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One woody, one green, but why?

I have two maple seedlings (I know, not Bonsai for about seven years).
I collected the first one in late Spring, and kept it inside under a fluorescent light.
The second I collected near the end of Summer/early Autumn, and brought it in as well.

The spring tree has remained green, while the Autumn tree had grown woody outside. Does anyone have any idea why these two trees would be so divergent? Could it be more limited light or poor soil conditions for the Autumn tree over the summer? (It was growing in a burnt out stump between two structures) Or should I suspect that I've plucked two different types of maple from my yard?

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I think it’s more like hardened to the wild outside elements vs. coddled. The woody semi-hardwood one was getting ready to survive the winter, while the green soft one is still thinking balmy thoughts.

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Thanks, Applestar.
I've just brought them back into work from their six week stay in a mini-fridge. The green one has definitely become more woody in texture. between that, and the scars from my botched educational attempt at wiring, it's looking more tormented than it's less coddled companion.

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Oh! Well, in that case, I think you might REPHRASE and say you have been applying AGING TECHNIQUES on your tree. ;)

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