Super Green Thumb
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Canning 2023 - some piccalilli, with green tomatoes

Been a few years since I made any of this, because our frost dates have been much later, in recent years, and I wasn't getting the green tomatoes, like I used to. I still only got 6 cups, which is more than I've been getting, but nothing like I used to get.

I just finished the piccalilli, and got 4 pints, which was the amount the full recipe was supposed to make, and this was only 3/4 of the ingredients. :?: I won't try to figure it out. I put a small amount of citric acid in it, in case the amount of vinegar wasn't enough for those vegetables, though the consistency was what I remember.
ImageAbout 6 c of green tomatoes, chopped up, and salted overnight, before rinsing and squeezing dry. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageOnions added to the salted tomatoes, and the peppers and garlic ready to stir in with the mix, and cook. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageFinished piccalilli, waiting to cool from the water bath. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

As I was texting this, I heard the tops popping!

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