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What could these bugs be?

I have in my garden, two types of beans, herbs and tomatoes. I noticed that everything was thriving EXCEPT my beans. They’re watered well, fertilized and I’ve never had a problem growing beans before.
They started to get very pale yellow, edges were browning, growth was stunted and I could see something was eating it as there were holes, but couldn’t see what.
Tonight I decided I’d get rid of some of the leaves and saw the undersides had tons of these tiny bright green bugs. They move fast, and I saw what looked like an adult one that hopped when I touched it. They aren’t touching my tomatoes or herbs YET, but what can I use to get rid of them?
I have diatomaceous earth.

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Could you post some photos? Whole plant, above and underside of affected leaf, etc. simplest, you could just spray and Knick them off with water to start with. DE is universal. Lets ID before killing them.

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