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Guava Plant/Tree Issues

Hi experts

I've two guava plants in a container.
In Guava 1: leaves turned to yellow with green veins even new leaves have same issue. Second old leaves curling downward.
In Guava 2: New leaves are curling with brown spots but old leaves is perfectly fine.

Is it Iron deficiency or Magnesium deficiency?
How to resolve these issues organically?

Waiting for your helpful reply.

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What are you using for soil? Did you have these in the same pots last year? did you add any compost etc to the soil this season?

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1) No both are in different containers.
2) Both are planted in garden soil and compost mixture.
3) Guava1 is more than 3 years old & Guava2 is more than 2 years old.
4) Both containers are full of roots so there's no space in there to add some compost so I add following liquid fertilizer twise or thrice a week:
a) Cotton oil cake.
b) Fermented fruit juice

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iskhan wrote:
Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:19 am
1) No both are in different containers.
2) Both are planted in garden soil and compost mixture.
3) Guava1 is more than 3 years old & Guava2 is more than 2 years old.
4) Both containers are full of roots so there's no space in there to add some compost so I add following liquid fertilizer twise or thrice a week:
a) Cotton oil cake.
b) Fermented fruit juice
It does sound like they are both pot-bound if the containers are “full of roots” They are probably in need of uppotting or at least root pruning. I don’t know when the best timing would be — but typically while dormant. Some plants will handle root-pruning during growing season well.

When root-filled, often dried out, hydrophobic interior develops in the rootball so you need to make sure to COMPLETELY soak then drain well when watering.

Pot bound means they will need frequent fertilizing — preferably with every or every-other watering but diluted to 1/2 or 1/4. Oil cake as well as fermented juice can be pretty strong, especially with no compost to buffer the roots. Are you diluting the fermented juice before applying?

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1) 5-10ml fermented juice in 1.5ltr of water.
2) 250gm of Cotton oil cake in 3ltr water and keep adding water until all oil cake juice extracted.

Kindly explain following in detail for my understanding & knowledge.
1) Explain dormant and how can I find Guava dormant period?
2) In roots pruning Do I prune all thick roots and leave thin roots?
3) Why one plant's leaves trun to yellow and curling? And others new leaves brown spotted as I showed in my images?

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I removed all coil roots from my Guava1 plants and filled with new soil with compost and put it in a shady area. But now all the old leaves are dropped and new leaves sprouting but 50% are still same as I posted image1.
Is it normal? or I need to some thing else?

In my Guava2 plant there is not root bounding so what will I do for brown edges leaves problem as shown in image4.

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Have these plants been inside and then moved outside recently?

Your locations says Karachi, is that Pakistan? Their weather report looks warm. I have no experience growing guavas but it may be too hot and that is stressing the plant.

I found this article that may help. ... leaves.htm

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These plants are outside since they are seedling.
Yes, I'm living in Karachi, Pakistan. Now a days temperature 35C/36C and humid.
It's more then 3 years so why now temperature effects them?

And what about the other one which only new leaves' edges turning brown?

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