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Small Japanese Maples

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:06 pm
by CherA
Hello, I'm new to the forum, my name is Cher.
I purchased two Japanese Maples a few years back perhaps 2005, but they never grew to their expected height and widths... 4 by 5 or 5 by 5 feet..they are inside an area of shrubs and don't get sun all day only in the am..I wonder if that is why? Or maybe it is just that the variety is not what it should have been.
I don;t know wht to do with them. I don;t know if I have the names of their varieties any longer. they were purchased from a catalog company.
Any ideas on what do do with them? I have no idea if they would be good to plant in this "hole" I have dug that was supposed to be a pond and waterfall until my money was all stolen..all of it...and plans for that laid to rest.. If I can ever make that work in the future I will. But wold they be good in such an area if we make the pond there? Or are they for stricly soil only?
I live in Massachusettes near Atlantic ocean not on it. I don't know where teh heck to use these as accent plants but if that is suggested I will find someplace or else maybe find a place to trade them. Would they grow in this area out of doors in pots? Thanks for any advice. Question away, please if you need moer info. Cher A
PS These are appx 2.5 to 3 feet high or so very small

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:03 pm
by Piet Patings
Hello Cher,
Well without names (or photo's) it is hard to tell. There is such a tremendous variety in Japanese Maples.
Most of them are slow growing. I have two in my garden (Acer Palmatum xx), one is over 25 years old but still not the size you suggest. So this slow growth my very well be typical for the species. And yes it very much depends on the conditions like soil, sun, rain etc.

Putting them in a hole sounds like a bad idea. They need to be kept moist but in a hole I guess they will get far too wet.
I suggest you have a look on the Internet if you are able to determine the name of your species.

Re the Japanese Mapless (tiny ones)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:44 pm
by CherA
Hi Roger,
These were purchased at Gurney's I believe, so I can look it up easily enough. It is about 4 yrs old now perhaps five. I may be able to provide that info as well.
One of them is now drying up and turning whihte; this is a new thing. The soil they are in holds moisture. I have to check to see how much sunlihgt and what type they need. It is likely they aren't receiving enough light, but I can't belivel I woud be stupid enough t put them in na place they don;t want to be.
Gee, I'll say that IS slow growing all right! I love these but they look more like large bonzai than trees. Acer Palmatum, I think kis the name of the one you have? I am familiar with that name and I t may be the same one. Eitheer that or it was on the same page as there were several.
The catalog doesn;t change much over time, and I can easily send a pic. so I will provide more info for you. SOrry about that. Cher
PS I didn't mean to imp;y I would want to put them in that hole; goodness, that hole I s huge. LOL No, I meant for surrounding plants, surroundingn theh raea of the pool and waterfall to be...hopefully. G

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:26 pm
by yama
You live not too far. I am in Salem ,Mass.
There are many kind of maples, some grow fist ,some don't. Blood good grow fist and Yamamomiji as well.( Japanese name is Noda momiji, Japanese don't like word of blood on plants)

Some ile half shade. some take full sun. most J maple can take wet soil where other plants may not do well. You have not mentioned how you feed the maple. soil condition or other enviroment condition.
In general, maple has delicate burk, you have to not injure burk.
During winter, you should protect trunk and ground from cold dry air.. suden drop of tempreture some time split burk . heavy snow may split branch so that you should make branch suport as well.
fisrt 3 years or so the tree's roots are taking good chunk of enegy, once tree roots are established , above ground start grow more. You should feed the tree acording size of tree, need of tree nutrition for maximum grow. type of fertilizer makes big difference between poor and best growth.
Before leaf out, roots are already active. so time roots are up taking water and nutrition. soil have to have fertilizer. eraly fall apply P and K fertilizer and avoid nitrogen fertilizer.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:33 pm
by CherA
Hi, Sorry it took me so long to get this posts sent. Have been exposed to mold in my ac unit and have been very ill.
You are very cloes; you are right on the water however in some areas wherheasw I have to travel a little to get to the ocean, about two mins. LOL
Salem is an incredible town, full of history and mystery but like our town, it is changing fast or rather growiing.
This Japanese maple is an Acer Palmatum I am sure of it but I will double check. It is growing under all of the requirementns youmentioned except thata I am using Miracle Grow that I use for most of the florals and vegetables. My budget is not whatit was due to theft of our money, so I hope that I can care for everything in the future.
My Acer has moist soil, gets mulched, gets am sun, and has a hedge of about 3' surrounding it. Tht may be posing a problem, maybe not if you are right and it will start spreading more. It seemed to start to grow at maybe the age of two or three then stopped. I figured that was it.
Yess they arer quite beautiful. I am however disappointed that it didn't grow faster to a larger size. I meant it as a feature within the hedges in the front of my house on both the right and left side on sidwalk.
If it never takes growth I am perplexed at what to do with it but since you say it is a slow grower I wll be ptient and not worrry. I;ll try to get it fertililizer that it needs if I have anything here. I have acidic fertilzers for rhodedendrons and azeleas etc and fertilizer for roses...might have one more formula perhaps two of Miracle grow so will check that out.
I wonder why it doesn;t need the nitrogen at all. evidently it gets sufficient amts from environment. Veryinteresting fact and helpful as well.l Thanks so much for that and all the info.
I was thinking of putting one, a larger one in my yard on the lawn in the future. I have a brick two story and think it woud look great.
My post got deleted twice so I better send this onee off before it disappers as well! It will be a great gardening day tomorow guys. Cher

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:20 am
by yama
Hi CherA
Reason why you don't feed nitrogen.
During gorwing season, late winter/ early spring to fall plants/tree need nitrogen, but toward to winter, P. K help to plants/trees strength, durability.
egg shell. fryed chikin parts , meat waste , animal fat, any fish waste, all waste after your dinner use as fertilizer. Even your pee can be use as fertizer.
You can cook egg shell in microwave oven for 2 minuts or so, cranble egg shell with finger, Dryed egg shell won't smell and easy to make and apply. two egg shell should be enought for 3 gal to 7 gal potted plant.

all bone of fryed chiken or roasted chiken, meat waste need to cook with hight pressure cooker. all bone become soft and easy to make bones into small pieces. any liquid while cooking also can use as liquid fertilizer.
If you have animal fat, cook it and extraxt oil and after extract oil pree reminder of fat make it like cake. fat cake need time make it fermantate.
6 month or so. you can use it as slow release fertilizer. oil can make into soap.

I keep my pee in 5 gal bucket with top and add any fertilizer I have /little bit of everything, lime, sulfer, ironite , 6-6-6, bone meal, etc when use it my miracle grow fertilizer :roll: dilute it about 10 time of water. It works.

suden chenge of tempreture cause tree bark split often. 4 inch wide or 6 inch wide burlap help to protect bark split. also cover ground arond tree with pine straw, weat straw ,etc.

I live near Salem state college( Now it is state unvercity) only few blocks from the univercity.
Happy gardening.

Yama, I wishI ate some of those foods for the trees. G

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:40 pm
by CherA
Yama, I don't eat animals generally, nothign with a heart or brain except I will eat fish. I don;t eat added fats, white sugar, flour, even wheat flour or soy except occassional soy milk as it is free sometimes.
BUT I do have cuttle bone for the birds. I wonder if I scraped it like I often do for them and sprinkle over their foods...would it be good sprinskled over the soil under the little trunks if you can call them tiny like a half inch in diameter..?
I no longer have the money to buuy special stuff because of my money was stolen from a safety deposit box right at the bank and it is not insured. It was my moms money but I had it under my name while she was in hoppital and never chgned it yet. I ws going to. OMG things that happen in this world.
So just so yo do not think I am cheap. I used to spend thousands every single year on plants, bulbs, you name it for my floral garden, now I also have two vegie gardens. bbut what I am concerend about are the trees. I am managieng everything else.
These Japanese maples are gorgeous aern't they? Do you have large ones? I used to go to Salem State Colleg of Nursing. I already had two med degrees tho so decied to go to work. I am familiar with lots of the big old homes there,just gorgeous. I love it there.
Anyway, I won;t use my own urine since I am on alot of medication (chronically ill) so what else can I use? Can I jsut use the iracle grow only make it a little stronger than 10% And I have cuttle which is loed with calcium...I wonder if bird pellets may be ok but we have mice adn rats around here so we can't put food out. Its a huge mistake when I do put any food near the house and these two aer next to my house on one side, the bushes are on the sides and other front,house basement wallin back. I just figured that if they hadn't grown significantly in 5 yrs they would never. gurneys does make mistakes wiht their trees mostly quite often. I won't get into that now.
Bone meal, I guess we'll have to get some bone meal, my friend Steve will get some for me I am sure. How will that do? Cher

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:18 pm
by yama
You don't eat meat ,egg ,fish, you can buy it for your plants. If you go to Ebisuya or H- mart. you will find dryed fifish, dryed serdine 1/2 to 3 inch. that makkes good fertilizer. Organich ferterlizer take more labor to make and apply. and much expensive than chemical fertilizer. Organic fertlizer has many befit which Chemical fertiler cannot provde. Chemical fertilizier have it's benefit organic fertilizer cannot provide.
Useing egg shell, fryed chiken , broiled chicken can makes good ferlizer.
No matter how rich you are, useing chiken born and waste have economical value..( it is green way)
It was my 2 cents. use or not use is up to you. :)

Chicken bone etc as opposed to bone meal Yama

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:11 pm
by CherA
Hi Yama,
So you think that the fresh bones are better than teh actual pulverized bone meal? Cher

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:30 am
by yama
Fresh bone is not good for many reasons.
What I wrote is that you can cook chiken bone in small pressure cooker,afteer presured ckiken bone become soft enough to make it into small pieces by your hand. Commercial bone meal is cooked in large boiler tank and use kiline to dry. Process is similar to commercial bone meal. Cow bone is toobig and it is not practical to use small presure cooker to process. by product of making bone meal can be dog food and other use. After give pressured big cow bone in large tank, you can tap with small hammer and make it into small peices.

Many things around our life can be use for fertilizer but many peoples don't know it. when you go to beach, take a buket or two, collect sea weeds and use it for your plant as fertilizer. It is vegitalian's fertilizer :D
Also you can eat it.


Yama fertilizers sea weed etc

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:49 am
by CherA
Good idea, I must have missed half of it. I like the idea of seaweed as we live near the ocean and it gives me an excuse to get out and go there. At certain times there is so much of it! Must I do anything to it like dry it in sun? Will it attract files? I have those from fallen tomatoes. Are they good for the gardens? Should we mix into the soil when we dig up the tomato plants or will they be moldy? Cher

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:14 pm
by yama
Hi Cher
700 pm or hiher of salt injure plants. Some can take much higher solt content. So you have to revove/reduce salt from seaweed.
After you pick up seaweed, soak in fresh watre and rinse of salt. You may be need to rinse two or tree times. you can use sea weed as mulch and fertitizer, it will reease nutrition slowly on ground. If you chop off and mix with soil, micro organizume break sea weed and improve soil structure.


Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:52 pm
by rainbowgardener
I'm sure there are lots of things you could fertilize your Japanese maple with, rather than asking a vegetarian to pressure cook chicken for the garden!

I'm a vegetarian, no meat, no fish, a little bit of dairy products. I would never buy a dead chicken for my garden!

Cher ... do you compost? If you keep a compost pile, your finished compost dug in around the tree would likely be all it would need.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:43 am
by yama
Chiken meat are consumed by human. Live chiken is hard to cook. 8)
After many peoples enjoy chiken diner , waste can be use as fertilizer to make vegitable to grow well, not only J maple.
Just matter of time, Milking cow no longer productive, milking cow become meat to serve peoples and the cow's bone go back to garden. That is just simple economy. :roll:
You guys helping vegitable growers. I am helping ranchers and brolier farmers and I thank all animals and vegetable before I eat it.
( Vegetable may have sprit and may able to feel)
I did not know Cher is vegetalian. She/he did asked me diference between factory made bone meal and home made chiken bone fertilizer.
Next time before answer question(s) or give sugestion, I will ask he/she is vegitalian or not. If anyone who is/are vegitalian, you can help them. :) Have a wonderful day.

Fertilizers continued

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:17 pm
by CherA
Well, NI try to be vegetarian. I don't consume meat and do not lilke to consume anything with heart or brains but will eat fish. I hardy eat anything at all ass very fussy; no meats, once in a while chicken only due to financial situation and illness, but my birds eat th ebones. I will not eat whiteit fclour, sugar, added salt, sugar, etc etc I try to do thihngs organically bu thave alot ot learrn.
I am not only interested ini fertilizingn the Japanese maples but other things too. My one Japanese maple mini is definately dying out with whiithee branches on tops. I know it is in area thta is nice and moist. The other one on other side of steps, is also surrounded by hedges, is doing mnarelously. Kind of odd. As I said we haveh a massive mice and rodent problem here due not only to cemetaries but to restaurants etc. so must be very careful about putting any food outside. Hope this helps. Che