Greener Thumb
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NPK mnemoniK

I often have a small struggle to recall whether the K in NPK is for 'Khosphorus' or 'Kotassium.' So I now mentally replace NPK with easy-to-remember NBA: Nitrogen, Bonemeal & Ashes. :) The nitrogen comes from my grass-& weeds-fed compost.

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In order to remember what each macronutrient does I was told that NPK corresponds to Shoots (N), Fruits (P) and Roots (K).

Shoots are the green portions like the stems and leaves. Fruits are structures for reproduction like flowers, buds and fruit (obviously). Roots are just that, the root structure that uptakes nutrients and water from the soil.

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I guess I never had the problem remembering NPK, because they are all symbols on the periodic table of elements. K is the symbol for potassium on the table of elements. It stands for Kalium, which stands for alkali, and is related to the Arabic al-qalyah or plant ashes.

I haven't needed mneumonics either but both the pneumonics you came up with work well in describing the main function of what the elements do, or the principle organic sources you would use for those elements.

Nitrogen for leaves and shoots, phosphorus for fruits and flowers. I always asscociated with potassium with general health but it is true that potasssium is needed for good root development especially in root crops.

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catdaddy66 wrote:
Sat Mar 19, 2022 4:28 pm
In order to remember what each macronutrient does I was told that NPK corresponds to Shoots (N), Fruits (P) and Roots (K).

Shoots are the green portions like the stems and leaves. Fruits are structures for reproduction like flowers, buds and fruit (obviously). Roots are just that, the root structure that uptakes nutrients and water from the soil.
Just saw that I got the last two nutrients backwards! Phosphorus is for ROOTS and potassium is for FRUITS!! Sorry for that bit of wrong information... So, to clarify, it's SHOOTS (N), ROOTS (P) and FRUITS (K)!

That is all.

Greener Thumb
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Location: Port Alberni, B.C. Canada, Zone 7 (+?)

Reminds me of the book "Eats shoots and leaves" - is it about pandas or a killer in a fast food place?

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Actually, I give my root crops extra potassium. My phosphorus is already off the charts. It does actually help produce better root crops. It also helps to cut the nitrogen for root crops too.

Michigan did a phosphorus study years ago I think around 2000. The conclusion was that it was the relative lack of nitrogen rather than the high phosphorus that increased bloom. Too much nitrogen favored plant vegetative growth and expansion of keiki over blooming. Phosphorus and potassium are immobile elements so they are best incorporated into the soil in the beginning rather than added on top later.

To improve my root crops which do terribly in my main garden, I add extra potassium to root crops in pots. It has improved the size of the roots. I don't have to add much because the potassium I am using is 0-0-60. Muriate of potash. I am switching to sulfate of potash. I don't need the acidity, but the chloride in the muriate of potash is not good for the soil in the long run. Sulfate of potash is not as strong. It is 0-0-22, but I still won't have to add that much.

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