.

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I had a little more energy early this morning and I got some garden chores done on this sunny morning. I cut back the ajaka basil. All the rain was making the top sag badly. I pulled out some of the bolted pack choy and the Swiss Chard. Picked 309 grams of bush beans from the 5 tier tower garden. I will get a second harvest of beans in a few days. I will probably cook the beans tomorrow. I made some homemade hamburger patties to day and that will last a couple of days.

I went to the first meeting of the newly reorganized cactus and succulent society meeting. So, I have another club to go to. I got a small barrel cactus seedling, an agave division, and a succulent ( I have not idea what it is). Quite a few of the people there are people I know from the garden center and my orchid and bonsai clubs. The speaker talked about the differences between cacti and succulents. I will have to pot up or repot these soon.

I was also able to harvest some of my vermicast, enough to fill a one gallon nursery pot. I also evicted most of the roaches and a few slugs from the bin. I saw some younger worms in the bin. I was planning on buying more worms because I had more old lethargic worms than young ones. I took out the stems of the sweet potatoes from the bin and added more egg crates for carbon. My bin only has one drain hole on the bottom so it stays very wet. I Tipped the bin so it would drain toward the hole better instead of pooling on the other end.

I found a few bugs on the plants. Erineum mites on the neighbor's hibiscus hedge. Mine are protected with imidacloprid, The native hibiscus has some white flies, citrus has some sooty mold and whitefly, the Okinawan sweet potato had leaf hoppers, ( I did spray that with sultur and pyrethrins), I found some white aphids on the underside of one of the basil leaves while I was cutting it, the roses have a little bit of black spot from all the rain, The citrus had some leaf puckering, which is typical of aphids, but I did not really see any, I did see whitefly on the underside of one citrus leaf, The komatsuna has a few leaves that have cabbage aphids. I need to spray the cucumbers again with Bt for the pickleworms. I have to do more scouting now that bug season is here.

There are nutritional deficiencies showing up in the peppers, and it is time to fertilize the citrus since it is flushing again. There are a couple of more cucumbers I need to bag now that they are big enough. The eggplant is flowering.

The strawberries are blooming but I have to open the cover to let the bees in. I am debating whether to take the cover off. It will be attacked by both the rose beetles and the birds.

I have not seen any signs of life from the turmeric or the ginger. It is getting late for them.

I have a garden club meeting tomorrow. I will bring some of my extra tomato seedlings to share. I took cucumbers, Valentine tomatoes, long squash seeds, and spearmint to the plant share last Saturday and I got a couple of lavender seedlings, a bromeliad, a banana, bozu seeds, a green rose cutting, and some lemon grass divisions. This is a good way to get some serendipitous plant finds. It must be tomato season now. A couple of other people brought tomato seedlings too. one was a cherry, the other was a mystery "tomato". Nice talking to the people there.

I went to the Walmart that is 6.8 miles away to get some 5 and 10 gallon containers. I need to pot up more of the peppers. They also had a cheaper potting soil. It is bigger than the Walmart that is 5 minutes away from me and it also had some grocery items my store does not carry.

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I got my green cans out just in time. I forgot what day it was. it took longer to fill them. It is not because I don't have anything. It is because I haven't been out in the yard for awhile. It is 67 degrees now and it has been raining overnight. It seems to be stopping now. If it dries up enough later today, I hope to get outside and get more work done.

Most of the citrus trees are putting on new growth. I actually have to trim some of them back to keep them more compact. The weeds are growing again with all the rain. I have a few holes in the main garden now that I have taken out most of the bolted bok choy and cilantro. The peas should come out too. I have to pull the old plants out of the towers as well and decide what to plant next.

While the temperatures are still under 80 in the daytime. it won't be like that much longer. I am thinking of planting okra, roselle, more Swiss chard because that can be grown all year. I think I can still plant more Asian greens for a little longer, they are more heat tolerant. I should be able to get at least another round of bush beans or maybe I will try the long beans again. I had problems with the long beans last year because of pests and disease.

I am debating the corn. My corn will end up being higher than the bird netting and I would have to take it off again. If I can find a shorter corn that works, I might try that instead. I cannot grow any variety of corn. The tropical corn does best.

I could grow some squash even though they take up a lot of space in the garden if I don't have anything else to fill the garden. I could put shiso in the garden although, it will also take a lot of space, the height can be controlled with pruning so it won't be taller than the frame.

I have a few more holes in the bird netting, I have to repair. I am contemplating putting on insect netting instead of bird netting the next time. I am not sure how long the bird netting can last.

I have found out that there is one white cabbage moth that knows how to get inside the bird netting. I haven't caught it yet. I have only been able to chase it out.

I am not sure what to put in the towers. It will soon be too hot to plant anything except the most heat tolerant lettuce. I can put more baby bok in the towers, or plant some flowers. Except for alyssum most of my flowers are tall so they can be out in the pollinator garden. Peppers have done o.k. in the towers. I might try growing some in the tower at least until they get too big and need to be potted up. it will save space for a while. I have had onions and chives in the tower and I may put those back in again now that the black aphids are gone.

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It is 71 degrees at 5:15 a.m. and it has been raining most of the night and may continue for a few hours more.

It was a nice day on Monday, April 22, and I got a lot done then. I divided and repotted some of my green onions and I replanted the 6 tier tower. From the top of the tower I have
Top tier: Salad bowl lettuce ( transplanted seedlings from the other tower)
Tier 2: planted Maxibel beans. Two pockets of tendergreen beans
Tier 3: Wailua Pepper (UH jalapeno cultivar) seeds collected from my plants.
1 Red lettuce ( also a volunteer from my lettuce, Shimonita negi
divisions started on 1/30/24,
Tier 4: Revolution bell pepper, Joe E Parker, Touchdown bell pepper
Bottom tier: Divisions of koba green onions.

I amended the soil in the tower with vermicast, dolomite lime, kmag, and 6-4-6 fertilizer. I also added additional peat lite to top off the tiers. Second use of the soil. I hope I won't regret this. Because I have planted seeds of peppers and beans in the tower. I covered the tower with a tree net bag to keep the birds from eating the seeds. The birds were watching. I was hoping to get to the second tower, but I haven't been able to get to it yet.

I also cleaned up a little inside the main garden. I pulled out more of the bolted pak choy, Swiss Chard, and Chinese peas. I pulled a few weeds. I need to get more. I fertilized both towers with MG, and also some of the potted peppers, citrus, tomato seedlings, and citrus trees. It has been raining for a few days over night and I had appointments so I haven't gotten around to fertilizing the rest of the yard. I accidentally knocked over the bougainvillea on the stand and the terra cotta pot broke. I hate it when that happens. I repotted it immediately in a bulb bowl. I lost more of the root, So far, the leaves still look o.k. This is a 30 year old plant and bougies don't really like their roots disturbed so I hope it makes it. It will have to survive on the trunk until new roots form.

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The rain stopped after 8 a.m. but it was very windy today. I did get out to harvest 180 g of bush beans ( second harvest) and three cucumbers (1264 g). Both of these are probably the last I will see for a while. There are a few small beans left. I did not get out to fertilize today, but I was able to trim my kokutan hedge. The weeds were growing through it, so it needed it badly. I cut the lettuce from the towers but left the roots and there is a second growth. I think I will be able to harvest a few of the leaves before I pull it out.

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It rained again last night an it has been drizzling all morning. I was going to the plant share, but the radar showed it was raining there too. So, I decided to get a headstart on cleaning the house instead.

I harvested araimo yesterday, 5 small ones. I was going to take it to the plant share, but it looks like I may end up making nishime again soon instead. I was able to pot up some of the keiki araimo. Harvesting the older ones was the only way to get to the younger ones. I divided my peppermint yesterday, and harvested the beans ( second harvest). I also divided and repotted a six inch pot of green onions. I transplanted a volunteer tomato from one of my empty pots into a 4 inch pot. The main pot needs to be reamended before I can plant it.

I planted seeds of okra, tabasco, Thai bird chili, roselle, Dwarf blue curly kale, diamond eggplant, garden chives ( there wasn't much seed in the packet. I will hve to look for more and over seed it), Wailua pepper. I dated all the seeds 4/29 because I didn't know what day it was. It is still marginal temps for warm crops like eggplant and hot peppers. It has been warm enough to germinate the bell peppers and some hot peppers. It should be getting warmer so I think the seeds will germinate. I harvest my first 2 eggplant (71 gms) from the new eggplant. It has lots of flowers so there will be more to come.

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Yesterday. I was able to weed whack the front yard and pull a few weeds (enough to fill a 3 cu ft soil bag).

The 6 tier tower I planted on April 25 seems to be doing well. The beans have started to sprout. I covered the tower with a tree bag to keep the birds from eating the pepper and bean seeds and seedlings. I did discover that the green onions are again being attacked by black aphids. I may have to move them somewhere else after I clear them up again. The aphids seem to want to attack these especially after there has been a few days of rain.

I started fertilizing the yard yesterday, and today I finished fertilizing with miracle grow. I pulled out the beans from the 5 tier tower. There were a few small beans but they did not have a lot of leaves left. The buttercrunch lettuce I cut before had some second growth, but the lettuce was tough, so I gave them all to the worms. I also gave the worms the wild bittermelon vines. I cleaned up the tiers the beans and buttercrunch lettuce was in. Instead of taking the tower apart, it was still heavy from all the rain, I worked each pocket with a shovel to loosen the soil and added some dolomite lime andn 6-4-6 fertilizer with micros. I also put a small amount of vermicast that I had harvested before into each pocket. Then I topped off the pockets with more new potting soil. I was going to plant more beans in the tower, but I have so many extra salad bowl lettuce seedlings in another tier that I transplanted the extra lettuce seedlings into the 12 pockets I had just cleaned and still had enough lettuce to plant 12 more starter containers. I'll find out how many make it in a few days. Some of the araimo I planted have the leaves dying back. I will have to wait on them to see if they corms put out new leaves. I had them out in full sun. Next time I pot up the seedlings I will see if they will do better under the shade cloth.

I ended up not going to the plant share because it rained Saturday. It looks like they had a good turnout but not enough tents or tables so a lot of stuff was on the ground. This is fine, the next plant share is not until June and that will give my starters more time to get settled in.

Since I fertilized the tomato seedlings a couple of days ago, they have started to grow bigger and the color is good.

I have been pulling out the older plants from the main garden. The Toko bekana is starting to bolt and it looks like the Jericho romaine looks like it is ready to harvest as well.

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I got an early start this morning, but I am not finished yet. I harvested one Tokyo Bekana head (341 gm = 3/4 /lb.) I made pork tofu with shiratake noodles and used the Tokyo bekana instead of watercress (which I don't grow). I forgot to add the green onions. I ll do that when I heat it up later.

There were some cabbage aphids on one of the Bekana leaves and some holes from the cabbage worms, but otherwise the rest of the head was fine. I did have to harvest it because the first one has already bolted.

About a third of the garden has been harvested out. The weeds are starting to fill in the gaps, so I have to weed the garden and cover it temporarily or replant the spaces that are open. As much as I like to grow corn in summer, I don't want to open up the bird netting again. The corn is a foot taller than the roof of the pvc frame. If I put in more heat resistant plants I may be able to get a couple of more months of planting out of the garden. Some of the transplanted lettuce are still wilted, but I did not expect them all to survive. If not, I can plant other seeds. I don't need that much lettuce. I still have a couple of lettuce heads to harvest. I will leave at least one for seeds. This particular lettuce is not the best tasting, but it will actually grow through the summer and not get tip burn. It has been reseeding for a year. I do have more of the aconcagua peppers turning red as well as Thai, and Wailua jalapeno. The seedlings of Joe Parker, Touchdown, and revolution are looking good. They were just fertilized so it should help. The greencrop and maxibel beans have sprouted and with the tree bag over the tower, none of the seedlings have disappeared. The aphids on the green onions have abated.

It is overcast and 77 degrees at 11:30 a.m. More occasional showers are in the forecast. I want to try to get more things done in the garden today. I still haven't finished watering.
Pork tofu with Tokyo Bekana
Pork tofu with Tokyo Bekana
Tokyo bekana 341 gms
Tokyo bekana 341 gms

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I got a better start today. I have at least brought in my green can, watered what needed to be watered and pulled a few weeds (very few). It is 10:30 a.m. now. It is 76 degrees. It did rain overnight (normal), and it is still very wndy and partly cloudy.

I need to get back into my warm weather routines again because I haven't had to water everyday for a while. But those days are numbered, once summer temperatures hit the mid 80's, just about everything will need to be watered every day again.
It is too windy to Round up. The weeds are just starting to germinate. If I can get a tarp to not fly off, I will try to tarp some of the weeds instead.

Yesterday I cut back two of the roses. One still has a living cane, the other is probably not coming back. I need to do more handweeding as well. If it doesn't start raining again, I might be able to get another bag of weeds pulled. At least that is my goal.

The lemons and calamondin are putting out new shoots and some fruit as well. I need to take the fruit off the kaffir lime, because I prefer it make leaves instead. The fruit is very pithy.

The Expert potting soil from Walmart I got was very cheap, but like sta green, it is very heavy and has a lot of compost so the mushrooms are growing in the pots. I will have to give them more supplemental feeding since the compost in the soil mix is still decomposing and competing with the plants for nitrogen. I ordered 4 cu ft of perlite for Amazon that was supposed to come yesterday, now it isn't coming till tomorrow. I have peat moss, but I need the perlite to mix my own soil. It was cheaper to buy the 4 cu ft of perlite on Amazon than to get 2 cubic ft bags of perlite from Home Depot. They used to cost $18.67, but now they are $26.98 so it isn't even close. Perlite from the local ag suppliers if they have it costs about the same as Amazon. It is just hard to find no 2 perlite they have more coarse perlite which is not the best for making potting soil.

Besides the lemons, komatsuna, bok choy, romaine, kale, herbs, calamansi, Valentine tomatoes, araimo, taro, galangal, and a couple of heads of red lettuce. I have a few chlies that have peppers that have fully ripened. I have one habanero ( I just dug it out from under the cilantro this morning), shishito, aconcagua, Wailua jalapeno, and Thai peppers that are harvestable. I will probably make plant more tomato and pepper seeds for future plant shares. The last one had a lot of tomatoes, but hardly anyone brings peppers, Peppers and eggplant take a long time to size up from seed. I can also harvest more of the araimo and dry it. It will store for a while. I can also try top pot up more of the smaller corms. the araimo with corms survived better than the ones that only had roots. I am contemplating making sweet potato shoots from cuttings. I only need two plants, so they would be for the plant share. One is a table sweet potato grown only for its leaves and the other is Okinawan sweet potato. Summer is the best time to plant them.

Some of the pepper seeds I potted up earlier are starting to germinate. I still have a few empty pockets in the towers to plant. I just have to figure out with what.

I may start some flower seeds. I have to weed and replant parts of the pollinator garden in front. Nasturtiums and alyssum can be direct seeded. The grass is trying to take over the borders. I may have to round up the edges of the grass to give the border more breathing room. It is really hard to pull weeds out of the flower beds. The California poppies are blooming now in the back. I was just about to pull them out. I may still do that, they don't have a long enough bloom season.

I am still finding some colonies of cabbage aphids on isolated cabbage leaves, so I am just picking off the leaves when I find it Hopefully, if I get more flowers planted the predators will take over this job. I also have seen some mite damage. This is the time of year for it. So far, it is not bad enough to do anything except prune and use water to blast them off. I will need to put out more ant bait. I see the ants are active again.

I'll try to make more cuttings from the citrus, lavender, and ice plant. They have new growth. I do have to make more room on the cutting bench.

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I took the insect netting off the 7 tier tower. The beans and peppers are up and the leaves were pushing against the netting. They are big enough now they should not need much protection from birds ( I hope)

Not all of the lettuce seedlings I transplanted made it in the 5 tier tower. That is o.k. it really is not a good time to start lettuce anyway. Almost all of the lettuce I transplanted into the 6 pack tray did survive so I can transplant it back again. A couple of the older lettuce heads, have already turned bitter so I am going to let them go to seed and save the seed to plant in November. This lettuce always reseeds itself. I have replanted some of the 5 tier pockets with more bush beans instead. It is three weeks behind the other beans so it will be a succession crop and should be o.k. and mature before it gets too hot. I have to find something to plant the lowest tier of the planter. I have some chives and green onions there. I may just add more to the other pockets. They don't need that much sun, but they are not slug proof. I have sucessfully grown peppers ther and that may be another option. I have to look for smaller peppers. Most of the ones I have will be too big.

The okra has sprouted. I ended up with 3 out of 4 seeds germinating, but three okra plants will be plenty. Although, I do eat them, there aren't many takers. The roselle and some of the chili peppers haven't sprouted yet. That is ok, I am behind on getting the pots prepped. I don't know what to do with the soil that is in them.

I just ordered perlite from Amazon, it was $10 cheaper than what I can get it for here. The first one I ordered got lost. It got picked up and then it disappeared. Amazon has changed their refund policy. Now, if the original order shows up they have given me a pre printed return sticker and a limited time to return it. It is different. But, I am not going to worry about it much, I have never had a lost item ever show up the three times it got lost in transit. At least I can make more potting mix now.

I have harvested more araimo and potted up some of the keiki. Some of them apparently died, but when I dumped out the pots, I discovered they were still alive. I planted the corms upside down, so they are fixed now and pointing in the right direction. I have more araimo and taro to harvest out. Not looking forward to the taro it has already cracked the bucket. I will try to make more sweet potato slips. The Okinawan sweet potatoes were never harvested, they just started growing again and they have not been fed either, so it is probably best if I make more slips and start over. The roots are probably riddled with borers.

The ginger and turmeric has still not come up the roots are firm. I think the problem is the soil. Turmeric should have come up long ago and the zingerber should be up by now. I will have to replant them in diffrent soil and see if it will sprout then.

This cucumber still amazes me. Just when I think it is done for, it keeps trying to make more cucumbers. I do have to replace it though. It is hard to manage the nutrients in this pot.

I am still taking more things out of the main garden and not much is going in. I probably won't plant corn this year because I don't want to have to take the bird netting off. I could put the okra and some of the pole and long beans in there. I may have to get an insect net and cover over the bird netting. I have to figure out the length I will need. The bird netting stops the birds and larger butterflies, but it won't stop the cabbage white butterflies or smaller pests like beetles, white flies and such. The geckos might have trouble getting in and out, so I will have to weigh the benefits vs the cost of that. The cilantro has flowered in the garden so it is bringing in more predators. but it is so tall it is falling on top of the peppers.

The peppers, eggplant, sweet potato leaves, herbs, tomatoes, citrus are still producing. I can still harvest komatsuna and perpetual spinach, but the bekana is bolting, and so are the romaine lettuce, so they will have to come out. It is also hard to weed them unless they come out. I do need more room for the pepper pots. I can cover the garden and keep the weeds down and put some of the pepper pots in the garden on top of the plastic covers. It will keep the covers from blowing off and lights out is the easiest way to deal with the weeds and still make use of the garden real estate. I was able to find a Japanese beetle trap at Walmart. I don't have Japanese beetles but the flower lure works on the Chinese rose beetles. Summer is a better time for me to solarize the garden. After June only the most heat tolerant plants will grow.

I just bought more seeds from MI gardener. I really don't need all of these seeds, but some of them will keep a while. I had a 10% off discount code and I had to buy $20 to qualify for free shipping. They actually do ship to Hawaii for free. Otherwise if I bought fewer seeds, I would still pay about the same price after shipping is added. So, it makes more sense for me to get more seeds, even if I can't use all of them now, Some of the seeds I wanted was sold out. Like the peanuts. I will have to check the local market for raw peanuts or find somewhere else to get them. They need a long warm season to grow and they make a decent ground cover. If I can find raw peanuts at the grocery store, they work just fine and while they are smaller, they still will produce peanuts. I might try to grow some black beans. I don't usually grow shelling beans, but dry black beans or pinto beans at the grocery store does not cost much and I try a few beans to see how they will do. I have to look up their optimum temperatures. Most of the temperate beans can only be grown in the fall and winter months here because they won't set well in the heat and if they are not tolerant to rust or mildew, I may not bother since those qualities are not negotiable.

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I just checked the growing conditions for pinto and black beans. Pinto can take the heat, but does not have good disease resistance or nematode resistance. Black beans are bush beans so that is plus, but handles much less heat and does not like heavy soils and I have heavy clay. It also is not disease tolerant. So, probably these are not going to be worth growing for me. I guess I will stick to the local Poamoho Pole beans, Long beans, Provider, Jade, Maxibel, and contender. I did get some bean seeds from the UH extension. I might try those and see how they do.

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Have you tried any of the southern “pea” varieties? I started to a while back but my legume allergy (they, like soybeans, cause some kind of fatigue response and makes me fall asleep) means I can only eat small amounts if any….

I remember I was particularly interested in “cream zipper” and “mushroom” peas….

Cherokee Trail of Tears (Cherokee Black) is another one I hear good reviews all the time although that might not be a southern pea.

ETA … Ok I went to look it up and it’s ZIPPER CREAM.
- Another variety I tried growing was Pinkeye Purple Hull.
- “mushroom” I’m pretty sure was one of the “crowder pea” varieties.
- There seems to be some that are nematode resistant even among non hybrid varieties.

Southern Peas (Cowpeas) ... s-cowpeas/

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Actually I have grown cowpeas and pink eye peas as a cover crop. I got a couple of pounds of dried beans. I don't like to eat them. I do know someone who does. I have grown soy beans. The one here is called Midori. I do have some beans I bought but haven't planted yet, dragon tongue, and some beans I got from the beans trials at UH. There were some pinto and yellow beans.

Amjad, who ran the trial said no one was interested really in trialing beans because they said it would not grow well, but he said it wasn't that hard to find adaptable varieties in different colors. I think the real reason why there isn't much interest is because people here only like flat podded beans. They don't like round podded beans. It is the same with cucumbers. Lots of takers for Japanese cucumbers but other kinds of cukes not so much.

I actually prefer pole beans to bush beans, but the birds and beetles are a problem and the pole beans will have the same problem inside my hoop garden as the corn and peas have. They get too tall for the 7 foot high hoop frame and if I grow them in containers on a trellis, they will grow through the bird netting.

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It has been raining intermittently, sometimes heavy for a few days. A Kona low is moving in tonight and tomorrow will again have intermittently heavy rain. If could be a bigger problem for some people. The roads to the windward side of the island over the last three days have had mudslides (they are fixining that tonight) Roads have been flooded, streams have gone over the bridges, and we have a brown water alert.

The Kona low pulls up moisture from the south but it tends to stall. Most of the rain is predicted fo fall on Oahu and Kauai. A lot of the rain from the last system hit the windward side. The Kona low may dump more water on the leeward side which hardly ever rains, so actually when it does rain, It has the potential to cause worse flooding than on the wet windward side, just because the ground on the leeward sides of the island is is mostly coral and it doesn't hold on to water well, so they have had to deal with flooding and mudslides before.

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The rain may stop for a while, I hope. It is too muddy to do anything outside, but I can see the weeds are really happy. I will have to take care of that once I get at least 24 hours without wind or rain. I had to rescue one of the roses from the rain, it was drowning.

The beans in the 5 tier tower are up with true leaves and are about 3-4 inches tall. Almost all of the green onions on the lowest tier of both towers are pretty much dead. They got reinfested with black aphids with the rain.

The rest of the plants I have in the yard have gone through this type of storm system before where it rains for days off and on. I will have to go out and fungicide everything once it finally stops. I will need for it to be dry and calm for at least 24 hours to deal with the surge of weeds.

The Tokyo bekana and romaine are bolting, so they need to come out. I made stew yesterday, and I gave the worms the vegetable peelings. I will give them the bolted cabbage and lettuce once it dries out enough to walk through the garden without losing my shoes. I may have to go with the boots instead.

I know some seedlings came up. Some of the pepper seedlings did not. There is still time because some of them can take longer to germinate.

I harvested a few more araimo. A couple of them were too big and too late so the mother corm was already rotting. I am potting up some of the keiki for the plant share.

The roses were happy to see the rain, they are blooming. They will also need fungicide for blackspot after all this wet and humid weather. The California poppys are blooming. I will probably pull them out or transplant them to the front yard later. They don't bloom enough to be keepers in a pot.

I just got my seeds from MI gardener today. I got black beauty eggplant, 4 packets of maxibel green beans, kabocha, Table King Acorn squash, Pintung Long eggplant, rainbow chard, and Emerald Giant Pepper. This time I remembered to use my discount code. It saved a couple of dollars.

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It looks like I got over a foot of rain over the last 5 days. The rain gauge recorded 8 inches. (actually that is all it can hold). The weeds are so tall. I don't think I can weed whack them all in one go. I will have to take them down in stages, mainly because I can't weed whack for that long. The lettuce and Bekana are flowering. A few pots got blown over and the front entry did get some rain and dirt washed onto the concrete. Most of the plants are fine. So far nothing has rotted that I can tell. It may be a week before that shows up. There a lot to clean up and I don't know where to start.

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It finally was a "normal" day with the trade winds back and mostly sunny. There was a very thick layer of clouds over the mountains, but I could actually see the mountain.

I did get to weed whack the front yard. I could not edge it with the weed whacker because the grass is so thick, I can't chop the runner off. So, I had to pull the grass from around the edges of the curbing so I could see the end of concrete. I chip a few pieces off it in the process with my hoe matic. But at least I have an edge now. It was too windy yesterday to spray Round Up on the nutsedge. I left a large patch in my front turf un whacked because it is mostly nutsedge so it is better to just to kill it instead of weed whack it. I have image and sedge hammer, but it persists longer than glyphosate, and I want to expand the flower bed. I will only be able to plant it with glyphosate. Too bad nothing likes to eat it. After I cut out the edging of the grass, I saw a couple of mynas feasting on Pacific beetles. I will have to wait for a less windy time to use the herbicide.

I did get around to cleaning out the worm bin. I had to pick the worms off the sweet potato vines. It is working better now that I tipped the bin so it drains better now. I put more carbon (brown paper packing) in the bin and I gave the worms some vegetable peelings and the bolted lettuce and bekana. That should hold them for another week. Actually, I only feed them once a week. I was a day late. I usually feed them on Mondays.

I got around to weeding inside the main garden. I pulled out the romaine, bekana, and pak hoy. That leaves the komatsuna and perpetual spinach. There was a lot of grass intrusion and I ended up pulling 2 (4 gallon) buckets of weeds. I also cleaned up some of the older leaves from the perpetual spinach and komatsuna. I have not seed anymore cabbage aphids, but a week of rain usually can take care of that kind of stuff. The coriander seeds have not dried yet. That is actually a good thing. If it were further along, the rain would have ruined the seed heads. I am not sure what I will plant in the garden that I weeded. I will keep the ground covered with the plastic bags to keep the weeds down until I figure out what to plant. I don't want to plant the okra in the garden because I would need to go into the garden everyday to harvest it. I could just cover the garden with plastic mulch and put the potted peppers and some green onions on top of it. They need somewhere to go as well. The only things that can be planted would be roselle, shiso, okra, longs beans and squash. Most of these are too big for the main garden. I planted the Italian parsley into the ground. It was very unhappy in the 4 inch pot. With all of this rain, I may have to divide the thyme and mint again. I planted thyme from seeds for the first time and they actually did very well. I had always bought starts before. Thyme and sage are not long lived herbs in my yard.

I checked the carrots and there is at least one that is pickable. It was planted in December. The shishito peppers are drying. I may be able to save them for seed. It looks like the rain did not bother them much. I have a lot of pepper and tomato seedlings that sprouted during the rain. it actually always does better when it is rain sprouted. It is quite a thick stand, so I will have to do some thinning once the peppers are big enough. The Wailua and Thai peppers were from my collected seeds. Even the black aphids are currently gone from the green onions. Although most of the green onions in the towers are goners.

The Maxibel and Jade beans in the 7 tier tower looks like they are starting to bud up. The 5 tier tower has some beans that have been topped. but they were planted three weeks later and most of those are doing well.

The lavender cuttings on my cutting bench may have been a casualty. It may be from the rain or the fact that I had not watered them in 3 days.

I think the cucumber vine has finally given up. That was the best one so far. I still have one cucumber left in the refrigerator to eat.

The Valentine is still producing tomatoes. It is weird since it is actually producing more tomatoes even though the vine is not that big. I am not used to that. The other Valentine and the red curren are also producing and they also have small vines by comparison to what they normally look like. I need to figure out the fertilizer. I am probably not feeding them often enough.

I think the macadamia nut is finally dead. It had been struggling for awhile. The coffee tree is in bloom for I think the third time. I never noticed this before. Lots of blooms and repeat bloom cycles, but so far I don't see the berries set. I don't actually keep this coffee for the beans. Coffee bean borers are a problem with the commercial growers, but my one plant is probably not going to be a prime target. Coffee flowers don't smell anything like coffee, they smell more like gardenia which they are related to.

I have about 3 dozen vegetable and herb starts now. Since, I repotted the araimo right side up they are doing better. I even have a few araimo drying for eating. I did end up losing some of the larger bulbs because even though the tops did not yellow, the large bulbs had started to rot. I'll have to take off more of the keiki and dig out some of the roots from the container. This is about the only thing that is not fussy about the high phosphorus in the container soil.

The kaffir lime, still wants to make fruit. I will have to remove them and maybe I will make some cuttings. Some of the branches are getting a little wayward.

I have more wild bitter melon to feed the worms.

I have a couple of holes in the birds netting I have to patch. I may cover it over with temporary construction fencing since it is actually caused by the clothes pins I need to use to seal the door of the netting. The construction fencing will be more durable than the bird netting. If the construction fencing came in wider dimensions, it would be more durable than the bird netting.

There are weeds everywhere now.

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I found a large snail feasting on the habanero peppers. I need to put out more snail bait. All the rain we had is bringing them on.

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The rain seems to have taken care of most of the bugs. the green onions and chives are currently clean and I did not find any more cabbage aphids on the komatsuna or perpetual spinach.

Something is going after the beans in the 5 tier tower. All that is left is the stems. it is either birds or slugs. The lettuce is not being bothered, so it is being picky about what it attacks. I may have to replant the beans and use the tree net to protect it the same as I did with the 7 tier tower.

The cucumber vine has finally died. I still have to figure out what to do with all the spent soil. I need to get a couple of pots ready since the okra and roselle are almost big enough to transplant. Otherwise, I may have to start them over.

I am still getting tomatoes mainly from one Valentine tomato plants, citrus, eggplant, peppers, and the komatsuna, kale, perpetual spinach, sweet potato vines are all cut and come again. I have some lettuce that look ready to pick and some of the lettuce seedlings can be transplanted. They may end up in the tower again. They look good, they just aren't as tender as buttercrunch.

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I got up early this morning at 4:30 a.m. It just worked out that way. I waited until the sun came up and watered the yard. Packed my cooler with drinks and around 6:45 a.m. I went to a breakfast lunch wagon and got the double breakfast of rice, 2 eggs over easy, corned beef hash patty, and smokies. I had a grafting hui outing today in Makaha. I haven't been to that side of the island in 10 years or more. It is 29.9 miles from where I live. It is a scenic drive especially since we had so much rain that the Waianae range is still green. It is a clear sunny day so the views of the ocean and the mountains are really great. As you probably can tell, I don't drive out of my zone very much. I noticed that there were a lot of small convenience stores and a few malls but the only grocery store I found was Tamura's, so I picked up some cookies for snacks and asked how far it was before I hit Makaha. ( another 11 miles).

Google gave me good directions and I recognized the house even though the road signs were missing and the host was out there on the road to make sure I was at the right place. I was the first person there. We were to meet a 8:30, I got there about 20 minutes early. About 11 people showed up, a couple got lost or wasn't sure they were at the right place, but it was all good in the end. The host has a 1 acre homestead and he primarily raises mango. So we had a mango tasting, picked some mango, and figs, and finally I picked a seedling. I had to change to a different one because the scions were bigger than the rootstock.

I ended up grafting a mapelehu mango with some help. I don't have a lot of hand strength and I get wavy cuts so someone helped me prep the scion for a wedge graft. It seems tight enough. At least it did not fall off. Always a good sign, We have a date. Everyone is to take a picture of their graft in a month to see which ones make it. I have mine on my orchid bench that is in 50% shade. I was going to put it on my cutting bench, but I don't need to water this everyday and the orchid bench gets watered maybe twice a week and it rains overnight so it should be good for at least a couple of weeks. I will have to throw more slug and snail bait to keep the snails from eating it. It is wrapped so they may leave it alone for a while. I am aiming for a 1% success rate. Right now, my rate is 100% failure. There is a big difference between understanding the concept of how to graft and actually being technically good at it.

Meanwhile, in my backyard:
The ginger had finally sprouted. It's only 2 months late. I was beginning to think I needed to change the soil on it. I went out to water and found the newspaper mulch pushed up and found the two sprouts of ginger a little bent about 4 inches tall. I fertilized it. I hope I did not over do it.

The weeds are starting to die. Some weeds look like they will survive, but there aren't that many. I will try to pull out what I can.

The worm bin is still decomposing the cabbage remains. It has enough carbon for now.

The gardenia has some yellow leaves. It probably wants more regular water and out of the cutting bench. On my to do list.

Right now it is 3:30 p.m, it is 78 degrees. winds are 10 m,p.h. I have had lunch and now I don't want to do anything else today.
mapalehu mango graft done on 6/1/24.
mapalehu mango graft done on 6/1/24.

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What a fun little day trip. Good luck with your mango. :D

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Thanks. It was.

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It feels like summer now. The day temperature is 85. Luckily the trades are 13 mph, but it feels hotter and muggier. The other day I was late watering the yard and did not get to it till around noon and the cabbage and pepetual spinach had limped out. It did perk up the next day. I need to get back into my morning routine of watering. The sun is up before 6 a.m. so I don't really have any excuses, but I am still on Hawaiian time and I don't like to do anything before 8 a.m.

I transplanted more araimo into small pots. The leaves are curled and they may die off. But the bulb will regrow new leaves. I have one chiltepin that grew. At least I hope it is a chiltepin. All the pepper seedlings look alike at this point.

I probably have to bag some of the potting soil since, I don't know where to put it all and I need to replant the pots.

The beans in the 7 tier tower have started to produce. They are about 3 inches now. The peppers are also flowering in the two towers. I'll see what comes of that. The habanero is recovering from the snail damage. I still have to put out more snail bait because I am sure there are more around.

I have Second Saturday this Saturday. I did not go to the plant share, so I will donate some of my seedlings for it.

I am using Expert potting soil from Walmart, it was cheap but it has too much unfinished bark. Mushrooms are growing in the media and the plants grow but they are small. I have to fertilize them more than I would like.

The New Big Dwarf died with all the rain. Valentine and the currant are resistant and productive, but I am not used to naked tomatoes that produce more fruit than leaves. I need to feed them more. The sweet potato is in the zone and crawling out of its' space. I will have to hack it off as well as the wild bitter melon on the fence.

The Round Up has worked on most of the weeds and now I have to pull out the dead stuff. and what was not killed. That will take awhile. Still lots of weeds in the pots to pull.

The lemon thyme looks a little worse for wear after I divided it, but most of it is intact. I will have to make cuttings of the spearment. I have long branches out of the pot and bare soil showing in the middle. The peppermint and English thyme I grew from seed look ok. The thyme has some weeds in it. I now have too many green onion containers and no takers currently. It is a feast or famine thing. At least there aren't any aphids bothering them.

Since, it is hot and I have taken the cabbage and lettuce out of the main garden. I can just put down plastic mulch to keep the weeds under control and put some of the container plants in there instead. The okra needs to go in a container because it needs to be harvested too often, so I don't want to have to open up the netting in the main garden that often. I can pull some of the carrots now. I just don't need any. But they will get bitter in the heat. If it doesn't rain for a few more days I might be able to harvest the cilantro seeds. One of the red lettuce is now starting to bud up. I have a couple of habanero peppers I can harvest seed from.

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I’ve encountered the potting mixes with too much woody chunks before. They’re fine for big containers but worst for sowing seeds and uppotting tiny seedlings.

For me, it’s worth it to sift them out to use exclusively with the largest containers like figs and avocados, coffee, citrus, etc.

If outside, I use wire fencing like chicken wire or hardware cloth. For indoor, I still have the cat litter sifting pan from my first kitty’s litterbox.

When not as extreme, I pick out as I fill the seedling pots, or sift out the chunky pieces with a handy scoop I found for “panning gold” and set them aside. (I do have soil sifting multi-screen riddle but I can never find it when I need it :roll:)

Because of the active myco activity they tend to attract (or even harbor) fungus gnats — it helps to mix in Mosquito Bits which is ground corn cob inoculated with Bt for mosquito larvae.

If not using up immediately, I mix in premium organic potting mix that is inoculated with good mycos and also toss in some mushroom scraps for good measure.

I think if it’s getting hot, double-bagging the potting mix in heavy black and clear plastic trash bags would help solarize them in a hurry.

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