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Corn harvest questions


My corn plants are all turning brown. Will the cobs continue to develop or are they finished growing? We've had some cold weather and frost here in Edmonton Alberta and I believe that is the cause. All the corn cobs are still white and fairly small. Any help is appreciated.

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I think you are done. May as well pick what is there. I suggest next spring plant about three weeks before the last expected frost date. Here that is about May 5. I like to plant 3 rows, wait 3 weeks plant 3 more rows, wait 2 weeks and plant another 3 rows. Spreads out the harvest. Also you might check for an early variety?

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That's what I thought, ok thanks for the reply.

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Yeah, those are way past done. You do need to plant in a block and if you want to get your ears to fill out better, bag the tassels and hand pollinate the silks. Check about 10 days later and feel if the ears are filling out. Pick the ears when the juice is thin. If the juice is thick and milky, it is getting starchy.

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The Raccoons and Skunks love to strip my corn patch. I put a radio out in the corn patch tuned to the local all night station and that scares them off.

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I am glad I don't have racoons, deer, or mongoose to contend with. I have rats with wings (doves, bulbuls, and cardinals) that will dig up the seeds in pots or in the ground where I have planted them and eat them. I have mice that will do the same and even if the seedlings do come up, either the birds or the slugs and snails will eat the seedlings. One year I only got 4 stalks of corn they did not take. I cover the seeds of peppers that I start so the birds have a harder time getting to them. Sometimes, even with slug bait and daily snail hunting, the slugs and snails still get the seedlings. The rats and birds also love sluggo, and they come back for more. When they keep taking out the seedlings. I have to start the plants in pots in a cage until they are big enough that they get left alone.

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My garden is visited by foxes and grey squirrels as well as feral and wood pidgeons.
Fox and sqirrel like poking around in soft compost and the pidgeons like soft young leaves .
These get very inelagantly detered by covering newly sown areas with wire baskets and mushroom trays.helps get them established ,only for slugs and snails to have their share.
I am planning on getting the slug contrrol nematodes for next spring .

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A number 3 foot trap set out in the problem area will get the fox and squirrels. I suggest a good pellet gun for the birds. If we are going to garden, we must defend the garden from predators. If we don't do this we may as well look for a new hobby?

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jal_ut wrote:A number 3 foot trap set out in the problem area will get the fox and squirrels. I suggest a good pellet gun for the birds. If we are going to garden, we must defend the garden from predators. If we don't do this we may as well look for a new hobby?

I'm with you on this. If I wanted to feed the wildlife, I'd certainly not go through all the work, trouble and expense of making a garden for my personal use.

It is much easier to buy a couple hundred pounds of feed corn and put it in a feeder as needed.

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Every garden will have its own set of problems, depending on where it is located. Be assured there will be problems. If we are to be successful we must take steps to correct the problems.

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imafan26 "I have rats with wings (doves, bulbuls, and cardinals)"

Interesting. I had to look up bulbul. Guess that is one we don't have here?

Probably can't use a shotgun, but a good slingshot can certainly discourage the critters. :-()

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