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Roses grown by a non-rose person....

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:15 pm
by ApertureF11Sniper
2 years ago My mom and I stopped at Lowes and in the garden section they had 90% off of clearance priced plants and they had A LOT!!! We literally filled the Subaru Wagon, seats were folded down. I bought many large plants for the pots. I bought a number of roses among other things. I dug a hole and planted one rose. The others got set aside. Then the deer ate them down to nothing. So I just forgot about them. Didn't water them or anything. This year I expanded my peppre area so I got the weed eater out and low and behold here were these roses, despite a early spring heat wave growing and blooming. So I set the pots aside, watered them and now they have these really nice blooms on them. The one I planted, I never give any care to and it is doing well...

I am worried though that if I start trying to care for them that they will start having all kinds of problems. Ignoring them they have done great lol.....Mom says to leave them in pots for this year and plant them next year.

Do Roses grow well in pots?....I might just plant 2 and have the others in pots.

I just cant believe they lived so long and they got no water through last years hot hot summer. So now I feel like I have this obligation to care for them. I paid something like 50 cents for them so I have my moneys worth from them. We'll see what I can learn about growing roses...

Is there a on line used book store I could get a book on roses from? Maybe I will have to go to Half Price Books for one though I can find most anything at a yard sale.