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Bonsai Ficus losing its green leaves on season change


Like somone else who just posted a similar issue, we also bought in april a Ficus Microcarpa Bonsai.
We are keeping it indoor, no change in position, the apartment is east oriented.
Since we bought it until the beginning of September everything was perfect. From the beggining of September leaves started to drop (most of them are green), process which still continues. Also it is growing new leaves, but not to the same rate.

I suspect that change of the temperature in the room (from maybe 25 - 27 C (celsius) during hot summer days to 22 - 23 now), combined with the change in light outside (although orientation is east) is the cause?

If so, do you recommend us to increase the temperature in the apartment? And/or to move it near the window, to get more light (on some forums I read is not advisable to keep it near the window). Or to buy a lamp for it? Is it recommended to use water sprinkler for leaves to keep humidity (on forums some recommend, some are against especially saying it is useless...).

I attached pictures with the position, leaves, before and currently.

Thank you,

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It isn't the temperature, room temperature for you is fine for your tree. Raising the temp would make it dry out faster and make things worse. It is the light. Ficus is sensitive to changes in light and readily drops its leaves. This isn't a seasonal thing. Ficus is evergreen and in the appropriate conditions will stay green year around.

Yes you need to get a lamp for it-- something that shines directly on it from not very far away.

I always found that my house plants benefitted from misting. This is not "sprinkling," it is a very fine mist that just increases the humidity. Our houses with heating or air conditioning are very dry.

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It is probably because of the decreased light from shorter days and a different angle of the sun. If they room is comfortable for people to stay in without heavy clothing it is probably comfortable enough for the tree. It gets down to the low 50's and my outside bonsai do fine. A light would help.

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