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Mother-in-laws tongue plant

My hubby got me two Mother-in-laws tongue plants, they are not completely straight, one is kind of leaning and the other is just not straight either, do you think they will straighten up? Will post pics later.

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Without a picture, unable to tell.

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Sanseveria roots grow laterally and the leaves grow with a twist and that is usually the way they grow. You can repot a crooked one and cut the root down but you I don't think you can change the twist in the leaf.

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Would it be alright to take the ribbon off the plant? I am afraid they won't grow good with it on there, but I don't want them to fall over and break the leaves. Any advice would be EXTREMELY helpful.

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I left the ribbon on them and have them on the table as you can see. I also saw a couple leaves that had dried out, and got rid of them, they ARE growing I can see the new growth. Will post pics later.

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you can stake them, but I think turning the plants regularly will help too. I don't stake mine and they grow upright but they are out in the yard.

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I am trying to propagate a snake plant, I have a cutting in water.

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Picture of new growth on the mother-in-law tongue plant, it amazes me that it can grow the way it does without a whole lot of water. I think I will water it this weekend and then next month water it again. How does that schedule sound?

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More new growth, these plants are really going to town! I see I did not have to worry about where I put them, they love it there!

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They are called mother in law tongues because of their toughness. They tolerate a variety of conditions including poor soil, wet or dry conditions and low light. In other words next to cast iron plants, they can handle a lot of abuse.

I have not had to root any sanseveria. All I do is plant the leaf or the offshoot. Most of the time though, I am pulling it out since it likes to spread. I have some that are about 4 ft tall.

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How often do you water yours?

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I decided to try to straighten up the one plant a little, so I took a old bandana and tied it to a dowel rod and then around the plant. I did not tie it very tight, just tight enough to hold it upright a little better. The other one is busting out all over, every day I notice a little more growth!

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Something interesting about this one plant that seems to be growing great, it has two different colors on it! It has the regular green with the yellow border and then some of the newer growth is just all green, is that normal?

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Snake plant is amazing. I had one that I kept sort of as a science experiment. It came with a house when I moved in. It was in a little windowsill planter about a foot long by 4" wide. It was planted in what looked like clay dirt. It was sitting on a windowsill that faced a woods, so no direct sunlight. I lived with it for about ten years. In all that time, the only thing I did for it was water very occasionally. The plant kept growing and growing and totally filled up the planter. It had sucked so much nutrients out of the soil that the soil level was lower and sunken in the middle. I left it behind for the next person when I moved out!

It is called mother-in-law's tongue because it is large and very sharp. As a mother-in-law myself, I resent that and refuse to use that name.

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updated photo of the mother-in-laws tongue plant.
It is busting out all over.

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