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pruning trivia, cutting flowers

Hi All
Just a little trivia:

Did you know that when you prune or cut the flowers, look for the 5 leaves on the stem and cut just above it to encourage new flowers.

Cutting above a bud will promote new growth, but if it is flowers you want, cut just above the 5 leaves. For nature's reasons, most varieties will die back to the 5 leaves, and that die back takes from the plant and will need to be cut off before further growth can occur. Cutting above the 5 leaves short circuits the die back. If there are not 5 leaves on the stem, cut above the bud for new growth (if there is one,) or completely remove the branch because it will no longer produce flowers and will drain the plant of nutrients.

Even if you do a major seasonal prune, look for those buds and 5 leaves. Prune to the first bud above the lowest 5 leaves.

Try it - it will not hurt your plant and may even improve its health and flowering.

Also spraying with baking soda and a little vinegar can discourage some damaging insects if done before infestation. It should dry to a dust and not look unsightly. If your plant looks white, you have used too much baking soda and will need to spray it with water as not to suffocate your plant. The vinegar can kill many rose bugs and the baking soda will make the plant less tasty.


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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

More trivia. If you cut flowers, cut them again under warm water and allow the water to travel up the stems. Cut the flower ends every couple of days so they stay fresher longer. Keep the flowers cool. Put them in the frig during the night and bring them out in the day especially if you live in a warm place.

You can root store bought roses. Cut off the flower and cut the stem at the bottom at a 45 degree angle just under a leaf node. Dip in hormone solution or powder and put it in rooting medium. Put plastic bag over cuttings. If it rains out, then open the bag for a while to let the excess water out and place it in a shady spot with good light (not in the dark). Alternatively people have had luck water rooting roses.

If you want more roses feed them after each bloom cycle. Cut roses back to a 5 leaf node but cut a stem that is at least 1/4 inch thick. You will get bigger roses cutting roses back to where the stems are thicker. Prune roses in a vase shape and cut out the weak and broken branches to keep them healthy. Roses are heavy feeders and will need regular preventive fungicides in warm wet conditions.

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