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Greenhouse Newbie....

Hello everyone.We just built a small greenhouse 8x12, single layer of clear string reinforced poly. I do not plan on "heating" it other than by sun or compost.Neither do I plan on supplimental lighting.
I am hoping to harvest cold hardy crops, inside the tunnels located inside the structure.
I am in zone 3b, northern Wisconsin. I would like to hear from others in my area or zone about their experiences doing this. I by no means have any illusion that I will grow tomatoes in winter, but I do know thete are plenty of cold hardy crops to try.

Super Green Thumb
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Location: Woodbury NJ Zone 7a/7b

Welcome to the forum, Irene!

I am in a warmer zone than you, but it still gets in the single digits several times each winter, and I have a tunnel I have grown greens in for the last 5 winters! Most of them last fairly long, but the Asian greens are the most cold resistant. Lettuce, chard, kale, and some bok choy dies off, in that order, leaving the more resistant varieties. Your larger sized greenhouse, and tunnels inside, should more than make up for the difference in zones.

I think I posted a photo on your intro, but here is an album from my second year of growing these, with the most photos of any season, showing you the varieties, and how late in the season they lasted. Most of those greens are "cut-and-come-again", like leaf lettuce, where you just cut the perimeter, and they grow back! Incredible production from most of them! ... t=2&page=1

Super Green Thumb
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Location: Latrobe Pa.

You have a hoop inside is almost like adding a second layer of plastic inside the greenhouse. I suggest putting a layer inside the structure even if its only 2 mills. The second layer makes a big difference especially if the space between the layers is less than 6 inches.. Also I keep mentioning water storage inside the greenhouse will keep the temp usually above freezing most of the winter. In a small greenhouse like yours 100 gallons of water will help a lot. You can use the water storage to support a table! Insulate the north side of the greenhouse. The water also maintains better temperature on sunny days. If the water freezes it will give off a lot of heat during its faze change and will not usually freeze solid.

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