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What is on my Pomegranate tree?

Hi there,

Can you please help me identify what is on my pomegranate tree?

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The picture is not in focus, but those fuzzy black clumps look like mold to me.

I would try two things — use soap NOT DETERGENT and make a kitchen paper/paper towel/scrap rag soapy/sudsy, then carefully wipe off all of that. Wipe/rinse again with 2nd clean moistened Paper/rag.

Then Test to see if that stem is alive
- try flicking the thicker stem — does it sound hollow and "dry"?
- scraping the bark from the side With thumbnail — is there green living tissue underneath?
- ...or simply clip the stem at the top — if it shatters then it’s dead

The skinny side stem/shoot appears alive based just on looking at the photo. The main stem may have died back (where the possible mold is growing) But by cutting back a little at a time, you might find where it’s still alive and make a clean live cut ABOVE where the side shoot is growing from. This will allow the tree’s natural immune system to actively heal and prevent infection from reaching the side shoot.

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Thank you for the help! I will give that a try!

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