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Juniper Dying? New To Bonsai!

Hiya! I received a Juniper bonsai tree from my hubby for our anniversary. I got it via mail and was wondering on how to take care of it. I did keep it indoor for two days because I didn't know it was an outside bonsai but after doing some research I found out it is indeed an outdoor bonsai. So I have kept it out on my window ledge (don't have a backyard) for about 3 days now. I have had this Juniper for only 5 days and it seems that when I received it, it was semi orangey-brown on the branches(?) but it seems to now spread (so it seems to me). And if I look closely today I can see little brownish tips on the buds. But I also noticed it has grown since I got it.

I also understand that I am not to water it on a schedule and only to water it when it needs to.

First picture is when I received it, you can see some parts brownish.

Recent pictures is from yesterday and today. On the far left you can see it looks very healthy (at least I think so??) but as far as the orange-brownish areas, it seems to only seem drier than when I got it. The pebbles aren't glued on either.
and Image

Any advice is greatly appreciated! I just hope it's not dying and if it is, am I able to save it?

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what direction is that facing/ how much sun does it get? Where are you located and what's the weather been like?

That is a little juniper cutting and it probably has very little root system. I know you said you water when it needs it, but if it is in real bonsai soil (mineral and very free draining) and it is in direct hot summer sun, it might need it twice a day, and would benefit from humidity tray.

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South. Located in Illinois - Cicero. The sun comes from the East but it does manage to hit the side of our building where the bonsai does get direct sunlight and in the afternoon it gets shade. The weather has been humid and hot with the occasional raining on and off during some days.

Should I repot it in a bigger pot? I'm not sure if it is real bonsai soil since we got it online but it does drain when I did water it. I heard that you should only water it when it becomes dry, would twice a day be too much?

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It was probably stressed from the change in location and improper watering. The brown spots are dead and won't get better. If the new leaves are healthy, that is all that matters.
https://www.bonsaitreegardener.net/how-t ... per-bonsai
https://www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic/p ... c2056.html

Junipers are not the best bonsai for beginners who keep their plants indoors. Junipers are cold hardy and really need to be outside. If you are a beginner bonsai who keeps outside bonsai, Junipers and ficus are among the easiest plants to grow. If you are growing indoor bonsai, dwarf schefflera, jade, ficus, fukien tea (carmoma). Even indoor bonsai need to have good light and even better water management.

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That would make sense. That's sad, that's about half of the bonsai right now. How would I go about taking care of the dead spots? Should I leave it as is and just continue to water it?

You say "improper watering", does that mean I shouldn't wait until semi dry and water it twice a day?

The best bet I can do right now is to check the roots to see if there is any rot, correct?

Sorry for so many questions. I just want to take care of this bonsai and allow it to grow to its potential. I do understand that this Juniper is meant for outdoors which is why I have it outside of my window. As stated previously, I don't have a backyard in which I can place this bonsai.

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NO, I was not really suggesting you should water it twice a day, only that it would be possible if it were in direct hot sun and free draining soil to need that much. An east facing window probably only gets a few hours of morning sun a day, so that isn't the issue. The guideline is still water when it needs it, when the top part of the soil is starting to dry out a little.

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Oh I see. I understand, sorry for the misunderstanding!

In your opinion what should I do? I'm unsure on what step to take to ensure my bonsai doesn't die.
I only water it when the soil is starting to dry out and I do keep it in direct sunlight for at least 2-3 hours. It doesn't seem to have any pests from what I can tell. Any other reason for it to be turning brown? Could it be that it needs a bigger pot?

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