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First time growing asparagus

Last year I planted 10 root crowns in two raised beds. Each crown sent up 5 or 6 stalks, which I did not cut back. Left them alone, over the winter, other than mulching, and now, each of those 10 has sent up just one stalk. The 10 stalks are now 5 or 6 feet tall. I thought if I didn't cut them, they just produced more and more. Did I do something wrong?

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In the spring cut everything that comes up when its about ten inches tall, and take it in and eat it. Come first of June stop cutting and let it grow up tall and let that growth stand till fall frost. It is good to put some fertilizer on it. In this country it also needs to be irrigated.

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Four years ago we planted 10 or 12 crowns. The first two years we did not harvest and let the plants grow and go to seed. We did cut down the dead plants to about ground level in the early spring. Each year the sprouts came up thicker and thicker each year. Last year (third year) we harvested five or six times and enjoyed fresh asparagus. It could have been several more cuttings but we were not sure how much to take. This spring it has been a daily cutting of nice stalks with no end in sight.

Patience is apparently the word. Cut down the brown stalks and wait for the green to come up. It does take several years to get the roots to spread out and produce.

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you can be patient, but just in case I would plant a few more crowns. Really the ones you planted last year should have multiplied at least a little bit this year. I planted asparagus last year and we actually harvested some of it (I know they say you should wait another year), because there seemed like plenty.

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OK-thanks! I will get out there, tomorrow, cut those big stalks back, and hope more will appear!

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