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What is wrong with my Rosa rugosa roses?

Hello :D

I planted some bare root rugosa last year and now they are flowering well. However, I cannot seem to find anywhere which tells me what is wrong with the leaves and or flowers on a couple of them. Out of 20 about 3 of them have yellowing leaves. I think it may be magnesium shortage but I don’t know. Can someone confirm for me please as I don’t want to go ahead and feed them with the wrong foods? Also, on just one plant I have a malformed bud, can anyone tell me how to overcome this please? :D

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Chlorosis can be caused by high pH in the soil making minor nutrients unavailable, overwatering , and finally a lack of nutrient itself.

The patches on the leaves do look like some kind of fungal disease or it could be from sucking pests. You would have to take a closer look under the leaf.

A foliar spray with miracle grow for acid loving plants may bring some short term relief. Spray early in the morning so the plants have time to dry.

Take a good look under the leaves for pests. Weak plants are often attacked by multiple problems.

Remove the damaged leaves and make sure the leaves are bagged and trashed and you wash your hands and sanitize tools used between cuts with alcohol or better yet a torch.

I can't tell if how wet it has been or if the soil is constantly wet. I can tell from the grass that the plants are getting a lot of water. I would back off a little bit and skip a day or two.

Try to keep water off the leaves. If you are using a sprinkler. Redirect that head and water the rose by hand using a soaker to avoid wetting the leaves as much as possible.

I like to use Rose and flower care to take care of most of the sucking pests and fungal diseases like black spot. It works better in wet humid conditions than foliar spraying with fungicides.

If your soil is alkaline, then try to work in some peat moss and sulfur. It will take sulfur 6 months to change the pH, so you may have to foliar feed for a while to improve absorption of micronutrients.

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You are getting great advice from @imafan. :D

I am not very good with roses, but one other thing I wonder about is how your lawn (looking very well cared for and weed-free) is very much visible in these photos — the proximity indicates anything you are using on the lawn is likely to affect the roses, whether in water soluble granular form or liquid spray. Remember that herbicide/weed killer intended for grass will most likely affect roses which are not grass.

What products are being used and how are they applied? Do you take care of your lawn yourself or someone else?

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Thank you imafan26. Your comments are invaluable.

I’ve had a nosey on the underside and it may be that there are small white bits. I can see that greenfly are now prevalent too. There are more leaves towards the base that are more yellow than green. I think perhaps we have a combination of issues causing my problems. Probably pests and over watering (as we tend to water every time we water the grass). I’ll grab myself some of the products you recommend and water less often.

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Thank you Applestar,
I can confirm that we only water our lawn. There is nothing other than water that gets put on our grass.

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