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Re: 2023 What's the Weather like Where You Are?

So the forecast is 24°F overnight. Coldest +/- 2hrs near dawn 7:17am. Lows for the following few nights are mid 20’s to around freezing+ and not of concern, but really should add a little more protection for the inside of Sunflower Hoophouse especially broccoli and cauliflower….

Woke up with a headache … really don’t feel up to going outside … Trying to psych myself up into action….

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It looks like you are having a false Spring. The weather has been much warmer than usual.

It is 71 degrees at 9:12 a.m. The rain stopped overnight but it is still overcast and it looks like it is just a lull. there are a lot of high clouds on the radar and there is some moisture but it looks like most of it will be over Maui County. People are taking advantage of the rain stopping. I can hear the weed whackers down the street. I have a hard time weed whacking wet grass so I need for it to dry out a bit more.

I too have weeds taking over. Especially the nutsedge and baby's tears. For those I need to use Round Up. Weed whacking that just helps the weeds get stronger. The roses and citrus put on new shoots and are starting to bud. This is actually not unusual for the roses. If they are pruned and fed regularly, I can have rose blooms every six weeks. I just had not been watering them much so now they are actually responding. At least my bug problems have gotten better with the rain. I am seeing less thrips, mites, and aphids. But more fungal disease, but that is often the trade off. The alyssum looks good and the bees are foraging when the rain stops long enough for them to leave the hives.

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Today was only a little above average for the high - 47°, after a low of 29°, and tomorrow is supposed to be a little below average - maybe 41-42° high. After this, every day is forecast to go higher, day by day, until Wednesday, when it is supposed to get up to 57°, then it starts going down again - rollercoaster temps!

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Tomorrow 12/22/2023 is the shortest day of the year with 9 hrs 41 minutes of daylight at our house. This means 6/22/2024 will get longest day of the year 14 hrs 19 minutes. 60° predictions for Fri and 68° predicted for Christmas day with 80% chance of rain.

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It is supposed to start raining early here tomorrow, 12-27, and get up to around 52-53° (44° high avg for now, which is below our lows recently!), and 57-58° Thursday and Friday. Every time I here the weather the rain they are predicting is higher - last was 2-3". After this, our yearly rainfall for the area should finally be above normal.

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It's 33° an lots of frost. TV claims 2023 is the hottest on record.

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It is 71 degrees at 2:41 p.m. It has been a cool overcast day. But it hasn't rained for a few days. Somehow though, the weeds keep growing. I am watering less because the soil is not drying out that fast in the cooler weather and the winds are very light 0-6 mph. I just emptied my rain guage. The cumulative total was almost 2 inches. I don't record it every day. I need a better system to know how long it took to collect that much rain. Regardless my rainbarrels are full as well.

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