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Troubles with Moringa growing

Recently we have been getting more and more concerned about our moringa tree. It has usually flourished and has a full and lush accompaniment of leaves. Recently all the leaves have fallen off, all the green limbs and foliages have either barked over or fallen off and it has not had green stems or leaves in over a month. We have re-potted it recently with fresh soil, applied fish fertilizer, keep a UV growing lamp over it and keep a humidifier on it. The room it lives it never goes below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. We have not changed any of ours ways or methods in growing this Moringa tree and we normally have luck with green stems and leaves growing but that has stopped. We when we repotted the tree I scrapped the bottom near the roots and the inside is a yellow color while further up the tree is green under the bark. I have also noticed orange sap coming out of the tree as you can maybe see in one of the pictures.

Not sure what else to do, we are trying to keep this tree alive as it is the last thing my father gave to me before his passing. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.

Posts: 14062
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

The bark is loosening and the core is sunken. Are you sure it is still alive?

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