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Finally got a break in the weather

Woke up to mid 60 degree temps in S. E. Louisiana this a.m. and got out in the garden to put in some seeds I got a couple days ago since the ground finally dried out enough for me to pull some rows.

Got in several varieties of leaf lettuces, 2 varieties of chard, sugar snap peas, beets, garlic, carrots and kale.

My very old fig tree has been showing damage for a few years now with production falling off gradually over time. I have 2 brand new trunks that have come up and looking very healthy while the older stuff is fading fast, so I cut them out today and saw where the trunks were half rotten with very punky wood. I don't know if the 2 new trunks will fair well, but I'll give them a shot to see what happens with them. Their bark looks very good compared to what the older trunks looked like, with almost half the bark missing and fungal issues getting hold of them.

It finally looks like fall has arrived, or at least what passes for fall in my part of this orb. I'll be in shorts and t-shirts for most of our winter.

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" I'll be in shorts and t-shirts for most of our winter."

You definitely live in a different world. Here that last storm put some white stuff on the mountain tops and the morning temperatures are down to 32 degrees. We have full sunshine today and the temperature this afternoon is 70 degrees, but when that sun goes behind the hill the temperature drops quickly. Just diggin out the long johns......... (thermal underwear)

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Yep, our country is so big that there are different climate zones year round. Our typical winters in the New Orleans area very seldom get to freezing or below. Last year was a rare one where we saw about 8 nights of temperatures in the mid to low 20's, but typically not many even hit the 32 degree mark.

Being below sea level where I am and your area much higher in altitude with mountains all around often have their own micro-climates. We typically suffer with high humidity that in the summer makes our heat feel much hotter, but on the flip side, it also makes out colder temperatures feel bone chilling at times. Thank goodness there aren't many cold nights here.

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We finally got a weather break here too. Days and days of rain; swollen rivers. A few snow showers too in the last couple of wks. Cleared off last night and dipped to 18 degrees. Still some nice apples on the tree. Thought they would be damaged, but knocked some down and they were frozen on the outside, but once thawed didn't show any ill effects.

I planted some garlic the other day before the rain, well, I guess it was in the rain! I thought I had bought some hardneck, but wasn't sure once I broke the clusters apart. I guess I'll see what happens.

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It is raining here again. We had heavy rain and thunderstorms yesterday and this morning the sun was shining. This afternoon the clouds are back and it might rain again, but then again, sometimes, it rains on one side and the other remains dry. It is about 76 degrees now but the humidity is still very high so it still feels warmer and muggy. Keeping my fingers crossed, there are still a few weeks left in hurricane season and the Pacific high is weak right now. Did anyone have to deal with the superstorm Michael?

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Forecast was for storm this weekend, Looks like it fizzled. At present, 32 degrees and sunny. Only thing growing is ice. Good Sunday Morning!

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Hard freeze tonight in southeast Nebraska with 2-3 inches of snow forecast. All the potted flowers are inside this morning and the last of the peppers picked. Winter's coming. Some nice fall days will be with us later this month so the garden can get cleaned up and put to bed for the year. Already planning for our visit to sunny Florida in January or February.

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London has just had its first decent day of rain for seems like months ,temperatures are sitting at early september levels ,hence I am still ripening out door tomatoes ,should have some courgette/ Zucchini mid week and again the following week as there are still no frosts due on the 10 day forecast..
also the french beans are still coming good with a few good portions to come .

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10:00 AM its 49 degrees calm and sunny. The plot is tilled, the garlic is planted, gardening is done for the season. No snow yet.

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jal_ut wrote:10:00 AM its 49 degrees calm and sunny. The plot is tilled, the garlic is planted, gardening is done for the season. No snow yet.

Just curious to see if you got the seeds I mailed off about a week or so ago. If not, I'll send more if they got lost in the mail.

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Hmmmm......... didn't see any seeds. Where did you mail them to? My address is
James Lofthouse
PO Box 103, Paradise, Utah 84328

Super Green Thumb
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jal_ut wrote:Hmmmm......... didn't see any seeds. Where did you mail them to? My address is
James Lofthouse
PO Box 103, Paradise, Utah 84328
I got them back in the mail earlier today. I'll repackage them and send them on their way. I did mail them to the right P.O. box number. The sticker on the envelope said refused and had another stamp claiming postage was due. I put them in a business envelope enclosed in plastic and lightly wrapped by a sheet of paper and stuck a stamp on it.

I'll hit the PO tomorrow and get one of those bubble wrap shipping envelopes and resend it to you.

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