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Galvanized Raised Beds

I am making a couple of raised beds using window wells. They are made of galvanized steel and I am hearing from some folks that I should cover them with fabric or black plastic to keep the zinc from getting into my vegetables. Some are saying it's not necessary. Thoughts??? :?:

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I think it’s not so much zinc as some form of lead ...maybe used in the joints or in the plating. Some cheaper galvanization is inferior and comes off or wear off, allowing the base metal to rust and that can be a problem, too.

Better quality stock tanks, etc. seem to have no issues? Tho I always wondered what happens when holes are drilled for drainage.

I’m curious,too. Hope more folks pitch in with suggestions and recommendations.

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They don't have a bottom, so I am adding hardware cloth on the ground to keep the voles from climbing in, adding sticks, leaves, etc. before I add the soil. I am thinking of using tulle to cover the steel instead of black plastic. Thanks for responding applestar! :)

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We have used several galvanized stock watering tanks for both vegetables and flowers/herbs for several years with great success. The large tanks were found on local farms where the bottoms rusted out so no holes had to be drilled. The bottom third is oak logs covered by window screening and both native soil and potting mix as the growing medium. The flower/herb tank is new and had drain holes already in place so we removed the caps. The welds are not lead so no worries there.

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Great! Thanks for responding Paul F - glad to see I made a good choice! :)

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I don’t have all the facts for you, but it is my understanding that galvanized contains lead and the stuff chips off. I wouldn’t take the risk.
Those pictures are nice. I don’t want to be a party pooper, but I have heard alot of bad about galvanized as in galvanized water pipes.
I might do some research on this sometime. It could be that the newer stuff isn’t as toxic as the older stuff.
I don’t know how lead affects plants. Do they absorb some of it?

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