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My first juniper bonsai

Hi I'm new to the forum and also new to bonsai!

This is my first juniper.I bought it inside so I could take a good photo but it normally lives outside.

Any advice would be great

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It looks good. The soil is more bark and peat than fine gravel, but it looks like it should drain well. Junipers like to be outside so that is good. I looks like you can start wiring soon after it has had a chance to acclimate but while the branches are still pliable.

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At this point you and your little tree just need to learn to live together. You need to learn how to keep it thriving in its little pot, how/when to water, when to fertilize, etc.

Read some of the articles on bonsai care here:

and here: ... =36&t=1479

it always helps to tell us where you are located. There are hardly any garden questions that can be discussed without regard to location/ climate. What you should be doing with your juniper now depends on whether it is summer or winter where you are, etc.

While you and your tree are getting adapted to each other, you can be studying it. Figure out what view of your tree you want to be front. Make drawings of it. Get familiar with bonsai styles and look at inspiration pictures of juniper bonsai. Get a sense of what shape you might be aiming for. Watch to see how it grows and where new branches start from.

Here's a nice little article about getting started styling juniper: ... 20Out.html

Bonsai is a very patient art!

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I live in Vancouver Canada,at night the temperature drops down to about -3 Celsius.
But does get some sun around midday/early afternoon.

I've decided that the front of it is what you see in the picture,and with regards to style I do like the cascade,or semi cascade.

I only water it when the soil is dry,normally put my finger in it everyday as a way to check,and I know not to fertilize till early spring.
Thanks for the advice

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Juniper was the second bonsai I did. The type of juniper I had lent itself to the cascade. The hardest thing was to find a tall square pot otherwise you have to keep the pot on a pedestal all of the time. It came out very nice and it sold very quickly. The hardest thing is making the first trimming. You want to get the pyrimid shape at the top and the layers between the branches. You have to know how the branches will grow back from the cuts. It won't look like the end result for a while.

The first bonsai I had was a ficus. It was already started by someone else so I just had to maintain it. I kept that for many years.

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Thanks,I think for now I'll just try to keep it alive and see how it grows.

Then in spring and when I've done some research on styles,then I'll make a proper decision I think.

is it just best to leave it for now?

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If you are planning on a semi cascade you can. Full cascade the branch might be a little harder to bend but do able if you do it slowly.

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Okay that makes sense,is it best to start wiring in spring when it starts to warm up?

Also because the temperature has been going down to -4 degrees Celsius at night,I find in the morning that the soil is slightly frozen is this okay?

Because of this I haven't watered it since Monday.ive checked the soil when I get home and it feels wet enough

Just want to be sure so that I don't kill it

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Just wondering if anybody knows what's going on here with the browning?

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It looks like the branch is aging and hardening which is normal. The tip was cut so that is the new leader.

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Oh okay,I had a bad feeling about it!
But feel better now

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