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Azomite anyone?

I got this Azomite trace minerals...Anyone know about this stuff? They said at the garden place, Sunny Side Garden Center to just mix it in to the soil surface of the planted pepper.... So I might try this with some plants, no way I can do it with all 320 plants, transplanting more today....The box says 0-0-0.2 I have these organic pellets that I have been mixing into the soil of some when I transplant them. It says on the bag of those pellets " 7% calcium" So I am assuming thats good? I got a 50 pound bag of those pellets for $14.00 from my one garden center where he is strictly organic.

Also.....Am I the only one who talks to there plants when they transplant them or just goes for random walks through their plants to admire the ones that are doing really well?

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I got some granite dust. Kinda does the same thing as Azomite. I have heard different things about it. Some people praise it and others say that it does not benefit the soil that much. You could get the same results cheaper using compost.

I talk to my plants too.

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I think sane people talk to their plants. People who are insane do not, they think why would you talk to your plants....

I am not convinced on the Azomite, I will try it next year on a test group of plants see how that goes.

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I’ve never tried Azomite — I believe it’s mined in Utah or just generally in the Rockies. I suspect granite dust from Vermont/New England region is a closer source for me and my garden and generally serve the same purpose.

Dolomitic Lime varies in source, and micronutrients.

Overall, I suspect difference will be dramatic if any one or other if these can supply essential micronutrient that is lacking and/or adjust the pH to more suitable range.

I had a surprise appreciation of the possibilities when I built a white themed “rock garden” by clearing a patch of lawn and pouring underlayment of marble chip pebbles and then two more layers of different sized marble chip gravel and stones along with arrangement of rocks … and suddenly saw dramatic changes in surrounding plants.

I filled each of the bags the marble chips came in with water and used to water other plants and observed changes too.

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