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Spider plant

Are these little bumps on my spider plants babies starting to form? I have never had a spider plant before so I don't know what they look like when they start to grow. I was thinking of repotting the whole thing but if these are babies I don't want to screw them up.

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It could be. Spider or mother daughter plants usually throw long runners and the plantlets hang off the end of the runner.

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Can someone show me exactly where the babies grow from? I think I have some growing but not sure, I think I have at least two if they are where I think they are.

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Spider baby.png

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This is what my spider plant looks like now, I gave it a small dose of Miracle-gro plant food to help it grow better, I don't have room for a hanging basket indoors and the animals would tear it up outdoors, so I put it on a ice cream container so the leaves can dangle from the pot. Tell me what you think of my idea.

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I mist it every other day to keep the humidity up for it, I also mist my lucky bamboo too.

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My hubby surprised me with 3 more spider plants and a plant that I have no idea what it is but it grows real tall, it has red leaves and looks real fuzzy. The person who sold him the red plant just took a start and told him to put it in soil and told him it grows up to 6 ft. Here is what the seeds look like.

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The pots that the lady has the spider plants in have no holes, two are plastic Budweiser pitchers and one other is a ceramic bowl. As long as I am careful about watering them, are they ok in those containers?

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Looks like your red plant may be some kind of amaranth. A picture of the actual plant would help.

In a container with no holes or in the double container you show, you have to be very careful about watering. It helps if, after you water, you empty the outer container of water that drains into it.

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Here is one of the spider plants that he got me,it is in a very small pot with no holes. I wanted to show you the new growth, as you can see it likes where it is at.

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